Politics and Religion

Though I'd never Be A Trump supporter, your're to be commended for your honesty----
GaGambler 963 reads
1 / 29

Does anyone else find it a bit ironic that the two people here who openly support Trump are a woman and a non white man?

What else do you think the polls might have gotten wrong about Trump as it looks more and more like he is going to be the nominee?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 133 reads
2 / 29

and while I do not support Trump for President, I would not campaign against him either and I am quite certain he would do more as President than anyone in the media would or could ever give him proper credit for.

Hillary - well I said on day 1 its hers to lose. Its still hers to lose. If Bill is a guaranteed participant in a Hillary cabinet I'll vote for her. Otherwise, no thank you.

OTOH, I would put my trike at the head of the anti-Cruz parade and marching chowder society and have my passengers throw buckets of machine gun bacon grease at his supporters. Yeee Ha!

followme 119 reads
3 / 29

hat is cheesy’s area of nonsense.

However all the pundits’ talking heads and the like have been saying since the beginning, when trump says something outrageous (in their mind) it would/could drive him down. Apparently it has not.

Thank you  
2016 = 2

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 104 reads
4 / 29

That said, polling AT THIS time indicates the GOP will have their biggest blowout since '64. If that holds, will Trump win more or less than the 6 states that Goldwater carried in '64 ?

GaGambler 114 reads
5 / 29

I suppose if Cruz was running against her, even against my own self interest (Obama Care is likely to cost me several hundred grand over the next few years) I might vote "against Cruz" by voting for her, but I think it would be more likely that I would just stay home.

I also think it's quite telling how Trump is NOT a thumper by his answer about Caitlyn Jenner. He is not a "real" conservative, and as such he won't get bogged down refighting gay marriage and abortion rights.

Just like all politicians there are many things "candidate Trump" will promise that POTUS Trump would not get done. ALL politicians do this, but the one thing I bet he will accomplish that no one else will do is repatriate the TWO TRILLION dollars held offshore by US companies because it under current law it makes no sense to bring that money home. Can you imagine what a TWO TRILLION dollar shot in the arm will do for our economy?

GaGambler 126 reads
6 / 29

So are you setting the over/under at six states?

I will agree that Hillary will be a huge favorite against him, but he still has a "punchers chance" to win IMHO.

I also believe the polls are all wrong about Kasich, rightly or wrongly people vote out of emotion, Kasich is about as inspiring as white rice. It's the reason that while his negative numbers are better than either Cruz or Trump, very few people, even GOP voters, are inspired enough to actually vote for him. Like him or not, Trump can reach people on an emotional level and that's the GOP's only chance to win, slim as it might be.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 103 reads
7 / 29

Posted By: Laffy

 As far as gay/abortion rights, he said he'd pick judges like Scalia and Thomas, judges VERY against those rights.
... so is he a liar about everything but this, or is he lying about this as well?

just sayin...

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 88 reads
8 / 29

Talk about a pair of pathetic candidates.  From what I'm seeing in polling in some red states, HRC is certainly making it competitive against Trump. Obama carried N.C. & Indiana in '08, my guess is that HRC takes those, along with possibly Missouri & your state of Georgia.

My guess is that Trump carries 5-9 states, but of course, in these matters, things are subject to change.
Posted By: GaGambler
So are you setting the over/under at six states?  
 I will agree that Hillary will be a huge favorite against him, but he still has a "punchers chance" to win IMHO.  
 I also believe the polls are all wrong about Kasich, rightly or wrongly people vote out of emotion, Kasich is about as inspiring as white rice. It's the reason that while his negative numbers are better than either Cruz or Trump, very few people, even GOP voters, are inspired enough to actually vote for him. Like him or not, Trump can reach people on an emotional level and that's the GOP's only chance to win, slim as it might be.
-- Modified on 4/24/2016 10:15:37 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 116 reads
9 / 29

Posted By: GaGambler
So are you setting the over/under at six states?  
 I will agree that Hillary will be a huge favorite against him, but he still has a "punchers chance" to win IMHO.  
 I also believe the polls are all wrong about Kasich, rightly or wrongly people vote out of emotion, Kasich is about as inspiring as white rice. It's the reason that while his negative numbers are better than either Cruz or Trump, very few people, even GOP voters, are inspired enough to actually vote for him. Like him or not, Trump can reach people on an emotional level and that's the GOP's only chance to win, slim as it might be.
I completely agree w/you on Trumps apparent talent for tapping the emotional "zeitgeist" of the not-so "silent majority", but whether it can translate into votes on the ground in November remains to be seen.

Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President of the United States in 2016.

... and the camera pulls back to a widescreen shot of Donald Trump waving to the crowd, a rising crescendo of voices echoing his name in stentorian perfection "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!"...

