Politics and Religion

An Abortionist Defends His Industry.
sappybullfighter 2170 reads

Behind the thin wall of excuses used by the "pro-choice" proponents of abortion ("allows women to determine their own destiny," "allows people to plan their family according to their schedule," "removes the coercive effect of male domination over a woman's control of her own body," "it is not human until ------," ad nauseum) to justify the ongoing holocaust that has successfully murdered 55 million never to be Americans, lie the ugly facts associated with the procedure itself; insert knife, liquify contents of skull, remove knife, insert vacumn cleaner nozzle, suck out gelatinous, lumpy baby slunk, repeat as necessary.

It is therefore somewhat refreshing to hear the non-euphemistic truth as uttered by a captain within the abortion industry.  Dr. Ashutosh Virmani, an abortionist and active political donor (to Democrats, 'natch) was recently recorded on video defending his industry (The research group Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) estimated that the total annual cost of all abortions performed in the United States is around $980 million. While most abortions are on a private pay basis, there are a few government contracts provided to abortion clinics. Planned Parenthood, for example, receives about $270 million annually from government funded grants), when he was confronted by an inquisitive group of anti-abortion demonstrators.  

What did the good doctor have to offer by way of a justification for abortion?  Dr. Virmani said that America needs his skill to "rid the world of ugly black babies."  


Wasn't that special?

At least he was honest about it.  Abortion was originally started as an adjunct to the eugenics movement, which got a dirty name after Adolf and his boys went ass over ape shit to go for the whole, unadorned Eugenics program in such a big way during double-you double-you two.  Since then, your run of the mill eugenicist has had to be rather more circumspect about the aims and goals of the program.  If the whole cat were ever let out of the bag (f'rinstance, the sainted founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger was a rabid racist.  Some of her more memorable quotes include:

"Blacks, immigrants and indigents are human weeds, reckless breeders spawning... human beings who never should have been born."

"The purpose in promoting birth control was to create a race of thoroughbreds."

''The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.")

some of the peskier aspect of the industry might be called into question by too many of their victims.

Priapus53329 reads

talking about millions of worthless/lazy individuals who shouldn't be "on the dole"& being able to get a job. IF abortion had been illegal over last 40 years ,thousands if not MILLIONS more of "unwanted individuals" on these "welfare/entitlement" programs, which would make Mein even more apoplectic than he is now.

From his posting history we know that Mein is a "deeply religious hobbyist" ( an oxymoron ) which leads me to this hypotheis : If he "shtupped a hooker" the rubber broke & the provider became pregnant, ya think he'd wanna keep the baby ? What would "God tell him to do" ?

Google "irony" "hypocrite" & "Elmer Gantry".

GaGambler219 reads

It's damn tough not being labeled a racist nowadays.

You do realize that this very weak leap of logic makes you sound like a right wing version of Daffy, don't you? Well except for the lack of yelling of course.

Personally I support abortion up to and including the 150th trimester.

Liberals (like Pri and, sometimes you) are never more sanctimonious than when denouncing “racism.” Yet the most explicitly racist organization imaginable-Planned Parenthood is given a free pass by the likes of you both when they set-up their "you rape 'em-we scrape 'em" clinics in black neighborhoods.

Half of the black children conceived in this country are aborted before reaching our world, and they are aborted at levels nearly three times their demographic representation.  

The left is fulfilling Margaret Sanger’s vision of systematically exterminating blacks, which is precisely what made her so attractive to the KKK in her own lifetime and to Democrats like Pelosi and Obama who are the modern champions of Sanger's racism in a disguised form.  Even stranger is the fact that Barack Obama, who garnered 95% of the black vote in 2008, has since wholeheartedly shown an unwholesome devotion to a practice that proves uniquely destructive to black Americans.

Who's the racist?

GaGambler251 reads

Blacks are not only growing in actual numbers in this country, but as a percentage of the population as well.

