Politics and Religion

True, but can you afford my bar tab?
mattradd 40 Reviews 4195 reads
1 / 59

If Trump does make it to the White House, he may have some "splaining to do" with the men and women in the Armed Services.

GaGambler 617 reads
2 / 59

I still remember in boot camp hearing the drill sergeants yelling at us "you are not here to die for your country, you are here to make the other guy die for his country" Obviously borrowed from George Patton, but still quite true.

Now of course I said IF Trump was a military man, as it is I guess it's just "Trump being Trump"

HONDA 153 Reviews 669 reads
3 / 59

Posted By: mattradd
If Trump does make it to the White House, he may have some "splaining to do" with the men and women in the Armed Services.

ed2000 31 Reviews 751 reads
4 / 59

I'm not aware of anything about his capture or even being shot down that indicates McCain was a war hero so that statement is true. What was heroic was the comportment he displayed as he endured and survived the torture experienced as a POW.

Timbow 630 reads
5 / 59

Posted By: Laffy
Not just McCain.  
 It's hilarious reading his Twitter trying to change the subject with, "McCain doesn't help take care of the vets."  
 Stick a fork in him.

JackDunphy 647 reads
6 / 59

Maybe after he talks to them, Hills can explain her stolen valor story to them as well.

We should get the pay per view rights for that! We'd clean up! :

mattradd 40 Reviews 479 reads
7 / 59
JackDunphy 504 reads
8 / 59

And we'll get GaG to look them over, you know, as oversite. LOL

Yes, yes, yes....I hear you from here. I will make sure Gambler is sober when he performs his duty. As best I can. LOL

mattradd 40 Reviews 698 reads
9 / 59

Perhaps he was showing just how anti-Obama he is, since Obama said McCain was a true war hero.  ;)

GaGambler 631 reads
10 / 59

Funny, the very first "offering memorandum" I ever put together some thirty plus years ago took me three bottles of Scotch  to finish. I went to a lawyer to do it for me and he wanted to charge me twenty grand for it, which was about $19,000 more than I had at the time. So I grabbed a couple o templates to go by, hauled out my trusty manual typewriter, this was years before word processors, poured myself a stiff one and starting pounding away at it. It took me days, but I finally hammered out a document good enough to look like a real lawyer had created it. So I guess you can have two fake lawyers on your payroll. Me and Mari. lol

In my defense, I knew I wasn't qualified to do my own legal work, but when you are broke, you do what you have to do. I don't know what Mari's excuse is.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 769 reads
11 / 59

However his grades at Annapolis and his flying record lean more toward "mediocrity".

mattradd 40 Reviews 694 reads
12 / 59
GaGambler 566 reads
13 / 59

I do bill for "expenses" you know. lol

HONDA 153 Reviews 600 reads
14 / 59
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 645 reads
15 / 59

I don't think he'll win his party's nomination but I would love to see him be one of the last 3-4 standing. And I kinda agree with him on this McCain isn't a hero thing. Look at all the coverage he's getting, for all the wrong reasons but fuck it, it's fun now watching Donald being The Donald.

JackDunphy 645 reads
16 / 59

Fk dude, give us some credit. We are having the liquor shipped in from Greece. Amazing the deals one can get there right now.

You didn't think a guy that negotiates with hookers was going to let some drunken, Asian, db John get one over on me, did you? LOL



-- Modified on 7/18/2015 9:28:59 PM

GaGambler 605 reads
17 / 59

I don't know what you planned on paying the fake lawyer, but I expect at least twice his rate. And I don't mean twice his nonexistent rate as an unemployed porn star. No self respecting guy with slanted eyes would EVER work that cheap.

but yes, I will take payment in Ouzo, but not that fake shit you get here in the states, I want the real thing.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 681 reads
18 / 59

...He crashed one plane in training and damaged another while he was hotdogging.  He crashed a third plane on the way to the Army-Navy game.  There's no way he would have been allowed to be a pilot if it wasn't for his daddy & gramps

JackDunphy 560 reads
19 / 59

Kerry made his service a HUGE part of his campaign.  

The swift boaters had a legit beef with Kerry dating back to the 70's.  

Chris Matthews, of all people, actually blamed Kerry in part for never reaching out to those guys over the decades.

