Politics and Religion

TJ, Here's an honest, no bullshit, no name calling, non sarcastic reply...
fasteddie51 807 reads

TJ, I'm going to respond to this post honestly and without calling you names or making fun of you in any way... but I truly don't get what this post is about... You're saying that you don't throw stones from your glass house, meaning you know your spelling and grammer is poor so you don't point it out to others when theirs is...

OK, I get that part of the post, but then you start talking about replying to me to give me a chance, but you always feel link we're arguing, then you talk about stopping dating for free, then you ask me if I like Domination and humiliation, then you switch tracks and go onto something about RWU calling me a closet conservative because I don't know better than being a liberal...

Honestly, what was all that about?  I really, really don't get it.  So maybe I'm the dumb one.  But you made your point with your first sentence.

Also, completely honestly, I think more people would take you serious, myself included even though I know you could care less if I do, if you would stop calling people names just because they disagree with you.  Lib-Tard, sheep, lefty... when you call someone a name, it's a sign of weakness, and it pisses the person off so he doesn't really care what you have to say, whether it's a valid point or not.

Also, to a lesser degree, all of the capitalization, emoticons and exclaimation points distract from your message and makes them look somewhat childish.  I'm NOT calling you a child, just telling you how your post look, at least to me.

So there it is... an honest message to you, with no name-calling, no sarcasm or nastiness.  It's how I feel, and although I won't speak for others, I THINK it's how many people feel, even some of your conservative breathern.

fasteddie514242 reads

that while there are crazies on both sides of the aisle on this forum, all of the spelling and grammatically challanged ones are on the right? :-)

GaGambler1075 reads

of being "grammatically challanged" rofl

Please move out of your own glass house before casting stones at others, but just to play along, who do accuse of being "grammatically challanged", besides the obvious choice of TJ?

approval of their doctoral thesis, be published in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal or any other rag of record.

but my book deal is gonna come through.... any day now.... any day...

But you're diverting from the original observation...

fasteddie511669 reads

Yes, I see the irony, but again, I wasn't criticizing others for OCCASIONALLY making an error in spelling, which most of us do. But to address your subject line, in fact, I wasn't "criticizing" anybody, I was simply making a pretty factual observation about people who were SYSTEMIC in their inablility to spell or use correcr grammer.  

While your post was ironic, my incorrect spelling of challenge can't be compared with the person/people I was referring to.

GaGambler1420 reads

even Marikod, who hates to agree with anything I say, got the irony. Just admit it and lets move on.

and another thing FWIW, you never referred to anybody in particular. If you would like an example of a loony lefty that can't post a single thought of his own, much less compose a sentence, you only have to look to TrannyBoy aka Xfean as an example of a lefty who is as illiterate as any hick from the hills.

and just one more fucking thing while I am at it. Your post was designed to make conservatives look bad and liberals look good. It was not just an idle observation, don't think that there is a single person on this board that doesn't see through that load of bullshit. It doesn't make your observation incorrect, but it makes your alleged motives  a crock of bullshit. Your "factual observation" was an intentional dig at the literacy of conservatives.

tjrevisted1497 reads

eddie, I have better things to do than point out grammatical errors..PLUS I KNOW ID BE THROWING STONES FROM A GLASS HOUSE, so I dont do that..PERIOD

WTF, are you talkn bout?? YOU MAKIN SHIAT UP?
Youuuuu, Lib-Tard :) I WILL NOT THROW STONES, from my glass house, no matter what they ''taught'' me, OR WHAT I ''LEARNED'' cause I know better... EVEN IF, THAT MAKES ME STUPID, to you :)

see Im replying to your posts now, trying to give you a chance, but I always feel like were arguing..I STOPPED DATING FOR FREE, cause of that shiat! :( and the quality of my men went up, and my headache and heartache dowwwwnnnnn...This is why I dont like talkn to you...Do you like DOM?
Humiliation? RWU calls you a closet conservative, CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW BETTER than being a liberal...NOT CAUSE YOUR CONSERVATIVE, AT ALL..K :)

-- Modified on 12/3/2009 6:21:35 AM

TJ, I'm going to respond to this post honestly and without calling you names or making fun of you in any way... but I truly don't get what this post is about... You're saying that you don't throw stones from your glass house, meaning you know your spelling and grammer is poor so you don't point it out to others when theirs is...

OK, I get that part of the post, but then you start talking about replying to me to give me a chance, but you always feel link we're arguing, then you talk about stopping dating for free, then you ask me if I like Domination and humiliation, then you switch tracks and go onto something about RWU calling me a closet conservative because I don't know better than being a liberal...