Fade to Black

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 105 reads
11 / 29

you said 6!
then gambler called it on the o/u
now you're waffling with fudgey sauce and saying 5-9?

We should just put together a betting pool. The players are manifest, and the games are about to begin in earnest.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 99 reads
12 / 29

to elect Donald Trump as our president.  I believe it will not only cause more division and hate in our home country, but also around the whole world.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 116 reads
13 / 29

Whether you find those perceptions to be true/fair or not.  Massive swaths of the population are terrified of the thought of him being President, as evidenced by his hugely unfavorable ratings among minorities & women. & without winning those demographics, you lose in a landslide. Period.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Posted By: GaGambler
So are you setting the over/under at six states?  
  I will agree that Hillary will be a huge favorite against him, but he still has a "punchers chance" to win IMHO.  
  I also believe the polls are all wrong about Kasich, rightly or wrongly people vote out of emotion, Kasich is about as inspiring as white rice. It's the reason that while his negative numbers are better than either Cruz or Trump, very few people, even GOP voters, are inspired enough to actually vote for him. Like him or not, Trump can reach people on an emotional level and that's the GOP's only chance to win, slim as it might be.
 I completely agree w/you on Trumps apparent talent for tapping the emotional "zeitgeist" of the not-so "silent majority", but whether it can translate into votes on the ground in November remains to be seen.  
 Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President of the United States in 2016.  
 ... and the camera pulls back to a widescreen shot of Donald Trump waving to the crowd, a rising crescendo of voices echoing his name in stentorian perfection "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!"...  
 Fade to Black

-- Modified on 4/24/2016 11:07:06 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 90 reads
14 / 29

I don't really vote with the idea of being on the winning side. I don't decide who I want to root for based on the "over/under" of the win probability.

Bernie Sanders, pundits say, doesn't have a chance, but his ideas will influence our approach for a decade.

Compare that influence to Trump's. Win or lose the Primary, win or lose the General, his approach to how we deal with the world will influence our methods for the REST OF THE CENTURY at least.

So in one sense, Trump had already won whether he gets the Presidency or not. To me that's scary. To a lot of people that's a sweet victory.

Democracy is good enough for who it's for.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 99 reads
15 / 29

GAG, mentioned that, to which I replied.  Doc, I know this upsets you, but Trump is doing awful in the polls against the Dem candidates at the moment. Perceptions are "baked in" at this time, don't blame me, blame a sane electorate---------  :)


-- Modified on 4/24/2016 11:36:19 AM

GaGambler 104 reads
16 / 29

If you hadn't noticed he's been all over the map on committing to a wager. I have offered some very fair odds, right in line with what he was asking for and he still won't pull the trigger. Somehow I believe that right now he is too scared to make a bet on a race that has already been run.

The other challenge to a pool of course is finding players trustworthy enough to have any expectation they would ever pay up. I mean honestly can you imagine someone like laffy ever honoring a bet? Or someone like Matt who would argue that the bet really wasn't the bet and debate the meaning of the "bet" until we just got tired of arguing and let it go.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 94 reads
17 / 29

which GaG, you said is a distinct possibility, am I gonna take your bet that Hillary won't be POTUS ? If she gets nailed, then you automatically win the bet. No thanks, I'll wait till June to bet, which, by then, I''m sure, the bet offer will be pulled-------:)

Lastly, when Is Doc gonna stop being a closeted Truump supporter & come out & announce his support? Quite disingenuous , in my opinion. At least GAG is upfront & open about his support for Trump.

GaGambler 109 reads
18 / 29

If it weren't for the threat of a house falling on her head the odds of her winning would be even shorter than they are now.

See, that's the thing about the way you want to bet. It's like betting on the Patriots to win the Super Bowl this year, BUT waiting to make sure they win the AFC Championship first and still wanting the preseason odds on them winning

pleasureglans 17 Reviews 96 reads
20 / 29

Posted By: GaGambler
Does anyone else find it a bit ironic that the two people here who openly support Trump are a woman and a non white man?  
 What else do you think the polls might have gotten wrong about Trump as it looks more and more like he is going to be the nominee?
When they talk about the white demographic supporting Trump, it is older, white UNEDUCATED men they mention.

GaGambler 116 reads
21 / 29

Do you honestly believe there are THAT many old, white, UNEDUCATED men in this country to account for Donald Trump not only becoming the front runner, but still being the odds on favorite to win the nomination?

It's pretty obvious that we have plenty of old, white, uneducated men on this board, strangely NONE of them are voicing any support for Trump. I guess "they" don't get around these parts too often.  

It appears to me that it's Cruz who's base is the "old white and stupid, err uneducated" contingent not Trump.

JackDunphy 97 reads
22 / 29

Sounds a bit less exciting when I put it that way, doesnt it? Lol

We can talk about your highly illogical conclusion privately.

