Politics and Religion

To his adoring crowd of "true believers" it may not make a lick of difference.....
HONDA 153 Reviews 287 reads

We can only hope this revelation will stick a fork in this hypocrites run for POTUS, once and for all.

Carson's campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described.

In other words... HE LIED!!!  

And another one bites the dust

We can only hope this revelation will stick a fork in this hypocrites run for POTUS, once and for all.

GaGambler296 reads

Maybe it's just me, but I live in the DFW area of Texas where according to the polls Carson is in a virtual tie with Trump in the low 20 something percent range, but I can't for the life of me recall meeting a single Carson supporter. I talk to a lot of Trump, Rubio, Clinton, Sanders and even Bush supporters, but I can't remember meeting any of these "true believers" you talk about where it comes to Carson.  

I know Laffy claims to know a few, but do the rest of you really see that much support for him on a first hand basis?  

I do agree that I too hope this ends his campaign.

Timbow252 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Maybe it's just me, but I live in the DFW area of Texas where according to the polls Carson is in a virtual tie with Trump in the low 20 something percent range, but I can't for the life of me recall meeting a single Carson supporter. I talk to a lot of Trump, Rubio, Clinton, Sanders and even Bush supporters, but I can't remember meeting any of these "true believers" you talk about where it comes to Carson.  
 I know Laffy claims to know a few, but do the rest of you really see that much support for him on a first hand basis?  
 I do agree that I too hope this ends his campaign.

......., probably not the type of crowd you hang around. He has throngs of Christian groups lined up for several city blocks waiting for his book signings.

GaGambler286 reads

Evangelical Christians are impossible to avoid in rural Texas where all my field operations are located, and I have never met a single Carson supporter there either. Most of the Texas Evangelicals are supporting Cruz, I even run into Huckabee supporters in the small towns where I own leases, but to date not a single Carson supporter.

Now forget what you see on TV, or what the media tells you what's happening. How many Carson supporters do you actually know?

..........mostly low information voter types she says. Also some Church pastors are encouraging their flock to show up at his book signings.

GaGambler291 reads

I get it that you don't hang out with evangelicals any more than I do, but I believe the number of his supporters is seriously being overstated.

it's like all those millions of missing kids we are supposed to have in our country, you know the kids that used to be plastered on all the milk cartons. Do you know of even a single person with a missing child? I know I certainly don't.

GaGambler296 reads

Ben Carson has absolutely NOTHING to campaign on except his reputation and the perception that he is a "good honest guy" who would make up for his lack of any experience running anything by being a good, honest, smart guy who would grow into the job.  

Well so much for that illusion, Just like how Cain dropped like a stone once a little digging was done into his personal life, I expect this could doom the Carson campaign. I mean except for the perception of his honesty and intelligence, what else does he have to offer?

GaGambler278 reads

But as long as he has zero chance to win, I suppose we can live with him getting rich off of the stupid people.  

Maybe Carson is not so dumb after all? Maybe he never wanted to be in politics or to be POTUS in the first place, maybe he just saw a chance to get filthy rich by running? If so, I really don't give a fuck, just as long as he is never actually put in charge of anything.

Depending on what standard by which people are judged,  Carson may have contributed much more to society than Trump.  But since he's retired, maybe Carson has become a convert to the philosophy of: "Whoever dies with the most toys wins."  Good for him, but the presidency is not a toy that he should be playing with.

Carson's not my guy but this story is FAR FAR from a correct portrayal as a lie.

Let's recap. General Westmoreland is introduced to Carson, a 17 year old high school student who was the top Junior ROTC student in Detroit. Westmoreland takes a liking to him and Carson is told by Westmoreland and others that they could easily get him into West Point. And today we think it's a lie that he remembers that as the offer of a scholarship? Really? Just because he never applied? Really?

This is anything but a lie.

-- Modified on 11/6/2015 6:04:03 PM

Good grief - Let’s recap correctly

“Westmoreland takes a liking to him and Carson is told by Westmoreland and others that they could easily get him into West Point. And today we think it's a lie that he remembers that as the offer of a scholarship?”

      Nope. He says in his own book that he received the scholarship “AFTER his meeting with Westmoreland:

      “According to his telling of it in “Gifted Hands,” he had been offered a “full scholarship to West Point” as a result of his accomplishments in R.O.T.C. in Detroit and after a meeting with Gen. William C. Westmoreland, the Army chief of staff at the time.”

    So he is not recalling what Westy said as the offer but what happened after that. He further expressly says he had a scholarship offer FROM West Point, not from Westmoreland and others:

      “In a later book, “You Have a Brain,” Mr. Carson described how he decided which college to attend: “I still had the scholarship offer from West Point as a result of my R.O.T.C. achievements.”