Don't you think it would have been easier to create a new, more deadly form of sickle cell anemia, you know kind of like a modern day version of what the white settlers did to the indians with small pox and just wipe them niggers en masse, rather than abort them  one at a tine.? That sure sounds like a more efficient way to do it, and it would make one hell of a lot better conspiracy theory. rofl

Priapus53248 reads

OK, this has been previously tagged as "cheap shot" from me, but couldn't resist----:)

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 9:21:04 AM

Social Darwinist?  Where the hell did you come up with that?  I have never claimed to be either a Social Darwinist, a 'deeply religious hobbyist,' neither have I ever talked about "millions of worthless/lazy individuals" nor any of the other crap you seem to enjoy pulling out of your ass.
There was at least one correct fact in what you have posted in this thread-you are inordinately fond of taking cheap shots.  Your hypothetical caused me to remember a several long ago-digested chunks of grade school doggeral that I learned long before I knew you.  It goes,

Your daddy was a pimp,
Your mother was a whore,
and you wouldn't be here,
if the rubber hadn't tore.

I learned this about the same time that these deathless bits of classic poetry were seared into my brain,

I was riding down the highway doin' 90 miles an hour,
when the chain on my bicycle broke!
I was found in the grass,
with a sprocket up my ass,
and my left nut punctured by a spoke.


When I die,
bury me,
hang my balls on the cherry tree,
When they're ripe,
take a bite,
don't blame me if you die that night.

I bring up these useless bits to illustrate a point.  Your posts, like the above-detailed teen doggeral tend to be vapid and totally without any redeeming value.  Anyone who happens to read through them will become somewhat more stupid for having done so.  

                                 YOUR PROBLEM IS OBVIOUS!

Eichmann, as in Adolph?  You may be familiar with him-the former camp commandant of Auschwitz.  During his trial in which he famously sat in a glass booth, it was brought out that he would frequently complain to his underlings that the pace of extermination in the camp was too slow ("sehr langsam"), and would then think of a new variation to speed things up a bit faster.

I never thought you would stoop so low as to channel Adolph Eighmann.

There is world of difference between "hate & disagree". One shuts the door and the other leaves the door cracked for debate. Of course, I am talking about normal people and not ideologues and wing nuts.

...maybe we should go back to treating women as 2nd class citizens, like they do in India. They don't normally have any problems with abortion at all there. But they will sometimes drown newborn baby girls.

2nd class citizens?  

That would be an improvement over the current treatment women receive at the hands of abortionists, politicians, and "useful idiots" like you.  By their participation in this social system, women are now being treated as 3rd class citizens by the likes of you and other manginas like yourself.  Don't think for a moment that I (or anybody else) is falling for your half-assed attempt to march your starchy straw man through the discussion with that crap about drowning infant Indian girls. I supose that you will next bring up the analogy of bribing men to have vascectomies by rewarding them with a transistor radio (just like in India).

A least, this time you didn't come up with your usual "they aren't humans-they're only insensate fetusues" routine.  Your remarks along this line reveal a staggering amount of ignorance as regards the embryological development of humans ( a rather shocking trait in someone who claims to be a "science freak" like yourself).

I suppose that you are already passing familiar with the process of fertilization which produces a one-celled fertile egg containing genetic information from both the mother and the father.  That egg immediately undergoes a process of rapid cellular division until it forms a "syncytium," a multinuclear conglomeration of many cells, wherein the process of primitive cellular differentation has already occured. In other words, a syncytium has developed to the point that the character and purpose of each cell's potential function and morphology has been determined.  In the human, this process takes slightly less than two weeks post fertilization, to complete.

By this point, the syncythium has implanted itself into the wall of the uterus for 8-12 days and is on the way to its next phase of development.  By the third week, the rudiments of the heart and the central nervous system (CNS) have started to develop.  Because of the development of the CNS, the embryo is capable of feeling and will react to noxious stimulae.  By the 6th week, there is an audible heartbeat, ears, upper and lower limbs are able to be seen per ultrasonography.

Give or take a week, it is around this time that initial thoughts of "I'm late!" occur to the vast majority of women who participate in this process.  This reaction is either one of "Wow!  I'm late," and these are the women who continue trooping along until motherhood intervenes and the eventual pitter-patter of little footies is heard about the house, or the reaction is one of "Oh shit!! I'm late!" in which Roe v. Wade intervenes to produce another painful casualty being flushed down a clinic toilet.

