Politics and Religion

Too late Willy
JackDunphy 1721 reads
1 / 35

Will the liberals join me in calling for the end of the Black Caucus and the the Black Mayors Conference?

Makes sense now, right?

GaGambler 439 reads
2 / 35

I'd be okay with that.  We have equal rights already, I've never expected anything more than a reasonably even playing field. We didn't always have one, but as a group we seemed to do ok anyhow. Now that we do have an even playing field, except of course for the fact that we have to score higher than EVERYBODY else, including white people, to get into schools, jobs, etc, but  aside for that, I don't see much that we have to bitch about. So feel free to start with us.

I don't think we have a Mayor's conference, or any kind of Caucus now that I think of it. If there is an Asian Caucus or Mayor's Conference feel free to dismantle them too.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 296 reads
3 / 35
HONDA 153 Reviews 367 reads
4 / 35

........ No really, it's doing wonders for your political party that you keep alienating minorities around you...lo

JackDunphy 286 reads
5 / 35

Racial division and exclusion is horrible when Republicans or whites do it, but perfectly fine when libs and blacks do so.  

No shock Daffy Duck is part of the group. LOL

Obama, Sharpton and Rev. Wright would all be proud of you! :D

bigguy30 224 reads
6 / 35

Posted By: JackDunphy
Will the liberals join me in calling for the end of the Black Caucus and the the Black Mayors Conference?  
 Makes sense now, right?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 280 reads
7 / 35

...libs like fiddles in the best tradition of Jack's idol and fellow Mensa member followme.

But here's an example of why racism will never be eliminated in America - a racist Facebook rant by a teacher of fourth graders; someone who shapes young minds.  Do you think she doesn't ever bring her racist views into the classroom?

JackDunphy 415 reads
8 / 35

You couldn't even muster the courage to oppose a government group that discriminates against a person solely based on the color of their skin, but you were all too eager to point to some person's Facebook rant. Too funny.

If you really want to know why racism will always be with us BP, your response would be  "exhibit A."  LOL

Yeah...I think we're done here. :D :D

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 2:56:15 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 309 reads
9 / 35

...You have the same tell - when you lose an argument and are made to look foolish, you declare victory: "Yeah...I think we're done here. :-D :-D"

In your next post, you can use the telling phrase of your fellow argument-loser Dr Who and say: "Thanks for playing.

JackDunphy 335 reads
10 / 35

If I "lost" that argument, that would mean you are in favor of racial discrimination. LOL

Did you even take a second to consider the ridiculous logic you just applied to your response?

No, apparently not.

Get back to me when you think people shouldn't be discriminated against solely based on their skin color.

JackDunphy 279 reads
11 / 35
bigguy30 280 reads
12 / 35

So Jack I know you were their listening with your group of scum!
I see the GOP still kept him as leader.
The GOP does not mind the KKK because of their actions

mattradd 40 Reviews 344 reads
13 / 35

"'The lady doth protest too much, methinks' is a quotation from the 1602 play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It has been used as a figure of speech, in various phrasings, to indicate that a person's overly frequent or vehement attempts to convince others of something have ironically helped to convince others that the opposite is true, by making the person look insincere and defensive."

Like Honda said, I hope the you and the Republicans keep up the good work!   ;

JackDunphy 224 reads
15 / 35

Because moderate Matt would have taken a clear stand against racial discrimination. ;)

Tell him I said hi when you see him. LOL

mattradd 40 Reviews 220 reads
16 / 35
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 313 reads
17 / 35

...when you stated that "we are in the process of getting rid of all vestiges of racis (sic) and discrimination."

If you really believe that, you're the biggest Pollyanna to ever walk the face of the Earth.  It's a bullshit premise so that you could take a shot at the (Congressional) Black Caucus and the Conference of Black Mayors.  At least get the names of the groups right so you don't look quite so ignorant and uninformed.

JackDunphy 415 reads
19 / 35

Have you not been paying attention to the news in the last 10 days? The last 10 years? The last 50 years?

And asking groups to move ahead towards a more post racial society is taking a shot at them? How?

I didn't rip those groups. I merely asked if we should cling to discrimination based on skin color.

Why do you think the Black Caucus and the Conference of Black Mayors are above criticism?  

Sorry BP, but racism can come from people of any color.

It isn't only directed towards blacks from whites.

GaGambler 284 reads
20 / 35

That's one of the reasons I quit talking to Bird Brain. There was just no ending a thread with him. Like Matt he would argue the smallest details, and argue them for days, only to claim victory once the other person grew so tired of the subject they quit answering.  

I don't know about the rest of you, but I know I am not going to accomplish anything here, but to waste some time, and maybe have a laugh or two. Talking to morons that alternatively want to parse words to "prove" they were right, or just outright like about a topic for weeks has ceased to be any fun for me. Daffy has finally worn me out again, and now I may talk "about" him on occasion, but I see no reason to actually talk "to" him.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 436 reads
21 / 35

...the need for the existence of the two black groups mentioned.  So why are you now changing your tune and talking about CRITICIZING these groups rather that ELIMINATING these groups?  You see, that's why you wanted to quit when you said "I think we're done here."  ROFLMAO!!  Now that you've demonstrated the level of your intelligence, we really are done here!

As you know, the Jews control the world, so will conservatives join me in calling for the elimination of the Anti-Defamation League, the World Jewish Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and many other such Jewish organizations

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 347 reads
22 / 35

...claim  that "we are in the process of getting rid of all vestiges of racis (sic) and discrimination."