Kerry's actions and lies led to the swift boaters. Let's stop with the revisionist history.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 744 reads
21 / 59

...something extraordinary and is recognized for brave deeds and action.

McCain was brave and courageous but he was a survivor, no more no less.  There were many Holocaust survivors - that's what they were called - "survivors" - they weren't called heroes.  McCain is a survivor.

St. Croix 640 reads
22 / 59

if he wins the GOP nomination. He will get my full support $$$ if Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic nomination. Now some on this board might say, "why would you support that arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed asshole?" Because in my world, money (my money)  trumps (seriously no pun) some garden variety European type Marxist.  Both will just end up being a footnote in the 2016 election, but they will be fun to watch.

Posted By: hpygolky
I don't think he'll win his party's nomination but I would love to see him be one of the last 3-4 standing. And I kinda agree with him on this McCain isn't a hero thing. Look at all the coverage he's getting, for all the wrong reasons but fuck it, it's fun now watching Donald being The Donald.
-- Modified on 7/18/2015 8:34:07 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 428 reads
23 / 59

Posted By: GaGambler
I do bill for "expenses" you know. lol

HONDA 153 Reviews 853 reads
24 / 59

It's typical Karl Rove modus operandi, throw enough crap around and hope some of it sticks. It sure did work! I would like to see that link of Chris Matthews going after John Kerry. What do you have to say about the shameful attacks against Max Cleland?

Due to reports by numerous credible news sources in recent days, many of the stories told in Unfit are falling apart, and the partisan ties of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are proving to run even deeper than previously known.

Following are recent reports that debunk and discredit claims made by the swift boaters against Kerry:

The Washington Post: "FOIA Records Counter a Critic of Kerry"


USA Today: Swift Boat Vet's "contention is contradicted by his military records"


MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews: host Chris Matthews told a Swift Boat vet: "You haven't produced any personal knowledge"  


MMFA: "O'Reilly Factor sub host challenged Swift Boat Vet on failing to question his own Bronze Star citation"

The Oregonian: Swift Boat Vet "did not witness the events in question"

The New York Times: Swift Boat Vets' "web of connections" to Bush family, Karl Rove; Swift Boat Vet said Kerry was "a good man" in March 2003

The Boston Globe: Swift Boat Vet "retracts criticism of Kerry" (When the Swift Boat Vet recanted his recantation in an affidavit)

ABC News: "On the Record: Who and What Is Behind the Anti-Kerry Vietnam Ads?"
Posted By: JackDunphy
Kerry made his service a HUGE part of his campaign.  
 The swift boaters had a legit beef with Kerry dating back to the 70's.  
 Chris Matthews, of all people, actually blamed Kerry in part for never reaching out to those guys over the decades.  
 Kerry's actions and lies led to the swift boaters. Let's stop with the revisionist history.

Makwa 18 Reviews 577 reads
26 / 59

Trump has zero chance of getting the GOP nomination.  The party leadership will stack the deck against this guy from getting the  Party's Nimination.  But he is just an egomaniac who only wants his name in the news.  He can't win, nor does he really want the job.  (IMHO).

GaGambler 604 reads
27 / 59

and only in a nightmare scenario like you describe would Trump ever get my vote. Fortunately the likelihood of that ever happening are about as likely as Eve ever talking to a snake, or rather the possibility of the snake ever talking back. lol

but like you said, it will be fun to watch. and fun too watch the loony lefties like bird brain falling all over themselves to report the latest outrageous thing to come out of Trump's mouth. St C, I am a bit worried that Daffy might have a stroke while screaming at his computer screen and we may never find out if a duck will bounce.

HONDA 153 Reviews 701 reads
28 / 59

.......he's done it with clothes, a TV show, apartment buildings, golfing accessories etc. All this media attention ensures that he will be raking in the big bucks for a long time to come.

Trump Licenses Name to $250 Million, 47-story Apartment Tower in Soviet Georgia

Entrepreneur Donald Trump is on the road again. This time he flew 5,477 miles (8,814 kilometers) from his New York City headquarters to the Black Sea coastal resort of Batumi (Pop. 123,500) to lend his name to a planned $250 million, 47-story apartment tower in Soviet Georgia.

