Politics and Religion

To" lighten up his image" mrnogood sent his fave drink recipe to me to share with the board :teeth_smile
Priapus53 1347 reads

Jesus, this guy makes mein look like the ultimate optomist------:(

mrnogood6870 reads

''The computerized scanners, known as Automatic License Plate Recognition devices, instantly check for police alerts, warrants, traffic violations and parking tickets, which cops say could be an invaluable tool in thwarting crime. ''

It could also keep up with every move you make, indexing ALL your moves, and where you spend money..The possibilities here are endless..

One thing I've learned about news stories that call out one states misdeeds, is the behavior the state is in engaged in usually is in ALL the states..

So yea, ATL, will be using street cams, but I bet a paycheck, it's all the states, or this article may call out Massachusetts, but I bet atlanta (and all the other states) are using this technology..

There is way to much money involved in the taxes, or tickets of technology like this, for them not to be using it everywhere in these cash-strapped states..

''Biometrics consists of methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.''


Hey, atleast we still have the right to remain silent, right?

-- Modified on 7/21/2011 2:35:05 PM

Personally I didn't really care anymore, The NCAA could always move a few games to Sunday IMO.

If ignoring a troll won't make him leave, let's see what really fucking ignoring him will do. lmao


How about that NFL? lol

Then again, I never do.  I just veg out in front of my nice plasma screen and watch my NY/NJ Jints/Jets kick ass.  But that's only after the baseball season is over.  Then, it's only important that the Red Sox lose.  This year, I believe that's Philly's job.  Yes, it's true.  I have finally gotten to the point (after only 27 World Series wins) that it's more important that the Red Sox lose than the Yankees win.  And, yes, I know, I am a bad person.  But not for that reason.

-- Modified on 7/21/2011 8:44:30 PM

but we agree on one thing.  Hatred of the Red Sox.  For me, it's hatred of all teams in Boston.

It's their fans.  Of course, my late Dad was born in Boston and most of my family's there.  But the Red Sox fans piss me off with their mindless hatred of New York.  My theory is this stems from the 19th century decline of Boston as the "center of the universe" as NY rose to prominence.  Whatever.  Here's what I say to obnoxious Sox fans when they puff up their chests about the Sux two recent World Series wins:
"Go win two dozen more and you'll still be one short of the Yankees' 27.  Until then STFU."

Maybe he thinks he can convert me back into a complete liberal?  Or, maybe, he really does hate me?
As for Sox fans, let them continue to stew.  It's too bad, as their team is pretty good.  I think they'll win the division and the ALCS.  But when they hit the Phillies rotation it will be all over.  Lee, Halliday and Hamels are the best front three in baseball.  They won't even need Oswalt.  Same thing holds true for the Yanks this year.  After Sabathia, not enough depth.

I still have hopes that IF the Braves can find some bats, they may have a chance in a five game series. Jair Jurrjens is a fucking stud, 12-3 2.26 ERA and the rest of their pitching staff: Hudson, Lowe, Hanson, and Beachy is pretty stout as well.

The Braves problem is like SF last year, run production. SF had the good fortune that their bats got hot in September. If the Braves can do the same they have a chance, but Philly is clearly the team to beat. Their fucking starting rotation is downright scary, their worst pitcher sports a 3.34 ERA, everyone else is in the twos. Fucking scary.

It will be very interesting if they can bolster their line-up before the trade deadline. The Phillies could use some bats, too.  I foresee a bidding war for Carlos Beltran.

The Braves could either move Jordan Schafer to left field, and Nate Mcclouth to "left out", or put Beltran in left and platoon Eric Hinske in the outfield as his bat is pretty hot and he can hit with power. It would also be nice to have another swithc hitter that can hit from the right handed side of the plate, we are clueless against left handed pitching right now.

I hate to say it, but Chipper needs to go, he was a great player and is still formidable when healthy, but he is a huge drain financially and you can't count on him for more than about 75 games a year. Freeing up that money could go a long ways towards picking up someone like a Carlos Beltran.

Because he's got bad wheels.  He's been on the DL as much as he's played for the Mets the past few years.  That's why they want to get rid of him now while he's hot.  He'd really be better with an AL team where he can DH and play a platoon position in the outfield.  But he could be the kind of late-season find who can help someone get to the playoffs,  as long as he stays healthy.

I just happen to disagree with you on your definition of success. You know that we both have a certain contempt for the religious, but I admire Mother Teresa for doing work on behalf of the poor. I consider her life story to be a success, despite that she lived in poverty.

Success is accomplishing your dreams. If your dream is to get rich and get laid a lot, then all the power to ya, it just makes me a little grumpy when others have to pay the price for that luxary. If Americans weren't hurting so bad right now, I'd let bygones be bygones.

She, by many accounts was not the saint she appeared to be.

Bygones be bygones??? You've got to be fucking kidding. People like me are the ones paying the fucking bills around here. I still have yet to see all these supposed subsidies I get. Itemize them, and I wll be more than happy to discuss which, if any apply to me.

and don't give me this crap about the Iraq war, without the War in Iraq prices would have been at least as high, if not higher than they are now.

You tell me which subsidies you think I receive and I will tell which ones do or do not apply to me. The only one that I am aware of is "percentage depletion" which only applies to small producers defined as 1000 BOPD or less.

...I am aware of some criticism of Mother Thersa, and perhaps she wasn't the greatest example, but it's the only non-partisan example I could think off the top of my head.