So how about calling for the elimination of THE Anti-Defamation League, the World Jewish Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and many other similar Jewish organizations?  As you say about Asians, Jews seem to do ok, they have an even playing field and they don't have much to bitch about.

The Jews control Hollywood, the news media and the banks.  They comprise 1.4% of the US population yet 5.2% of Congress is Jewish.  And AIPAC has undue influence in getting politicians to serve the needs of Israel, rather than the US.

The Jews need the ADL like they need a "loch in kop."  Isn't that right, GaG

mattradd 40 Reviews 334 reads
23 / 35

And, despite GaG's claims, I don't keep score, and I can't ever recall claiming I won any argument. I've stated, several times, that that is not my intent, but to have a dialog. Now, if someone says something I feel is unsubstantiated by them, I will hold their feet to the fire for them to back up their claims. Gag's whole thing about parsing words is just his way of saying ' being held accountable to what one says.' I notice he never says anything about Ed, who strains at gnats while swallowing camels.  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 227 reads
24 / 35

Now, Gag would say you are parsing words!   ;)

GaGambler 288 reads
25 / 35

Yes, I actually think that many of these organizations have outlived their usefulness, and now actually create more rifts than they solve.

GaGambler 403 reads
26 / 35

In your defense you are better about this than Laffy and a thousand times smarter than fatgirl, but there is no denying that you will argue minutia for days, long after the horse is not only dead, but his name forgotten.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 300 reads
27 / 35

...in this thread to "prove" Bill O'Reilly still had a radio program on the air.  He became so desperate that he had to hook up with quad, for God's sake.

ed2000 31 Reviews 300 reads
28 / 35

You still can't or won't recognize what "on the radio" means. Hear goes again. You turn on the radio to the correct station at the correct time and Bill O's voice comes out of the speaker. Voila.  

I didn't change or nuance anything along the way (as matt does) in my attempts to open your brain (and ears).

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 11:02:59 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 318 reads
29 / 35

I used to be the only person that refused to "give in" to matt's never ending obfuscation via his changing the subject.  

I say I used to be the only one because now I believe the number of people willing to engage him at his own low level now equals ZERO.

GaGambler 294 reads
30 / 35

but I am not Jewish, so it's not really like I should get a vote.

I will say that I cringe every time I see Asian people starting to get all PC and especially when some ubersensitive Asian person starts going on about how being called "Oriental" is such an ethnic slur. There are some very serious issues where it comes to race going on in this country, being called Oriental is hardly one of them.

but back to Jack's point, do we really want to encourage more of these race based organizations? If we really want to advance equal rights and "color blindness" shouldn't we try to have less organizations devoted to the advancement of only one race, regardless of what race that happens to be?

ed2000 31 Reviews 191 reads
31 / 35
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 326 reads
32 / 35

Just think about this for a second. Who else, other than straight white males, is it socially acceptable to say bigoted things about? You see this kind of hypocrisy from the left endlessly. I have even seen white liberals say things like "White people suck". How much cognitive dissonance is required to say something so stupid?

Recently I saw a website where a bunch of liberals were reacting to white southerns waving a confederate flag. They called these people "dirt stupid" and "idiot rednecks". A few references were made to riding lawnmowers and trailer parks.  

I asked one of these guys, can't you see that you're being just as bigoted as the people you're criticizing? They replied that "it's not bigotry if it's true"

I then showed this person FBI crime statistics showing that blacks are the most likely race to steal things. I said, would it then be racist to say "black people steal things?"  

There's no question that a lot of people on the right are just plain old racists. But the left are racial hypocrites and bigots themselves. Don't you dare say anything critical about black people. Or gays. Or Muslims. Or Asians. Or Hispanics. Or Lesbians. Or Hindus. Or women. Or eskimos. But if you're a straight white male, fuck you dude! You're a sack of shit we everyone's justified in hating you!  

I think I'm going to stop identifying as a straight white male. I'm going to start saying that I identify as a black woman, who's a lesbian, who's trapped in a white man's body. See, in the Oppression Olympics, everyone wins.

mattradd 40 Reviews 283 reads
33 / 35

Sounds like an interesting idea, but you'd be very displeased with the results.

GaGambler 282 reads
34 / 35

I have been claiming to be a lesbian trapped in a man's body for years now.  

Of course, I have not claimed to be a black woman, nor am I trapped in a "white" man's body, so I suppose I can grant you an exemption.

and yes some of the biggest racists are not white in color. fatgirl is a perfect example of a black person being a racist, do you see the stuff he posted about Asian people in an effort to get under my skin? Of course what I found hilarious is that he was using the fact that some Asian people intermarry as proof of our inferiority and in the very same post admitted to being a "breed" himself. That was almost as funny as TrannyBoy calling me "GayGambler"

TriFitness 4 Reviews 315 reads
35 / 35

What people often forget is that we are not that far removed from jim crows times and thus the names of these groups reflect that, but also it is telling that the founders of these groups never thought that society would get to this point that we are at in 2015. There are number of different caucuses in congress and they are just a means to organize to specific interests. The Black Caucus should rename themselves in honor of the first black congressman and turn to a more future looking objective that is race neutral, but at the same time continue push laws that improve the situation of black folks by helping out everyone.    

Some people point at stats about the black population crime rates, but then at the same time you call out black conferences that are setup to address some of those problems. If you don't believe me, then you need to look at cspan.

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