       As recently as August when asked if he had been offered a slot at West Point, he said he was “thrilled” to get that offer:

     "More recently, in a Facebook post in August, he responded to a question about whether he was offered a slot at West Point, writing that he was “thrilled to get an offer from West Point.”

He did not say he was thrilled to be told that Westy COULD get him in. He says he got the offer.

“This is anything but a lie.”

       Um no, this is NOTHING but a false statement of a past existing fact made with intent to deceive a/k/a a lie.



He'll strain at gnats to avoid the camel staring him in the face. That's why I took followme's advice and never take him seriously.  ;)

only if you are as uninterested in the truth as usually he is.

It doesn’t make a whole lot of difference here but if you’re going to quote someone you should at least get the quotation marks in the correct place. I watched closely Carson’s interview with Charlie Rose on October 9th and found pertinent the passage in his book “Gifted Hands”. He said, “I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.”  

Here’s a kid in high school and the highest ranking member of the U.S. army, Chief of Staff of the Army, General Westmoreland, past top commander of the Vietnam War tells Carson he can get him in and would like to get him into to West Point. That would be enough to understand Carson’s position but then it’s reiterated by others including his ROTC commander. Only someone not desiring to see the truth could interpret that as NOT having been offered an entry to West Point. At best you got Carson on not knowing that it’s not called a full scholarship.

Other than the POTUS, there is probably no one else more powerful when it comes to making an appointment and acceptance to West Point a reality

"I watched closely Carson’s interview with Charlie Rose on October 9th and found pertinent the passage in his book “Gifted Hands”. He said, “I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.”  
       I can’t speak to the Rose interview - Carson is telling a different story every time- but you have misquoted the book. Here is what is in the book according to the Daily Wire. I used all caps for the word you left out:

“At the end of my twelfth grade I marched at the head of the Memorial Day parade. I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, We had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. LATER I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.”

       So in the book Carson never said that he interpreted anything Westy said at the dinner as a scholarship offer. Someone- not Westy- made the offer AFTER the dinner.

         Not even his hapless campaign staff has adopted your interpretation. The staff in response to Politico
emailed that Carson  "was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC."

        So the staff has backed off Carson’s claim that he was “offered a full scholarship.”They told him only that  they could help him get an appointment. I’m not surprised Poliitco concluded that they were effectively admitting the “offer” representation was a fabrication.

       Your theory that a high school kid misinterpreted what Westy said as a full scholarship offer would be reasonable if that is what happened – but that is NOT what either Carson or his staff said at least in the book and in response to Politico.

       Finally, no need to slam Matt. If you makes the case that Carson told the truth, he will be the first to congratulate you. You have failed to do so

And that's the best spin I can put on this for you.

So now it all hinges on YOUR definition of "later" or more precisely whatever timeline you decide is appropriate for "later" in order to justify an interpretation. A lot of things weren't documented but it is exactly those missing things that you and others are using to justify conclusions. At least others are attempting to justify their claim of lie with the absolutely true data that Carson never applied or was never officially offered an appointment, which of course is totally irrelevant to Carson's claim.

What is it that is so hard to swallow that he was informally offered an appointment? It happened a lot back then.

BTW, the writer of your own linked report agrees with me.

-- Modified on 11/8/2015 6:02:32 PM

GaGambler315 reads

but as far as lies go, this barely makes a blip on the scale to me.

Offers to West Point where EVERYONE is on a full scholarship were quite common back then, even a lowly non ROTC enlisted man like myself was offered the opportunity to go to West Point Prep during boot camp with the understanding that success in their one year program would lead to a "full ride" at West Point. This offer was made because of my rather high test scores on the entrance exams to join the service.  

If a lowly recruit like me was offered a chance to go to West Point just because I am rather good at taking tests, it is totally believable that a member of ROTC who is undoubtedly a LOT smarter than me was offered the chance to go to West Point. Nit picking about semantics and minor details of the offer are a complete non issue to me.  

That said, anything that gets him out of the race is fine by me, and him crying "victim" is not going to help his case. This kind of thing happens to EVERY front runner and it probably should happen. It happened to Obama and the things we found out about Obama should have knocked him out of the race, but that ship has already sailed

It is true how so many people don't understand the military academy admissions process. They think it must originate with a congressional appointment, and must be by their own Representative or Senators.

In reality West Point does what the Army wants. For example, if they need a new talented wide receiver or quarterback, they will scout and recruit one, THEN find an open appointment slot available from any one of the 535+ congressional possibilities. If a high ranking General (let alone the Chief of Staff of the Army) wants someone in, they find a way to get him an appointment.

stating flatly with respect to Carson “You’re lying.” And Nicole Wallace, communications director calls Carson’s statements “bald face lies.”

