Politics and Religion

This happened 12 years ago but just came to light now so the left-wing...
randomvr301 1835 reads
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Top Republican in US House spoke at a Terrorist Organization's conference?    Gee, I thought we got rid of the Nazis.

HONDA 153 Reviews 518 reads
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.....of ever taking his House Republican Whip position next week.

Posted By: comfortzone
Top Republican in US House spoke at a Terrorist Organization's conference?    Gee, I thought we got rid of the Nazis.

randomvr301 675 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 536 reads
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...media is ginning up the story.  OTOH, the right-wing media is ginning up a story about a wedding ceremony being moved because of a round of golf by Obama.

Which do you think is more important - the third most powerful Republican giving a speech to neo-Nazis, albeit 12 years ago, or the President forcing a couple to move their wedding ceremony to a BETTER location?

randomvr301 547 reads
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The President does not move weddings, but his security team.   Security Service, local LE etc.,

JackDunphy 493 reads
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befriending an admitted and unapologetic terrorist in Bill Ayers while attending an anti-Semitic, anti-American church with a BSC racist preacher in Rev Wright for 20 years.


randomvr301 478 reads
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He was elected in a landslide and re-elected in another landslide!    Time for you to get to the nearest toilet.

randomvr301 505 reads
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Rep. Scalise defended his speech to the New Orleans Times-Picayune in an interview Monday, reiterating what his spokeswoman said earlier in the day -- that he didn't know what group he was speaking to.

He did not know what group he was speaking to although he was invited by KKK leader David Duke!    What a dumb sh**it they have to lead the party in the House.

randomvr301 363 reads
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Between the AIPAC, Anti Defamation League and Hillary Clinton this white supremacist and KKK enthusiast (he forgot and claimed he never did until details emerged). will be snuffed out of politics.

randomvr301 478 reads
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So when the new Congress opens, we will have a Republican from Staten Island, NY wearing prison jumpsuit and a Republican from Louisiana wearing his KKK hoodie!

randomvr301 579 reads
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He accepted campaign donation from KKK !    Stay tuned for more trash that will come out from under the white sheet!

JohnyComeAlready 442 reads
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I don't think Nazis and white supremacists are cut from the same cloth. There were probably some white supremacist Americans who fought against Nazi Germany, during WWII.

Posted By: comfortzone
Between the AIPAC, Anti Defamation League and Hillary Clinton this white supremacist and KKK enthusiast (he forgot and claimed he never did until details emerged). will be snuffed out of politics.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 483 reads
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... so why should it be the anti defamation league or aipac that takes action?
what about the n-double-fuckin-a-acp? or the lgbt? or the good christian evangelical fellowship of american gun-wielding patriots? or what about the fucking GOP own its mess and clean it up themselves?

i find it amusing the world wants to blame the jews and israel for all the worlds ills, but immediately turn to their jewish doctors lawyers accountants and lobbyists to fix all the problems.


hobby new year.


JohnyComeAlready 477 reads
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That's what will happen when the ADL and SPLC stick their noses into these issues. Which really appear to be nonissues from a centrist perspective. I don't believe any group related to the KKK is an immediate threat to the Jewish American community.

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