I wasn't even talking about oil subsidies. More like oil prices. People are struggling to fill up their tanks. Can you be sure that the price of oil isn't taking food off the table of American children in their own country? I know I can't.

Look, GaG, I know I've given you a lot of shit about this, but my concern here is that I don't want other Americans to suffer, that's all. People like you are paying the bills because no one has a job anymore, and the ones that do have a job doesn't pay very well.

I know you have a sense of patriotism since you served in the armed forces. By the way, thank you for that. But your country needs you more now than it did back then. Americans may need oil, but the consumption of oil doesn't make America a better place for us or for future generations. So, can you turn a profit while making the country a better place? I recall that you were looking into doing something in regards to green scooters in urban areas. That's a good start. I hope you consider looking real hard into how to do this. I repeat: your country desperately needs you.

-- Modified on 7/22/2011 2:52:57 PM

With people like me producing the oil this world runs on, the world economy would come to a screeching halt. While I will agree that SOMEBODY, needs to come up with something to replace oil, SOMEBODY needs to keep the world running today.

What do you propose? Do you expect us all to go amish while we wait for a replacement energy source? Come on, be fucking serious for a moment, we cannot survive short term without oil. Why don't you find the solution for tomorrow while I keep us running today?

and have you ever considered that the more oil I produce the greater the supply, therefore the lower the price. You should wish that there were more people like me, not less. It's real easy to sit on the sidelines and hurl insults, but what are you doing about the problem?

...what bothers me is people who are in your line of work bribing Congressmen so that your line of work isn't made obsolete by new technology. We know dinosaur goo is a finite resource, and the longer we wait to transition to something new the worse it will be. So why not start now?

The problem is that there aren't enough resources being put in to solve the problem. Hell, the GOP just tried to kill new energy efficiency standards on light bulbs, so you know the boneheads in DC aren't going to solve the problem.

You know who does have the resources to address this problem? Business. They're sitting on trillions of dollars of cash, and they know that there's a demand for green energy. I know you have more resources to address this problem than I do. Why not run with it?

Green energy has yet to be well established in this country. That means that as a businessman, you'll face less competition if you enter that market. The longer you wait to make that transition that you know is inevitable anyway, the more competition you'll face. Who knows, play your cards right and you might become the John D. Rockefeller of the green revolution.

And fuck, we need it. It hit 123 degrees in fucking Minnesota the other day. And Willy got a nasty sinus infection from having to run the AC day and night. Help a brother out, lol.

Fucking third-person douchebag!  Now...
As for why green energy is not supplanting oil, the answer is simple.  It is much cheaper to extract and refine oil than any other alternative.  The governmnet has given tax incentives to "green" businesses but even that hasn't leveled the playing field.  Just let capitalism work, "Willy."  And try not to gum up the works in the meantime.

Nicky, it's actually not cheaper to produce oil, if you count the costs of the rest of the society has to pay for using oil as an energy resource.

Reworking an energy source that is the lifeblood of what makes a modern society work is no easy task. The amount of money we've put into green energy is chickenshit compared to what we put into oil.

Capitalism alone won't solve this problem, because if no demand yet exists for a product, then nobody is going to buy it. It took 27 years of government spending by the Defense Department and the National Science Foundation on a little project called the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network before American consumers could widely use AOL to get on the internet. The free market could not have created it, and taken a loss for damn near 30 years before a product became viable to the public.

The same is true here. We really can get off of petrol, but we have to invest in the research and infrastructure first to make it work.

My hobby account is a little light right now and I remember what you said the other day about having no problem blowing $10K gambling.  So I'd really appreciate it if you could send me  $10Gs.  I promise to be very  grateful and to spend it very unwisely.  But I think you'll be more satisfied knowing I spent it on pussy than if you just give it to Willy or the IRS.  Such a deal!

-- Modified on 7/22/2011 8:42:55 PM

and if the Yankees can manage not to blow a ten run lead in the top of the night, I will win a four teamer for about five grand.

and to think my key bet was won by fucking Uggla hitting a two run homer to beat the Reds tonight. I had Boston, Philly, Atlanta, and the Yankees, all minus the run line and all hooked up together in a round robin of Three teamers, hey sometimes you are just living right. lol

Now if Washington can beat the Dodgers and the Giants can beat the Brewers, both in high scoring games, I will have a ten grand day today. lol

Whats really amazing is that I am still sober enough to type this post, cya bitches. lol

I prefer to piss it away on providers and fast cars.  Oh, yeah, and my about-to-be-second-ex-wife.

He belabors the point in his back-and-forth with you that he feels bad about all the poor Americans who are hurting. He cries about the fact that the government and our Democrat President may make cuts in Medicare and Medicaid among other social services.

Yet, in another nearby post, he proudly proclaims to all of us that he -- a federal government employee -- is "burning" sick days because he is afraid he may "lose" them.

And he actually wonders why some people on this board have little respect for his viewpoints?????

Fucking amazing . . . . .

...I actually did have a good reason to be sick. Serious sinus infection that caused very painful headaches. While I have a doctor's note, I'd figured I'd burn a few extra days of the ole use or lose. Besides, I'd rather not get snot all over my desk. I like to look pretty when spending your tax dollars.

to hijack it with the subject of your choice. lol

This "whack a troll" strategy seems to be the best one we have ever come up with. lol

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