You probably view abortion as a benign and humane way of providing women with a good choice at a difficult time.  May I ask, how many women do you know that have gone through with abortions?  Out of all the women in this category you might know, may I ask you how these women were effected by their decision?  For them was it as simple and emotionally painless as a bowel movement, or were these women reduced to emotional wreckage with long lasting or permanant effects?  May I ask what proportion were in each of those two categories?

Do you believe that inflicting the sort of emotional duress typical of post-abortion scenarios is what it takes to treat women like first-class citizens?

Apparently, the pro-life crowd thinks showing people disgusting photos will win more people to their cause. It only makes me want to puke...ON them.

George Carlin once asked, "Why is it with us, it's a fetus, but with a chicken, it's an omelette?"

You don't see pro-lifers waving signs in front of vet's office saying it's a crime against God to spay and neuter your pet.

Millions of high school students take biology and get to enjoy disecting fetal pigs. Not a fucking peep from the pro-life crowd.

And not a peep from the pro-life crowd once the kid is born. Despite that their Big Book of Bad Ideas tells them that the kid doesn't have a soul until it takes it's first breath (Genesus 2:7).

Isn't it odd that in nations that give women equal rights, women tend to have less children? Gee, ya'd think that passing 7 pounds of flesh through your loins might pose some moderate health risks.

It's usually these same pro-life crowd that are happy to execute prisoners, happy to execute doctors, and happy to execute brown people overseas. Call it, the Sliding Scale of the Sanctity of Life.

What all this boils down to, is that the Pro Life Crowd want to put federal regulations on every vagina in the country (I guess Big Gov't isn't always a bad thing). And the sole reason why they want to do this is to FORCE others to adopt their DELUSIONS.

No way. Not without a little tit for tat. I'd be cool with women giving up the right to control their own reproductive system, so long as EVERY pro-life Jesus Freak in the country bends over, grap their ankles and let's this guy have some fun.

I'm sure they wouldn't complain about this...they'd do ANYTHING to save the life of a baby. Right?

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 2:45:29 PM

not the least of which is the ruining other people's dinner department.  Ru Paul?  Thanks for the visual.

You apparently don't realize this, but that was not a photo of an aborted fetus.  It is a photo (actually, rather famous in some circles) of Samuel Armas.  It was revealed during a routine pre-natal ultrasound that Samuel has severe spina bifida.  I believe that is one condition that many obstetricians end up referring to abortionists.  Samuel's mother did a bit of research and decided, instead to attempt correcting the spina bifida with the then experimental pre-natal repair of the defect while the child was still in utero.  A photographer, Michael Clancy was there to record the details of the operation.  

The operation went very well indeed.  All signs pointed to it having been a good repair.  While the incision was still open, Samuel reached out through the incision and grasped the doctor's finger.  Clancy took the photo you saw, the arm was reinserted into the uterus and the incision was closed.

You can read another version of the same story, here:


Sorry that you're so squeamish about living things, but that isn't really my fault, is it?

                                         Samuel Armas proudly displaying ribbons won for swimming

about where he puts his toy - and I doubt it's in THEIR backsides!

I know that's simplistic in some ways, yet if you look at it in marketing terms, true! People don't do, for long, what they don't want to do, just like they don't continue to buy something they don't find to their liking. The fact that women can make the choice is what makes them 1st class citizens, and the embryo not. The woman is a human being with an awareness of her being; physical, emotional, psychological, whereas an embryo is a potential human being, hence yet to achieve an awareness of any sort of being.

Someone fucked up! Now the woman has to make a choice between two options which she'd rather not make, but must. Who are you to tell her what will be the best choice for her. Yes, I've known women who got an abortion, suffered emotionally for having done so, wonder later about if things could have been different if she delivered and raised the kid, though no one knows if the emotionally suffering would have been less if she did not abort. I also know plenty of women who chose not to abort, and suffered great financial, emotional, psychological and physical hardships.

it was a helluva lot more dangerous. Anyone recall the metal hangers? They weren't used just for hanging up clothes. Anyone recall the back-alley, in secret and badly done "hatchet jobs"? Anyone - even men - want to back to THAT?