Trump is partnering with Georgia's Silk Road Group to develop Trump Tower Batumi.  As he has done with other comparable projects, Trump is not expected to shell out his own money in the undertaking.  His only affiliation will be the licensing of the Trump name, according to Manhattan brokers familiar with Trump's strategy over the years on similar endeavors in the U.S. and abroad.

JohnyComeAlready 459 reads
29 / 59

Obama ran against McCain in 2008, Trump isn't running against McCain.

It's all about context.

JohnyComeAlready 430 reads
30 / 59

He did announce his bid for the White House, on Comedy Central.

JohnyComeAlready 494 reads
31 / 59

Change the name. Trump probably sells merchandise through Macy's that can not be traced back to the name Trump.

That has nothing to do with Trump's celebrity. I'm just pointing out your lack of critical thinking skills.

JackDunphy 527 reads
32 / 59

From being in Cambodia on Christmas Eve in 1968...to him saying he threw away his military medals...to him calling what happened in VietNam "genocide"...to him saying he personally committed "atrocities."

He trashed his country when he got back, painted a broad brush of what happened over there and got caught up with a group called "winter soldier" where there were many "soldiers" who were never in Vietnam claiming to have participated in atrocities there.

It was part of the anti-US left and Kerry was stupid enough to get caught up in it, lied about it and it came back to haunt him 32-33 years later.

If you really need links to the above let me know as it is well established fact.

I never said Matthews "went after Kerry." I said Matthews stated on his show at the time that he knew Oneill  and otherswere out there, waiting for a Kerry candidacy, and Kerry never tried to make nice with people he acknowledged that he made them furious at the time with good reason.

St. Croix 595 reads
33 / 59

Sanders has a bit of momentum. He is focusing on the disenfranchised. He goes after followers not leaders. The people that wonder what happened versus make it happen. For these, economic equality and mediocrity for all is an improvement. If you're Laffy, that messaging resonates. He is an unemployed middle aged ex-Kinkos copy boy.  

But the good news is that Sanders, like Hart and Nader before him, will just be a footnote in this election. The Millennials we worry about being too influenced by liberal professors, or too egalitarian in their views, are just as individualistic and selfish as previous generations, which is a great thing.  

Check out this link and the extra credit question a psychology professor asks his class. It gets down to the individual versus the group. Sanders economic views/messaging may work in a Scandinavian country, but it's just totally incompatible to who we are as a country.  

Posted By: GaGambler
and only in a nightmare scenario like you describe would Trump ever get my vote. Fortunately the likelihood of that ever happening are about as likely as Eve ever talking to a snake, or rather the possibility of the snake ever talking back. lol  
 but like you said, it will be fun to watch. and fun too watch the loony lefties like bird brain falling all over themselves to report the latest outrageous thing to come out of Trump's mouth. St C, I am a bit worried that Daffy might have a stroke while screaming at his computer screen and we may never find out if a duck will bounce.
-- Modified on 7/19/2015 9:18:08 AM

JohnyComeAlready 507 reads
34 / 59
JohnyComeAlready 471 reads
35 / 59

If Trump is still making money, why would he care? He is getting plenty of publicity from the as is.

GaGambler 560 reads
36 / 59

If you are in the bottom 20-30% with no skills or prospects to ever even make it to "average" socialism has to look pretty good. Just like our Kinkos copy boy.  

The saving grace about Sanders is that he is SO anti business, both large and small that Wall St. Big Business, the Banks, and quite frankly almost everybody with money are not going to finance his campaign.  

What is a bit scary is that is Hillary does implode and for one reason or another has to withdraw from the election, especially if this happens late in the primary season, Sanders might be able to step into her place and get the nomination by default. Now THAT is a scary thought. I don't like Hillary, I don't trust Hillary, the very sound of her voice rankles me, BUT I could hold my nose and vote for her as I believe she is stronger than Barrack Chamberlain in foreign affairs and with a Republican Congress to keep her in line back home, I doubt that she would "ruin the country"  

Sanders OTOH would be even worse than a Bible thumper, even worse than Trump, even worse that virtually every household name out there for POTUS.

St. Croix 505 reads
37 / 59

Biden gets recruited ASAP. DNC knows Sanders can't win. DNC knows Warren can't win. I'm sure Biden will be in the bullpen warming up just in case.  

Could you image a Sanders/Warren ticket?  