Honestly, what was all that about?  I really, really don't get it.  So maybe I'm the dumb one.  But you made your point with your first sentence.

Also, completely honestly, I think more people would take you serious, myself included even though I know you could care less if I do, if you would stop calling people names just because they disagree with you.  Lib-Tard, sheep, lefty... when you call someone a name, it's a sign of weakness, and it pisses the person off so he doesn't really care what you have to say, whether it's a valid point or not.

Also, to a lesser degree, all of the capitalization, emoticons and exclaimation points distract from your message and makes them look somewhat childish.  I'm NOT calling you a child, just telling you how your post look, at least to me.

So there it is... an honest message to you, with no name-calling, no sarcasm or nastiness.  It's how I feel, and although I won't speak for others, I THINK it's how many people feel, even some of your conservative breathern.

tjrevisted1093 reads

K eddie, Im'ma give ''US'' another chance...lol
I'll stop with the name calling, I have this feeling, because I didnt know you were sarcastic, LIKE YOU ARE.. And cause I believed a sarcastic post, when I had no clue how sarcsastic you are, made you, think I was dumb...AND I SAY TO THAT, I DIDNT KNOW YOUR A MEAN OL SARCASTIC PERSON..

As far as my typing skills go, no matter how much shiat I catch, THEY DONT CHANGE! So I guess you should over look that..I have stopped typing in ALL caps..and I feel like, Ive done what I can..I know even some of my conservative brethren, may wish I typed right...BUT THATS JUST NOT WHO I AM, NOR, IS IT,  WHAT i SHOULD BE JUDGED BY!!..Im not a child, nor do I act childish, in person..BUT, I am one of those people, who have ALOT of energy, of that good energy, that people are just drawn too BECAUSE OF MY ENERGY..Even in person, IM ALWAYS JUMPIN OFF A DICK :) lol...

Soooooo, this allll said, YES WE CAN see, I have some good relationships, with some of the liberals on this board..If you could just come from your closed mind, and stop judging me for what I believe, I WOULD STOP DOING THAT TO YOU..and appreciate you, for WHO YOU ARE..If I felt, You had finally extended that same courtesy to me..

Our issue eddie, seems to be about acceptance, i have no problem accepting you, with all of your ''beliefs'' ..Rather you started this, with your long drawn out and plagiarized posts to me, about the NWO, where you had VERY LITTLE FACTS, (I have to add that), and ridiculed me..BUT WE CAN START OVER AGAIN.. Now here is where I think your soooo sarcastic, you're gonna come back and take a stab at me, AFTER I POURED MY HEART OUT!!! :(  LOL

-- Modified on 12/4/2009 1:52:21 AM

TJ, I'll be the first to admit it, I have a sarcastic sense of humor, but I try not to be mean.  Maybe it comes across that way sometimes.

I don't judge people by their beliefs... RWU , GG, a few others and I almost never agree on anything, but I respect them for their opinions.  I also respect WillieWonka, who is definitely WAY more to the left than I am, but again, I almost never agree with him either, because I think he takes thing TOO far to the left.

I really am a moderate... a moderate liberal, but a moderate still the same. I'm not happy with the current democratic party, not by a long shot.  I actually think they've squandered a golden opportunity to be the dominant party for years to come.  The one thing I've always said about Republicans is that they know how to stick together and get things done... only I happen to think they get the wrong things done.  But that doesn't make my admiration for them any less valid.

Where I AM a bleeding heart liberal is in regard to the conservative media.  I think as a whole they're mean-spirited, self-absorbed and self-aggrandizing, and I truly believe that they'd go anyway the wind was blowing if there was a buck in it.  Before Glenn Beck came on board Fox, he had a low-rated show on CNN's Headline News, and he wasn't anywhere near the screaming neo-con that he portrays himself as on Fox.  His headline news show was actually conducted with a kind of populist humor.

Anyway, I'm getting off the point.  Let's try showing each other a little respect in our posts and maybe we can actually get our points across to each other.  I know we won't agree with each other often, and I may let a little scarcasm slip in from time to time, but I won't do it in a mean way.  To quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" - lol

BTW, the "YES WE CAN" Obama quote was funny!

-- Modified on 12/4/2009 2:58:26 PM

fasteddie511562 reads

There's a BIG difference bwtween the occasional typo or spelling error than a systematic lack of spelling or grammer skills.

