Politics and Religion

This is likely Rick Santorum's response
thisbud4u 259 reads

.... "I will use drones to bomb all abortion clinics".    Now that will put Santo on top of HuckaBS in their base.

Yep, this right wing wacko bird said it. Just when I thought the comments from some of the Republican candidates couldn't get any worse, it now has. I love it!!!

This statement might give Huckabee a few bumps up in the polls and perhaps a chance to get into the main Republican debate. Now I guess it's Sanatorium's turn to say something truly bombastic. We are now officially in political silly season.

GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is open to the idea of using federal troops and the FBI to stop women from having abortions.

"I will not pretend there is nothing we can do to stop this," Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas and an outspoken social conservative, said Thursday at a campaign stop in Jefferson, Iowa.  

Huckabee addressed abortion again at his next stop in Rockwell City, Iowa, where a reporter asked him whether stopping abortion would mean using federal troops or the FBI.

"We'll see if I get to be president," Huckabee said, according to the Topeka Capital-Journal.

"All American citizens should be protected," he added.


-- Modified on 7/31/2015 5:48:38 PM

thisbud4u305 reads

Whatever happened to the constitutional right given to women by the Supreme Court in Roe VS Wade ruling.  
 When asked "if you really want to do it", he replied "when I am President".   I think his odds is easily 10 trillion to 1

thisbud4u260 reads

.... "I will use drones to bomb all abortion clinics".    Now that will put Santo on top of HuckaBS in their base.

..... by the MSM. Trust me when I say this, the MSM is eating this stuff up and cannot get enough of this. It also confirms to everyone, even those with half a brain, how wacky some righties are...lol

GaGambler307 reads

What "might" kill their chances is if another Todd Akin crashes the party,  and the "mainstream" GOP doesn't step up fast enough to shut him up.

Very little of what is happening today will be remembered as any more than a side show in a few months, UNLESS of course the Trump phenomenon gets some real legs to it. Then "Houston we have a problem" and things start looking REALLY good for the dems.

St. Croix314 reads

are very similar. Yeah, and I kinda said that with a semi-straight face. Define Trump's targeted audience? It's people who are anti-immigration, and want a smaller less intrusive government. Sanders' targeted audience are those that hate/distrust big corporations, Wall Street, Banks, and the 1%. Both are populist messages. Both are successful in getting their message across, but obviously in a different way.  

Trump's style is abrasive and offensive, but he is not a professional politician like Sanders, or any of the other candidates. Wasn't Perot different and refreshing? We all know Trump's not going to win, but are politics reserved only for the professional politicians?  Personally, I would love to see a Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, or a Bob Iger run, but for some reason, the private sector is just not welcomed in politics.  

It's easy to discredit Trump, especially by the Left. If Sanders gets traction, it will be even easier to discredit him.  

Posted By: GaGambler
What "might" kill their chances is if another Todd Akin crashes the party,  and the "mainstream" GOP doesn't step up fast enough to shut him up.  
 Very little of what is happening today will be remembered as any more than a side show in a few months, UNLESS of course the Trump phenomenon gets some real legs to it. Then "Houston we have a problem" and things start looking REALLY good for the dems.

GaGambler314 reads

Socialists are by and large a lazy bunch, anyone remember "Occupy Wall St"? As soon as it got cold out those kids decided it was time to go home to Mommy and Daddy

Trump's target audience will have a lot more staying power, but they too will eventually give up and go home too, UNLESS of course Trump manages to turn the left's criticism of him into a call to rally his own troops and goes all Ross Perot on us. Which of course means a cake walk for the Hildabeast.

Personally I still think we are in for a few more twists and turns and I would be very hesitant to bet the Daily Double of both Hillary and Jeb winning their respective nominations. I am not saying it won't happen, just that it's not quite as inevitable as many people like to think.

...Jewish, Jeff Bezos - bald, prototypical nerd.  You, more than anyone, judges politicians on their looks.  Well, women politicians at least.  Bezos is a nebbish who would have as much of a chance as Woody Allen.

This is exactly as you state that is him wanting to bump a poll a few points in a desperate attempt to get on the main stage.  

Personally, outside of Bush, Kasich, Rubio and Walker, I don't give much credence if any, to what the others in the field say.

nuguy46294 reads

Clinton 'scandals' continue. Dems have no other choice at the moment to back a candidate with huge  negative baggage. Dowd have 'inside' info???


thisbud4u272 reads

This thread is about your Republican right wing religious bigot HuckaBS.      You cannot cry about Hillary here.

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