Speaking of all these candidates, I just want one question asked during the debates. What are your views of Uber? That question alone tells you everything you need to know about a candidates economic views.
Posted By: GaGambler
If you are in the bottom 20-30% with no skills or prospects to ever even make it to "average" socialism has to look pretty good. Just like our Kinkos copy boy.  
 The saving grace about Sanders is that he is SO anti business, both large and small that Wall St. Big Business, the Banks, and quite frankly almost everybody with money are not going to finance his campaign.  
 What is a bit scary is that is Hillary does implode and for one reason or another has to withdraw from the election, especially if this happens late in the primary season, Sanders might be able to step into her place and get the nomination by default. Now THAT is a scary thought. I don't like Hillary, I don't trust Hillary, the very sound of her voice rankles me, BUT I could hold my nose and vote for her as I believe she is stronger than Barrack Chamberlain in foreign affairs and with a Republican Congress to keep her in line back home, I doubt that she would "ruin the country"  
 Sanders OTOH would be even worse than a Bible thumper, even worse than Trump, even worse that virtually every household name out there for POTUS.

JackDunphy 534 reads
38 / 59

I think they would go the Omalley or Webb route if Hills implodes.

Biden makes Dan Quayle look like a genius. LOL

GaGambler 684 reads
39 / 59

but it would be essentially throwing in the towel as he would have no chance of winning. Biden makes FatVern look like a genius.

I would hope that they would go the Omalley or Webb route, but a big part of it will/would depend on how deep into the primary season it happens/ed. The earlier it happens/ed the more time for another candidate to come in and get some momentum. The later, the more they would have to go strictly by name recognition, and the VP automatically has name recognition, even if he is recognized for being a moron. lol

I still think the chances of this happening are pretty darn good and I think the most likely source of her sabotage would be from her own husband. Do you REALLY think Bill wants to be "first man" especially after the way she feels she was treated when first lady? She would make his life fucking miserable, and I guarantee you he would be shut out of every meaningful decision.  Bill Clinton has got  a GREAT fucking life right now. Do you think he'd be given the chance to fuck another intern if Hillary is POTUS. Bill Clinton would be virtually guaranteed NO PUSSY for 4 years if Hillary becomes POTUS. I can't imagine him allowing that to happen. I think he just needs a way to keep his hands clean.

JackDunphy 547 reads
40 / 59

Biden is just a tool and the R hit machine would just roll video after video after video of him talking like an idiot. Speaking as an R, I would MUCH rather face Biden than Warren.

I would only put Biden one very thin hair above Bernie regarding his ability to win the general.  

I actually think they would recruit Gore over Biden as well.

GaGambler 827 reads
41 / 59

The powers that be are NOT going to endorse or pay for the campaigns of any candidates as anti business as either Warren or Sanders.  Obama, despite his rhetoric was part of the Chicago political machine and everyone knew he was for sale, as he has proven repeatedly during his years in office. I don't see either Sanders or Warren as being for sale, and that will kill their chances of ever being POTUS. Over three quarters of the money Bernie Sanders has raised has been from the "little people" at $200 apiece. He'll never raise enough money that way to win. There just aren't enough "little people" with $200 to give for him to ever win.

I will agree, if the Democratic party put forth a 100% effort to elect Warren, she is quite electable, not by me of course, for me the choice between Sanders and Warren is like choosing between Huckabee and Perry, there is NO good choice IMO, but from the Dems point she would be the smarter choice if she wasn't so anti business which IMO kills her chances.

JohnyComeAlready 571 reads
42 / 59

Trump isn't a serious contender, never was. Bush will receive the nominee.

The only people floating the notion of Trump as GOP nominee are clowns.  
Posted By: Laffy
so he'd have to drop them to Wal-Mart prices....which goes against his brand....and ego.  
 Besides, after ripping the vets, the only people that are going to support Trump are the nutjobs who live in the forest and hate our military too.  
 This was Perry's "Ooops, I forgot" comment times 100,000.  
 Before, all the other candidates were too afraid to attack him.  Now it's going to be like throwing a dead seal in a tank full of sharks.  
 They are gonna go after him on all his liberal positions the low-info hillbillies have no idea he stands for.....like universal healthcare.  
 He's finished.

St. Croix 630 reads
43 / 59

Biden - charming, enduring, likeable, family man, Roman Catholic. Lost his first wife, daughter, and most recently his son. Yes, a few gaffes along the way, but his life is a Hallmark movie waiting to be made.