$270 million spent where?  If you spent a few minutes actually posting cites for the crap you posted, it will reveal the big black hole in the logic.  But hey- you are not here to argue things like reason or even reality, just that pro-choice is immoral and pro-life is moral.  You want to argue about ripping out little arms from a girl's stomach- but tell me, how old is that fetus' arm in the picture?  What do the red states do as far as support for those who choose not to have an abortion?  If you are against the operation, one can get the pill that will do the job... no scandolous arguments of a razor scrappign things etc etc.   I tihnk the so-called "pro-lifers" would at least want to be sure to care for those actually alive, but their record seems to stop once the mom's determined to have the baby.  Then you just move on to the next "I'm holier than thou" victim.

St. Croix264 reads

"black or white" topics. You are either for or against. I'll will state again the middle of the road view. And that is, I'm OK with Planned Parenthood. What I'm not OK with is federal funding, which is closer to $400M on a yearly basis. This $400M is about 1/3 of Planned Parenthood's operating funding.

Now all the Progressives on this board are going to ask why are you pro Planned Parenthood, but against federal funding. Two reasons, first although I agree with their mission statement (albeit long winded), it needs to be focused on income, those that truly need access for financial reasons. Second, their business model is flawed, but then who am I to expect a "not for profit" entity, or govt agency to be a tad bit more efficient or effective?

Planned Parenthood has over a 1000 locations. Almost as many as Chick-fil-a (lol). One third of their locations are in affluent areas or adjacent to universities. Why? Who the hell in affluent areas doesn't have access or can pay for their type of services? Re universities, who are they targeting? No doubt, thousands upon thousands of teen age girls, who hopefully will be long term customers. There is probably a very good chance these little girls have health care through their parents policy, or can basically get the same services at their fucking university. They all have student health services.

Planned Parenthood does good things. They just need to identify who their target demographic is, and focus on that demographic. They need to close some facilities, maybe open a few more in the inner city, learn how to better price their services, get more donations, and voila, they can get off the federal funding bandwagon, thereby eliminating a contentious debate between the left and the right.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 3:53:10 PM

GaGambler236 reads

but the anti abortionists will still claim that you support the murder of babies. There is no middle of the road with those people.

I tend to agree with you that Planned Parenthood should not be a form of free, post conception birth control for upper and middle class young women, but with all the more serious budgetary concerns with price tags that start with "B's and not "M's" I would prefer to spend the political capital on things that cost us billions. This just isn't that high a priority for me.

St. Croix243 reads

that Planned Parenthood be acquired by private equity and turned into a profit venture. But I would only make that suggestion at a very liberal party, while under the influence, and no chance in hell that I'm going to get laid (lmao).

The majority of people look at issues through an emotional lens. Just look at all the assholes on this board. I just try to find middle ground, and try to remove the contentious emotional piece of the debate. But you're right, the Christian right, and the Progressive Left will never agree on anything, nor compromise on anything.

GaGambler253 reads

but I'd rather make that suggestion at a libby party than suggest that planned parenthood fund even a single abortion at a gathering of "Good Christian Folk"  Of course for me to be at a gathering of Good Christians, I would of necessity be shit faced and it would go without saying that I would have no chance of getting laid.

This is one of the few issues where the righties are the bigger fanatics/nutjobs, Just look at all the contortions that Mein seems to be going through on the subject. It is kind of ironic to hear the lefties arguing to keep the government out of their business, of course the irony is lost on them, none of them will ever see it in themselves.

Your idea to turn Planned Parenthood (PP) into a profit-making venture has already been done.

In 2009, PP conducted 332,278 abortions.  During the same year, PP had 3 million clients, making women receiving an abortion around 10 percent of its total services rendered. For the fiscal year, ending June 2008, PP collected $374.7 million clinic income.  Additionally, PP took in over $1 billion in revenues from all sources in the fiscal year running July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Over a third, nearly $350 million, came in the form of “Government Grants and Contracts”—your tax dollars at work in the circus of sour.

Not such a shabby Prospectus, especially for a "not-for-profit" business.

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