Politics and Religion

True, but....teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 159 reads

the conservatives are typically the ones voicing they have the moral high ground with their family values schpeal, which leaves them not only guilty, major hypocrites!  ;)

This one might! He was caught twice! Once in DC and once in New Orleans!

"Attack ad accuses GOP candidate of choosing ‘prostitutes over patriots’

...absolutely TRUE and it comes from an Army Ranger.  Vitter is a typical Republican family man Thumper who always screams about being For God and Country but never served in the military and fucked prostitutes.  He may be For Cunt but he's certainly not For God and Country.

I think getting caught with a prostitute in Louisiana may boost your poll numbers by about 5%.  

I mean if that is all he has done wrong in that state, he is more honest than most of thier political leaders.

Timbow186 reads

Posted By: impposter
This one might! He was caught twice! Once in DC and once in New Orleans!  
 "Attack ad accuses GOP candidate of choosing ‘prostitutes over patriots’"  
-- Modified on 11/8/2015 7:19:48 PM

Right along with fear mongering and war mongering.  
  A Democrat will suggest that a town form a Fire Dept. A republican will simply hire an arsonist to burn a third or more of the town down first. Then next election cycle the republican will campaign on wasteful spending within the Fire Dept.  
Republican morality consists of proselytizing Christianity and its values to the "debt-slave" class, then turns a blind eye to the few who have 'made-it' and gives them carte-blanche to greed, immorality, tax saving corporate welfare and "off-shore" bank accounts.

On this forum alone we have rabidly conservative, solidly Christian based Republicans who repulse at  godless, spiritualess, a-moral atheists while simultaneously cheating on their wives and families.

when it comes to sex (as for most everything else as well).

Political sex scandals:


I don't see any conservatives OR liberals taking a stand on legalizing prostitution. I DO see both taking pot shots and running attack ads.  

In short, there isn't a damn bit of difference between liberal and conservative politicians. One is no better than the other.

the conservatives are typically the ones voicing they have the moral high ground with their family values schpeal, which leaves them not only guilty, major hypocrites!  ;)

GaGambler160 reads

and just like the war on drugs waged by the idiot right, the best way to protect these innocent victims is to throw them in jail.

Do you really think the left has any kind of moral high ground here? Come on, be serious. Both sides are hypocritical fucktards.

...it's a small fringe while on the right it's the majority of the party controlled by the Moral Majority.

GaGambler153 reads

Especially in countries in Latin America that are run by the church, in those countries all the pressure to ban prostitution which is legal today, comes not from religious zealots, but from soccer moms and left wing "do gooders"

I will concede there are more bible thumpers against prostitution in this country, but the feminazis are every bit as vocal, and have every bit as much influence on the "cracking down" on prostitution in the name of ending "human trafficking" as do the bible thumpers.

Call them a small fringe if you like, but it's the do gooder liberals leading the war against consenting adults, but they are doing so under the guise of stopping human trafficking.

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