      Like me, these critics are simply looking at the text of what Carson said. And i don't think I have a different definition of "later" than anyone else.

      Love Morning Joe’s analogy:

Miami and Florida state came up to me and said 'we're looking at you," said Scarborough. "What if I had gone around for 20 years and said I could have pursued a football career at the two best colleges in college football, but I decided to pursue my career instead?"

      He's right. Even as high school students, we all knew what it means to be "offered a full scholarship." And certainly when Carson repeated the false claims as an adult, he knew.  

          There must be something in the water clouding almost everybody’s judgment. Glad to see that you are the one person who is not affected

Now, your prosecution all hinges on the difference between a full scholarship and a military academy appointment. I already conceded he got that wrong, but since both are equivalent from a student's financial responsibility I also previously noted this minuscule aspect is irrelevant to the story.  

Scarborough's analogies are ridiculous since I don't recall Carson ever saying he could have or would have been a successful Army officer. Who is Nicole Wallace? Oh yea, a member of the Bush clan, LOL

Interesting how you'll split hairs to indict someone you don't care for yet will also split hairs to defend those you do.

You should have stayed with your original line of prosecution rather than shifting to ones of greater correctness while being of no importance. At least you would have been seen as having a spine.

So since it now appears you might want to shift to other ancient behavior of Carson's past. I'm sure you saw that the MSM couldn't discover any corroboration to Carson's claim of a troubled and violent youth, after talking to NINE people! I got a jump on things and after an investigation, equal to that of CNNs, I found NO ONE that can substantiate your claims of being a an out of work porn star.  Your character seem to be headed for the dumpster, LOL.

Even though the liberal media probably chose not to go after it, this linked substantiation for Carson was uncovered by more level heads.

Seems one of the other vendetta items claiming Carson's guilt regarding the Yale psychology class and the lost test hoax has been expunged now as well

however, shows other reasons you are wrong

       1. Facts are undisputed that Carson did not meet Westy on Memorial Day of 1969 and that West Point offers appointments, not scholarships. So these parts of the Carson book are wrong. But he could have had dinner with Westy in February of 1969.

       2. Your entire defense was premised on Westy offering him an appointment (“Other than the POTUS, there is probably no one else more powerful when it comes to making an appointment and acceptance to West Point a reality”). You were dead wrong about that:  

        "Military officers in the field cannot offer appointments, then or now. That rests with a centralized board. Not even the Chief of Staff of the Army can do that. And none would because that would undercut Congress and civilian control of the military, since the nomination must come first."

       So Westy did not have the power to substitute for the political appointment needed.

       3. The time line also negates Carson’s claim in more detail than I gave. West Point starts in late June. Carson’s claim of  a Memorial day dinner and “later I was offered a full scholarship”  would mean he actually got the offer days before class started without him even sending his transcript in. The drop dead line is actually 8 months before this day.Even a Feb off would be too late:

“No military officer at all would make an offer, by any definition of the word, to attend West Point in 1969 in February of that year.”

4. The author concludes Carson lied:

"Ben Carson did not receive any offer of a scholarship, or an appointment, or whatever you might want to call it. Not spoken or even implied. When he says that he did (and he has not backed off of this part of the story) he is not telling the truth. There is another word for that. It is apparent from everything listed above that he was not assured of acceptance, or anything like it, by any military officer. When he makes assertions to the contrary he is pitting his solitary word against the multi-century tradition of military subordination to civil authority and the honor of 240 years of oaths from the entire officer corps of the United States Army. Not to mention the legal proscriptions of the Acts of Congress dating all the way back to March 1, 1843."

       You fought the good fight, but time to admit you just got this one wrong. For your next project, may I suggest a defense of Pinnochio?

     I guarantee you he will be easier to defend that serial liar Ben Carson

So after all your other sources are wrong you play the Esquire card by someone that clearly knows little to nothing about reality.

His hardest hitting point is based on his opinion that no officer, not even the Chief of Staff of the Army would ever consider pulling such a string. Get real. That’s not the way the world works, especially decades ago. I made my statements based on talking to and listening to real people who lived through similar experiences. Yes, actual people relating actual history. BTW, the General’s request would never be a substitute for a congressional appointment. That required appointment would follow the academy’s desire for a cadet. I gave actual examples that happened. The rest of his points rely on so many assumptions it is not worth the effort to discuss. Let’s see how quickly these new and hard hitting points get picked up across the MSM

We don't want an African American president  who is a liar, again.

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