Now if I was TJ, I'd reply that I spelled challenge incorrectly on purpose to see if anyone would notice. :-)

does not change whether it was posting irony.

Of course there is a "big difference" between occasional and systematic but that is irrelevant to whether the end result was ironic.

Everyone makes typos. It's no biggie. The sad thing I find is when certain people seem not to have a very strong grasp of the English language. There is a difference between the two, but whatever.

Maybe John Stewart Mill can weigh in on this:

"While it is true that not all conservatives are stupid, it is true that most stupid people are conservative."

RightwingUnderground1257 reads

I've long considered that conservatism is the natural state of man. And from this we might conclude that in order to become a liberal, one must "learn things." Only non stupid people can excel at learning so the stupid remain in the conservative pool. The problem is that during the education process some people are taught the wrong "things", hence the emergence of liberals. And many of them do not realize the simple truth I've outlined and so they confuse being stupid with being conservative (odd for such an educated people) and they end up wasting their lives as pointy headed intellectual elitists.

fasteddie511661 reads

but only a percentage of conservatives are, the remaining portion being stupid, in your words.

Hmmm... I can live with that, and I agree with you whole-heartedly!

Now I realize why so many conservatives like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh! LMAO

RightwingUnderground1520 reads

In general I agree that there are more stupid people in the conservative camp than in the liberal camp. But the assertion that there are no stupid liberals in wrong. There are plenty of stupid people that appear to be liberals simply due to exposure to far more liberalism than conservatism but mostly simply due to peer pressure. In short, they are not liberal because they think it is correct and just. They are liberal because they are too stupid to see that they are being pressured into it. When it comes down to it, they are really closet conservatives and do not know it, but outwardly they seem liberal.

So now in your last sentence you are again trying to slam either most conservatives or Beck and Limbaugh all due to this "stupid connection". I cannot tell for certain which, or maybe both. It really should be beneath you. I have not classified you as one of those pointy headed intellectual elitists, yet.

fasteddie511639 reads

My entire post was done tongue in cheek, but since you're changing what you originally said, I'll give you a serious reply.

I'm sure in college you took a course in logic and know what a syllogism is...

Major Premise: "Only non-stupid people can excel at learning (things).

Minor Premise: "To become a liberal, one must learn things".

Conclusion: Liberals are non-stupid people.


The premises are YOURS, and lead logically to the conclusion.

I obviously don't actually believe that all liberals are non-stupid; of course there are really, really stupid liberals just as there are really, really stupid conservatives.  I was just (somewhat scarcastically, I'll admit) taking YOUR statements, as written, to their logical conclusions.  

But NOW, you're adding MODIFIERS to your original statements, which is fine, although it really wasn't necessary because I understood what you were saying in the first place.

But I think by doing so, you've actually diminished what was a good explaination for why there were more stupid conservatives than stupid liberals.

Being exposed to "far more liberalism than conservatism"??? "Peer pressure"???  From 1980 until 2008, with the exception of 1992 through 2000, we've had a decidedly conservative government and citizenry.  Where did all this tremendous exposure to liberalism come from, and don't give me that tired old chestnut about a liberal media, that's just bullshit.  

And where did the peer pressure come from?  Are you saying that all the non-stupid liberals got together to pressure all of the non-stupid people to become liberal? As this country has voted for a republican president five times out of seven between 1980 - 2008, conservative peers must have outnumbered liberal peers.  Unless you're saying that non-stupid liberals so far outnumber non-stupid conservatives that they have much more influence to apply peer pressure to the non-stupid uninformed.

As for "my last sentence" , it, like the whole post, was intended as a joke, hence the smiley face.  Lighten up.  

However, I WILL say this; if you substituted the words "stupid connection" with the words "emotional connection", then I'll stand by my statement.  Beck, Limbaugh and their ilk appeal to people at an emotional level.  Yes, we want to be the best country in the world; yes, we want to think that we control our own lives; yes, we don't want the government imposing on our lives or raising our taxes... These guys are preaching to the choir, who are for the vast part conservatives.  Draw your own conclusions about their intelligence.

-- Modified on 12/2/2009 3:23:10 PM

RightwingUnderground1775 reads

The neighborhoods of the US. Are not all subject to the same national pressures from the federal government, There are cities that have always been very liberal regardless of the federal government makeup. The friends and relatives of these peole have a much greater influence and bring a peer pressure to bear.