Right now, I have to shower off the smell of my SB. Lol

GaGambler 119 reads
23 / 29

Come to think of it some of my very favorite people are drunken hookers.  

I like them better than pious whoremongers, present company excepted of course. lo

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 107 reads
24 / 29

Most Democrats I know well, support Bernie.

I've heard more than one acquaintance of mine of different shades, Black, Brown, Saltine, Red, Bronze or other, claim they are Trump supporters.  
  I've met very few Democrats hoping Hillary will be crowned.
I know more than a few Dem men who readily admit, Hillary is a dirt bag.
 Those Dems  claim  they will vote for Trump if Bernie isn't on the ballot.  
    Donald Trump's 52 % gang of Old White Man with no education is a force to be reckoned with.      
   I've met dozens of College educated D's and R's who only fraternize with  
             their own kind.  
               They can't see outside their own  mind.
    Most of those isolated dummy dozens, couldn't buy a clue if they won the lottery.

 Something for the pompous journalist crowd to think about, a  Hillary supporter with a PHD has no more voting power than a uneducated red neck absent of  a GED.
      In many  realities, the red neck is more popular, wiser, with  more friends he'll bring to Trump's side on election day.  

      Of all the Godly white guys I know only two claim they will vote for Cruz.  
         I gift them with the  God honest truth, every time we meet.
          They won't have a chance to vote for Cruz.
             Trump will be the certified GOP nominee!

          Young  Bernie supporters will not flock to Hillary.
 Hillary will never  energize young voters like Obama.  
   I believe  Thumpers will change their tune to a brand new song  
         when Cruz is out and gone.
              Vote for Trump 2016
         Help defeat the Devil, Hillary."
    The enemy of my enemy is our friend.
         Sing it again everyone !!!  
             Vote for Trump2016
         Help defeat  the Devil, Hillary"
    The enemy of my enemy is our friend

Looks like I'll quit wasting my time with the alternate Bernie and go for President Trump all the way .................................
 Time to relax and laugh, counting  old white guys in photo below.  
               President   Trump 2016!  :-D

GaGambler 81 reads
25 / 29

I guess I was drunk enough for both of us.

and besides, when does the truth have anything to do with giving someone a label around here?

FatVern 86 reads
26 / 29

I also openly support Trump, have you seen the other candidates? I know plenty of people younger than me who also support Trump.

Posted By: GaGambler
Does anyone else find it a bit ironic that the two people here who openly support Trump are a woman and a non white man?  
 What else do you think the polls might have gotten wrong about Trump as it looks more and more like he is going to be the nominee?

pleasureglans 17 Reviews 91 reads
27 / 29

Posted By: GaGambler
Do you honestly believe there are THAT many old, white, UNEDUCATED men in this country to account for Donald Trump not only becoming the front runner, but still being the odds on favorite to win the nomination?  
 It's pretty obvious that we have plenty of old, white, uneducated men on this board, strangely NONE of them are voicing any support for Trump. I guess "they" don't get around these parts too often.  
 It appears to me that it's Cruz who's base is the "old white and stupid, err uneducated" contingent not Trump.
Earlier in the primaries, the analysis showed the majority of Trump supporters were older, uneducated white men. Obviously, his support has broadened since then but I believe it still constitutes the majority of his base.

I believe Trump is a natural carnival barker and, "crazy like a fox."

Cruz, on the other hand, is just fucking crazy.

GaGambler 100 reads
28 / 29

Trump did rally the largely disenfranchised blue collar white men who felt sold out by the GOP after the mid terms and who largely blamed illegal aliens to their being either unemployed or underemployed. I agree he has broadened his base since then to a lot of other people who don't like "politics as usual"

Cruz is as you say "just fucking crazy" like most religious fundamentalists.

What I do find interesting, although a bit disappointing is that both Hillary and Trump are unwillingly being pulled to the left and right respectively due to the protracted primary campaigns. Both of them had wanted to already have "pivoted" to the GE, but pesky challenges by Cruz and Sanders have kept them both from taking the nomination for granted.

pleasureglans 17 Reviews 52 reads
29 / 29

I agree with every word here.

Posted By: GaGambler
Trump did rally the largely disenfranchised blue collar white men who felt sold out by the GOP after the mid terms and who largely blamed illegal aliens to their being either unemployed or underemployed. I agree he has broadened his base since then to a lot of other people who don't like "politics as usual"  
 Cruz is as you say "just fucking crazy" like most religious fundamentalists.  
 What I do find interesting, although a bit disappointing is that both Hillary and Trump are unwillingly being pulled to the left and right respectively due to the protracted primary campaigns. Both of them had wanted to already have "pivoted" to the GE, but pesky challenges by Cruz and Sanders have kept them both from taking the nomination for granted.

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