Politics and Religion

Thinking about making a movie...........
suck_muh_ballz 4527 reads

Since SNAKES ON A PLANE has been an overwhelming success....

I am thinking about doing ARABS ON A PLANE

I want everything to be exaggerated... so to get on the plane, they would get strip searched and have to go through a cat-scan. Maybe even whipped a few times.

On the plane, everybody would talk about them and become nervous.

Of course, they try and hi-jack the plane, but only because they are SICK OF THESE MOTHERFUCKING HOMOS ON A PLANE!

Because it is actually a gay flight going to San Fran.

Good idea? Discuss.

lemme help with some potential titles :

Jihadists On a Jet

Sodomites In The Sky

Fudgepackers On A Flight

Pederasts On a Plane

ButtBuddies On A Boeing

Cocksuckers Near The Cockpit

Flying The Way Too Friendly Skies [OK, definite copyright problems with this one]

Amorous Anal Aflight

ButtBanging On A Boeing

Coffe, Tea or He?

Are You Sure That This is What "Upright Position" Refers To?

IslamoFascists In The Aisle Seat

Pardon Me, But Is That Hostage Taken?

The Hershey Highway Is Not Just For Motorists

I wouldn't mind programmingthe in-flight movie here, either.

that he never thought it would be so easy finding so many volunteers to hide explosives in theri anal cavities.....

"Is that a grenade hanging off your strap-on, or are you just happy to see me?"

Tusayan1716 reads

Not sure where you got the idea that Snakes on a Plane was an overwhelming success. I think the word you're looking for is bomb. It cost $33 to produce the movie and many millions more to market it and it only made $34 million in the U.S.  You need a better concept.

Tucker Max1790 reads

I have a much better concept, picture this,...A nation wide webboard that lets you search data bases that has contact information, stats, ratings and other information to find hot sexy women in your area who will have wild sex with you. You can then post a review of your time with her so others can read the review for amusement purposes only.

And yes, they also have a seperate board devoted to religion & politics, except no real discussion happens there because everyone is too busy calling each other names!

What do you think?  Do you think it will sell??

TontotheInjun1770 reads

Fuckface fit you better.  Ugh.

accurately reading posts and trying to make an semi-intelligent response as you do figuring out which of your multiple childish-sounding aliases to adopt, you might make actually make a useful contribution once in awhile. But that seems to be totally beyond you.

You need to hire a new writer.

And you prove once again your inability to properly read a post. What are you accusing me of? Using stupid aliases like you do? I've never made a post not signed as zisk. You lose. Again.

Here's a suggestion for next alias. A little truth in advertising. Just call yourself Illiterate_Douchebag. Then again, that wouldn't really qualify as an alias for you.

TiteAssedSchoolMarm2502 reads

One thing for sure, your eyes must be brown from your colon stoppage!!

you've inspired me to take pen in hand [figuratively speaking] and start on "Shitheads On a Message Board."

Inspired by....

So, what's your gambit here, zisk?   a cry for help or a cry for attention?  You've gotten the latter, i suspect that you are beyond the former.

Oe pissed off about Guess Who's 6oth anniversary?   Shortchanged on the cake?  Didn't care for the party favors?  [I heard they were replicas of the USS Liberty].  Now, imagine if you were a Pally...

-- Modified on 5/20/2008 11:47:20 AM

DrFill2108 reads

for psychiatric issues.

Lucky for him, I take PR&M checks!

then why even bother to reply to it? Just can't help yourself?

And I won't question what is your gambit. That's all too clear. Hell, everyone knows what it is.

Sliding in a reference to some perceived "smoking gun" that is over 40 years old? I'm sure not even you can keep count on how many times you've tried to play that card in various posts. Meanwhile, you don't have to go back even 40 days for the most recent Hezbollah terrorist attack. You remember Hezbollah. Just one of the many Islamic terrorist organizations you openly stated you would never condemn for any reason, no matter how many schoolchildren they blow up, or apparently even no matter how many Palestinians they murder as well.

Now, imagine if you were sane....

or insightful.

zisk, you had a great hobby experience, per your latest review.  Cheer up or STFU, you're even boring me at this point.

you planning a trip to NC or just so desperate to read everything I post, no matter where it is? Seems like you are going pretty far out of your way just to be bored by me.

And I'm quite a happy person by and large, thank you very much; just because I sometimes get fed up with your propaganda machine doesn't mean it affects my general disposition one iota. At the moment, I'm basking outside on my deck in the glory of a wonderful early summer day. Just thought I'd fill you in since you seem so enthralled in my daily activities.