Then there is another class of liberal appearing people. Those at the bottom of the economic scale that get more stuff from governments (fed, state, local) than they pay to them. Most of these people lean very heavily liberal appearing. A good deal of them are ignorant and uneducated but this group also has their share of stupid ones.

True liberals, the educated ones, the ones that have more than just the appearance of liberal are a different breed.

I’m sorry but I hardly ever look at the emoticons although I admit I’m guilty of using them occasionally.

tjrevisted1252 reads

lmao!!!! This post was to me (cause I stay on eddies mind), and I bet Im such a bad speller, and so far right, that eddie thinks ALL OF THE RIGHT SPELLS LIKE A FOREIGNER (in his lil liberal mind) LOL :)...FuGGn Racist!!!

I've actually noticed this spelling/grammar issue while debating conservatives on various forums for the last 6 years. It happens over and over again from all sorts of different people. So I don't know if who Eddie had in mind, but I didn't have you in mind. Just a general observation.

tjrevisted911 reads

Like eddie tries to do to me, FOR FREE, like he dont understand the hobby!! lol

Well hell..... you've been on my mind for a long darn time... when I day dream, think about excitement, or just plain wonder about my bucket list, there you are..... now I guess I've fucked up... lmao.... cheers...

GaGambler1102 reads

It's "Fucking Racist" not "FuGGn Racist" rofl

I would agree that he is a "Fucking Liberal" however. I guess if conservatives can go around saying all libs are lazy, want government to support them, and are basically socilists. I guess the libs can say that conservatives "spell badly" lol

Now if Eddie was referring to MDKiller, which I suspect he was. I don't consider MDKiller a conservative, he is more like an escapee from a mental institution. Willy Wonka on the liberal side makes posts every bit as stupid, he just makes them in proper English. IMO that doesn't make his posts any less stupid, just easier to read.

You're right in who I was referring to, but basically I just posted that because I knew it would get the kind of reaction it did.  Some times it's just plain fun to fuck with people. :-)

BTW, I'm not the best speller in the world, which is why I often compose my longer messages in Word, spell check them, and then cut and paste them to the board.

And I wasn't referring to the stupidity of the posts... that's pretty much evenly divided between both liberals and conservatives.  I was specifically referring to spelling and grammer.

As for "fucking liberal"... well, I am a liberal, and I do fuck, so "fucking liberal" is an accurate description.  However, if we look at congress, it seems a lot more republican are fucking (or at least getting caught at it), than liberals.

GaGambler1397 reads

unless of course, I am one of the people doing the fucking.

I mispell words all the time, and I am way to lazy to copy and paste my posts from a Word Doc.

Now that you have gotten over yourself and your own faux pas, I will admit that I actually agree with you. Liberals, even the idiot variety like Willy, do tend to be more literate than their conservative bretheren.

It does seem like you have more uneducated righties than lefties. The lefty variety of idiot tends to be a college educated moron who still can't add two and two together, but can compose a sentence an debate minutia until their opposition's ears bleed. The righty version of idiot does seem to be the uneducated hick who barely made it out of grade school.

Actually, it wasn't directed SPECIFICALLY to you, although you do fall into that category.  Believe me TJ, you are the furthest thing from my mind.  

By the way, racist refers to an ethnic or social bias, not a political bias.  See, some consevatives not only aren't good spellers, they also don't understand the meaning of a lot of the words they use.

... people call me to task all the time for my bad spelling and grammar. LMFAO!

But, let me ask you a question.

Does the fact that my posts generally have fewer spelling errors than yours imply that my positions are automatically superior to yours?

fasteddie511082 reads

I never referred to the validity of the positions and in fact I stated at the beginning that there were crazies on both sides.  I was making a simple observation, no more no less, without any editorial comments.  Take from it what you will...

Sometimes data that someone intends others to take away is implicit.

Crazies definitely exist across the board.

And ... smile already!

"Does the fact that my posts generally have fewer spelling errors than yours imply that my positions are automatically superior to yours?"

 Spelling doesn't have anything to do with it , but there is no doubt your writing is always intellectually superior to plagiarizing eddie.

After edit... Maybe I should have said "Eddie the plagiarizer" or "plagiarizing Eddie" I wouldn't want anyone to think I was inferring John would plagiarize Eddie.. Naw... No one would ever think that.

-- Modified on 12/2/2009 8:40:45 PM

Duncclulouh1324 reads

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Snowman391002 reads

the folks on the right have to hurry and get back to work.

The folks on the left are just waiting on their government checks ;-)

-- Modified on 12/4/2009 10:28:08 AM

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