Quayle - an idiot without a personality.  

Biden happens only if Hillary implodes. If you're in the DNC boardroom, you want to raise your hand and give your strong endorsement to Webb or O'Malley? 8 year VP running against another Bush. Biden's not Gore either. I think the handlers can take Biden offsite for a few months and get him ready. And Wall Street and business would be OK with him. Go talk to a few Democrats. I've got a shit load of them in my family, and they don't like or trust Hillary, and that's from the female members of my family.

-- Modified on 7/19/2015 11:39:00 AM

JackDunphy 694 reads
44 / 59

People won't give a shit about his "hallmark" movie similarities. At the end of the day, people will vote for candidates that think they can somehow help them in their lives OR they get caught up in a candidates charisma and amazing interpersonal skills. Biden has neither one of those characteristics.

And I also think you under sell his goofyness. It is WAY more than just "a few gaffes along the way." Every candidate has a few. He has tons. And do you really think a few months with handlers would help him with foot in mouth disease? Can you really see him on the stump every day, trampling on his message and having to backtrack from what he said the day before?

Maybe we travel in different circles. Very few Dems that I know would be excited by a Biden presidency run. In fact, I think the thought is depressing to most.

And what do they say bout "nice guys" and where they finish? LOL

I would salivate if good ole Joe wins the nomination.

GaGambler 617 reads
46 / 59

Maybe against Trump, Biden would win, but against Bush, Walker, or any other the legitimate GOP candidates Biden has no chance. Jack is right, Biden doesn't have a "few" gaffes any more than Obama has made  a "few" mistakes, or Trump says a "few" outrageous statements. Biden is an accident actively looking for a place to happen. Put him against Bush and Bush wins by double digits.

ed2000 31 Reviews 625 reads
47 / 59

Given McCains's Naval parentage, he was offered early release from North Vietnam but refused it and remained a prisoner for the duration. Refusing to participate in NV propaganda ploys only brought additional torture. He's a survivor and so much more.

BTW, I don't care for the progressive nature of his politics.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 538 reads
48 / 59

while he wasn't the cause, his aircraft was one of first few to be destroyed, he had to swing out the cockpit out over the nose and off the refueling probe to escape the fire.

86H13LTP 662 reads
50 / 59

A draft dodging , gay , half a retard would make a better POTUS than he's been. Giligan !

RichardBong 391 reads
52 / 59

He was tortured as a pow but no hero. Yet those at Abu Ghrab (sp?) who were pranked were prolly heroes in your eyes no?

JackDunphy 484 reads
53 / 59

Biden has all the charisma of that crazy uncle at the holidays, saying stupid shit and laughing at inappropriate times.

Nothing hurt St C's point more than you taking his back. LOL

Am I back on ignore now?

JackDunphy 549 reads
54 / 59

Now I would assume you would agree with me re: at least some of the stuff I mention re:Kerry?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 564 reads
55 / 59

"After the Forrestal fire, McCain was assigned to Saigon as a navy PR aide.  He was perfect for the job—handsome, charming, witty.  He had met R.W. (Johnny) Apple, a well-known reporter for the New York Times, and Apple had smoothed his way in Saigon by introducing him to journalists and to the U.S. military and civilian command.  

John McCain could have served out his tour flacking for the navy and having a lot of fun doing it—dining at Saigon’s French restaurants and hitting the bars full of pretty Vietnamese girls.  But McCain wanted to get back into combat.  He had completed only five missions before the Forrestal fire."

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 564 reads
56 / 59

...hesitated for a couple of seconds, then said: "Go look it up."  He couldn't even remember his own bullshit deferment!!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 617 reads
57 / 59

...is you for using an alias when you've been around here posting for quite some time under another handle.

Hey, look at this "prank."  I bet your ribs hurt from laughing so hard:

86H13LTP 807 reads
58 / 59

the loudest cries are coming the bottom third of the pack. McCain the pilot put his balls on the line every time he shot off the carrier McCain the politician is an old bitter flip flopper who couldn't beat a spineless smoke .  

The Heroes are the ones who come home in a box .  

" Show me a live hero and I will show you a fraud " - Lewis B " Chesty " Puller

mattradd 40 Reviews 730 reads
59 / 59
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