Politics and Religion

Trump, by character, is an obscurantist
LasVegan 673 reads
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will NOT release his tax returns.  He comingled some of his income with his charitable foundation, in an attempt to avoid paying taxes on that income.  Guess what, AFTER he loses the election, the IRS will be coming after him  now for sure.  That portion of his income still IS taxable!

His illegal efforts to avoid paying taxes may have been kept a secret from us, but the IRS will soon be HOT on his trail.  Of course, get ready, he will say the IRS is corrupt and coming after him.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  That seems to be his canned answer for everything.

What a corrupt, idiot!  And he had he nerve to insult the other republican candidates who stood on stage, next to him, during the primary debates?  Amazing, simply amazing!

News after November 2016, stay tuned!

GaGambler 234 reads
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The IRS ALREADY has his returns, do you really think some armchair quarterback is really going to find evidence of a crime that the IRS has not found after all these decades.

You sound about as smart as Harry Reid who tried the same crap with Mitt Romney only to be proven wrong when Romney did release his returns.

It's pretty obvious why Trump is not releasing his returns and only a moron would think it was because it would expose some kind of criminal activity. There are two VERY good and not too flattering reasons Trump would choose not to reveal his returns. One is that he paid nothing, or next to nothing in taxes, not illegal but VERY embarrassing politically. Two is that he is as cheap as Joe Biden where it comes to charitable contributions, also not a crime, but equally as embarrassing considering who and what he is.

Up until recently I did not believe that stupidity was contagious, after reading a few of your and Jake's posts of late, I am beginning to rethink that belief. Up until now, I have considered you rather misguided, naïve, and a bit foolish at times, but not stupid, after this post and a few others, this too is an opinion of mine I may need to rethink.

borabora 15 Reviews 167 reads
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Of course, besides being a racist, bigot, and a hatemonger.

LasVegan 191 reads
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the compliment and for "biting" at my metaphor.

When you can ignore all that Trump has done to cheat people just to put a few bucks in his own pocket, when you can ignore all the lies he has told, when you can be oblivious to his lack of business acumen, when you can accept his bigotry, when you selectively forget about his hypocrisy, when you can.........and still end up voting for such an obvious psycho.  Now that truly says a lot about stupidity.

I heard his next plan is to have Asians no matter how long they have been citizens, deported!  Well, maybe not true, but pretty close to as stupid as many of the things he stands for.  What do they call an Asian who acts like a white/semi white supremacist wanna be?

I don't know either but am pretty sure you are about to tell me

JakeFromStateFarm 180 reads
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It's just hilarious how you call others stupid when you support one of the most transparent dummies ever to run for office.  He makes Jerry Ford look like Einstein, while you make yourself look like this guy

brooks5 177 reads
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GaGambler 180 reads
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Stupidity really is contagious.

Do any of you really believe that Trump, a fucking billionaire under constant audit by the IRS, has NOT filed his tax returns with the IRS? No wonder you people are stupid enough to support Hillary Clinton.

My God, you people are fucking obtuse, enjoy the debates. If your heroine does as well as you Hillary supporters just did collectively, I don't imagine there is any sense in even having the election, and we might as well crown Trump king tonight.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 158 reads
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...if he has NOT filed his taxes and when he does, if he doesn't owe any taxes, what would the penalty be?  If he's due a refund, isn't it true that there's no penalty for not filing?

Another question - is Trump really being audited?  If so, why hasn't he simply shown the audit letter from the IRS?  That doesn't reveal anything other than he's actually being audited.

JakeFromStateFarm 117 reads
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we all are certain you're stupid.  Welcome back.

GaGambler 135 reads
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He has been audited (to borrow a Laffyism) a gazillion times. The penalty for not filing would run into the millions of dollars.

As for him being audited, he is under the very same microscope as Hillary Clinton, if he were NOT being audited it would be all over the front page.

Now for the bad news. Hillary is not only holding her own tonight, but at about the halfway point of the debate, I have her actually ahead tonight. She hasn't changed my mind, and I would vote for just about anyone other than Bernie Sanders for POTUS ahead of her, but even after opening my second bottle of wine, AND as much as I hate to admit it, she is doing pretty well tonight. I wonder if anybody objective will agree? Personally I don't care what Planet Stupid has to say, but I am interested if anybody with even the least bit of objectivity is seeing the same thing I am tonight.

JakeFromStateFarm 123 reads
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I've seen Donald worse and I've seen Hillary better.  All in all, she's doing marginally better, but she was stronger against Bernie.  Meanwhile, Donnie's making a lot of mis-statements that will show up on the Lie-O-Meter.

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 10:17:15 PM

GaGambler 182 reads
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A mistake I thought a pitch man/Reality TV show star would never make.

Unfortunately I think Trump needs to be Trump to win, and a LOT of people don't like the "real" Trump, probably even more than don't like the "real" Hillary

GaGambler 113 reads
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and I suppose once I watch the rest of the debate tomorrow, I will agree that Trump stunk up the place tonight.  

I still have the rest of tonight, and the rest of a REALLY good bottle of rum, to convince myself he did a great job tonight.  

Yeah I know, I am going to be VERY disappointed in the morning when I watch the tape, sober no less.  

and yes, he did make a couple of true statements,  

but he still majorly stunk up the place tonight.

JakeFromStateFarm 121 reads
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They reverted to early 2015 form yesterday and really stunk the joint up.  So did Trump and he will look just as ugly tomorrow when you're hung over as he did tonight when you're drunk.
On CNN they had a focus group of 20 undecided Florida voters and 18 of them said Clinton won.
The CNN poll had it 62% to 27%.

followme 191 reads
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have one hell of a circle jerk in the thread above.

While on TV hannity is kissing trumps ass and maddow is tossing hillwhories salad.
What's new.....

anyway I hope the lefties have a good time jacking  each other off in the above thread

brooks5 199 reads
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is like being called ugly by a frog

do you EVEN read your own drivel?

geez, man
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
we all are certain you're stupid.  Welcome back.

JakeFromStateFarm 129 reads
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There are few righties who can match your posts for nasty stupidity.  You add nothing here beyond those two commodities.
No wonder you were banned.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 106 reads
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...They don't have the balls to post in a thread so they post about that thread in a different thread to hide like a coward because they're not men, they're little punks.

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