Politics and Religion

This could be Catastrophic for Mitt Romney. He is Losing Support Among Older Voters......teeth_smile
HONDA 153 Reviews 1543 reads

"Minorities - check; Gays - check; Women - check; Latinos - check; College educated - check; Middle class - check; Working poor - check; Union workers - check; Uninsured - check; African Americans - check; Non-christians - check; Seniors - check...gee Mittens, I think that covers it, we've alienated everyone on our list!"

Even before his running mate was booed by a lobbying group for older Americans on Friday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was losing support among such voters, whose backing is crucial to his hopes of winning the November 6 election.

New polling by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that during the past two weeks - since just after the Democratic National Convention - support for Romney among Americans age 60 and older has crumbled, from a 20-point lead over Democratic President Barack Obama to less than 4 points.

Romney's double-digit advantages among older voters on the issues of healthcare and Medicare - the nation's health insurance program for those over 65 and the disabled - also have evaporated, and Obama has begun to build an advantage in both areas.

He and the Republican state legislators in several swing states are doing their best to make certain that happens.

Liberals now will have the opportunity to show their support for the Obamacare principle of "you've got to vote for it to see what's in it".

So, now you libs will be happy to also know that you don't even have to be able to read.  You don't have to even be able to prove you are a US citizen.  

All you have to do is push a button.  You don't even have to make any choice.  The machine will do that for you, print you a receipt.  A picture of the candidate who got your vote will be included with your next welfare check.

Wow, what could be easier.   LOL

Consider this: Obama won decisively in 2008, but he also decisively LOST the white vote.

That tells ya all you need to know.

Even the GOP admits that this is the last year that they can run on the idea of southern strategy. Race baiting will not win them elections anymore.

If the GOP doesn't bring Latinos into the fold the same way Democrats brought blacks into the fold generations ago, then the GOP will not recover. And so far, things aren't looking good.

The GOP has yet to find it's new identity after Bush. They have no real Standard Bearers.

The smartest thing they could have done in 2008 is elect Michael Steele their chairman. And they couldn't wait to get rid of him and go Tea Party crazy.

There is no political future for closeted Klansmen in this country. We really are moving beyond race. Those who don't will go the way of the Whigs.

I'm sorry, but I think you have superficially applied a theory to what is much more fundamental.  IMO, the issue is clearly race.  It is clearly class warfare.  It is clearly a turning point in US politics where elections are won based on what handouts one candidate will offer compared to the other.

I accept your outcome, "republicans are doomed", but more than that, the country is doomed.  It cannot continue in a prosperous manner when elections are won based on majority votes consisting predominantly of people who contribute nothing to the success of the country.  Rather, those who contribute the least, if anything, have become the deciding factor.  What we are seeing is a precursor to the plight of European countries who followed this same path but are a bit further ahead of us toward their final destination.  And, that outcome is clear.  A country cannot survive longterm when it's electorate is made up of those who do not contribute.

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