Politics and Religion

Time poll : Obama leading by default
Priapus53 4258 reads

In the poll I cited yesterday, when BHO was matched against an unnamed generic Republican candidate, the GOP lead by 2.3 % A different story when GOP candidates were named; Romney had the best results ,only trailing BHO by 0.6%, which accounting for the margin of error, is a tie.

New Time Magazine poll just released shows BHO having bigger lead over Romney & rest of GOP field. Now with the economy THIS shitty, why is this happening ? You'd think at least ONE candidate could open up at least a 5% lead or larger.

Time poll is pretty revealing ; shows that mass public is cool to the GOP field ,particularly among women, even with BHO's weak #'s.

For the umpteenth time I'll state that polls are
"snapshots in time"; of course things could change in little over a year or sooner. But the fact BHO has at least a 50% chance for re-election, show just how tepid the GOP field is.

interesting, Pria. Obama may be a lousy POTUS, but he is one hell of a campaigner. I was watching the WH correspondents diner from earlier this year, and noticed something. Obama took out Trumps entire campaign with one stand up gig. Has such a thing ever happened in the history of US politics?

What took down John Kerry more than anything was the swift boat attacks. The GOP has run time and time again on rather ridiculous talking points. Redistribute the wealth. Flip-flop. Gay marriage. Re-elect me or the terrorists will win. One smart strategy Obama has used was to make fun of the GOP for doing this. Make them look ridiculous. It worked in '08. It will likely work again. Oh, and Mitt Romney...didn't he pass health care in Massachusetts?

The GOP field hasn't been narrowed down to one yet. The GOP candidate hasn't been subjected to a focused Democratic attack yet. What you don't know is almost never disliked as much as what you do know. And it's a tie between Obama and Romney.

I wouldn't want to be an incumbant in this upcoming election, but I wouldn't want to be any GOP POTUS candidate either.

CommonSensePrevails2116 reads

"  What took down John Kerry more than anything was the swift boat attacks. The GOP has run time and time again on rather ridiculous talking points. Redistribute the wealth. Flip-flop. Gay marriage. Re-elect me or the terrorists will win.

One smart strategy Obama has used was to make fun of the GOP for doing this. Make them look ridiculous. "...................

WTF are you talking about ? O-Douche Bag is running smoke and mirrors as we speak trying to hide   Operation Fast and Furious with some botched assassination attempt. Maybe being one himself he cares , but do most Americans really care if one raghead takes out another. I know I don't.

Duhhh, Do you really think there is anyone on this board who doesn't realize what a "tepid" slate of candidates the GOP has fielded?

This could possibly explain why Herman Cain is gaining traction. and before you start writing off his chances, remember in 91 HW Bush looked unbeatable and Bill Clinton was still just some hick governor from Arkansas/

You call polls "snapshots in time" I call polls this far out, "a complete waste of time"  and just like Willy's insipid graphs usually designed to tell a story according to the poll takers motives.

-- Modified on 10/14/2011 7:36:31 AM

Priapus532122 reads

Bullshit. Even conservative leaning polls like Rasmussen show BHO leading.

The problem with many on this board is that they think they represent "mainstream" political thought & get pissed when polls don't go their way. From what I've seen, hobbyists have a "skewed" view toward politics ( hard left & particulary hard right ) which don't represent the mass public. Keep in mind that steady hobbyists only make up a tiny portion of the populace. I will confess that MY political opinions are out of the "mainstream" . OTOH, you'd think from the fervent Tea Party support here that a vast slice of the U.S. population are Tea Partiers. Hardly the case; only 25% of the polulation are self identfied Tea Partiers or "fellow travellers".

-- Modified on 10/14/2011 8:35:05 AM

Twenty five percent is a huge fucking number of people.

Everyone that disagrees with you (or me for that matter) has a "skewed" view towards politics. and what is so suprising that an incumbent POTUS has a slight lead in the polls despite his unpopularity, the only real poll that counts is the one conducted next November.

but discounting 75 million people by your own admission is akin to sticking your head in the sand and saying there is no Tea Party movement. Whether you agree with them or not, the Tea Party is a reality of political life today, 75 million people cannot be ignored.

Priapus531985 reads

I'm not saying that the TP isn't a potent force; but on this on this board its "strength has been overestimated".

That has been the story since the field started to come together a year ago.

Unless something drastic happens in the next year, President Obama will easily win re-election.

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