-- Modified on 5/20/2008 3:08:57 PM

i merely noticed that your review number changed to 5.

by almighty Allah, savor the memory of the encounter and forget about my supposed anti-Semitism for a few days.  or your futile efforts at alias hunting.  you are getting to be a drag.

i still think we're in spring.  but enjoy the basking in the sun, as I doubt many of us enjoy basking, if that's the word here, in your  anger, theatrical and hystrionic as it appears to be.

and i'd rather be enthralled by your activites, pedestrian as they are, than IN THRALL to AIPAC! that appears to be your forte, good sir.

previous post:
"zisk, you had a great hobby experience, per your latest review."

now you claim:
"i merely noticed that your review number changed to 5."

The only reasonable interpretation of the first sentence is that you read the review. How else would you know it was a "great experience"?

So, that leaves two possibilities...
A. you lied in your last post
B. you jumped to a half-assed assumption in your first post

I've no doubt you've done A before in other posts, but option B certainly explains why you have so little understanding of the real world

Furthermore, if last post was actually true, then considering that the review was written weeks ago, I wonder why you seem to be keeping track for some reason as to how many reviews I write. Its quite odd behavior.  

You can read into my postings any anger or hystrionic [sic] you like if it makes you feel better about your own inadequacies. Considering you felt the need to put 4 exclamation points in your post title, accusing me of histrionics is rather ironic (see how that word can be used properly?). Or if you prefer, hypocritical. Either works in this context.

And my relationship to AIPAC is the same as it is to Likud, or any other group you seem to want to attach me to in order to bolster your weak arguments that can't stand on their own. None. But again, if that makes you feel better about yourself, keep shoveling the shit.

-- Modified on 5/21/2008 2:33:08 PM

1. I saw your reviews had increased to 5

2. i took a quick look at the review ratings, they were 10 and 8 methinks

3. from there I concluded you had a great time.  Sorry to deflate you ego, but i did not read it.

4. no doubt if you had a shit time you'd accuse me of gloating?????????????????????????????????

sorry if your great "gotcha" moment is something less than that.  glad you enjoyed yourself in the other activity, I really am.

every time you post, your review number shows.   I just noticed you went up the day i wrote.   By Jahweh, Jehovah, god, Jesus, Allah, buddha and other mythical figures, you are indeed one contentious cuss.  Whenever you wrote your review is fine, whenever it got approved and posted is fine, I noticed it 2 days ago.  Happy?  You can seemingly  pervert and twist anything into something it's not.  But no surprise there, given some of the other things you've been "kind" enough to share.

Go back to your deck and continue to bask in the sun.  your brains are not yet completely fried, my boy.

You may or may not be a Likudist or an AIPACer, i'll never know, but you definitely give the impression of protesting too much on that very point. If you're not, you do an excellent impersionation of each.  I tip my fez to you.

And as long as you keep sniffing, and bitching about the odor of the shit i shovel, i'll keep shoveling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Fair enough??????

Bonus materials :

Every breath you take,
every post you make,
every bit of Likud propoganda you spread,
I'll be watching you.

Sufficiently fed your meglomania today?

Q. Why did Ehud Olmert cross the road?

A. To get to the bagman on the other side!!!!

Soon this entire thread will have rolled over to page 2.  But by then I'll have posted some new stuff about which you can wax infinitely indignant.  I can barely wait.    What you lack in relevence you more than compensate for in humor and amusement value.

TY for keeping this place interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!

""i merely noticed that your review number changed to 5."

apparently not; you now state that you clicked on my review number in order to see the scores I gave. You decided to view my reviews, whether you read the text or not is irrelevant. Its not something you get from here on the P&R board, you have to go to another page for that. That's all that matters. Which as is crystal clear in the statement given above you made in the previous post, you had denied doing this before. A relatively minor lie (for you), as things go, but why lie just to cover your ass? That appears to be something of a pattern with you.

No ego for me; I could not care less if you read my reviews. I was questioning why you would even bother to do so. I'll still ask the same question as to why you would bother to even seek out what scores I gave. For what purpose? For whatever reason, you must have some curiosity about it. I have none of that for your reviews.

But if you want to keep pretending I desire you to read my reviews, so be it. Reviews are made to help out fellow hobbyists in my area who might actually see one of the ladies. If they, or anyone else, chooses to read its up to them. I still have no idea why you are interested enough in my hobby experiences you check out my scores. If I had the ego you want to pretend, I'd expect you to do so, not wonder why in the world you did.

P.S. your song parody is not only lazy, it sucks. You can't even keep time with the melody. Weird Al has no reason to fear you cutting into his sales. (So don't quit your day job - if you have one other than posting Hezbollah propaganda here and on other sites, as you've previously admitted to. Or will you deny doing that now also?) It also makes you very much appear to be the stalker you once pathetically tried to paint me as.

less, far less than a molehill, but since it seems to please you no end, be my guest,

yeah, the parody wasn't much, but how'd you like the riddle?

yes, you found me out indeed  -- i AM endlessly fascinated in all things zisk.

check this out.

Although most of it will probably go over your head.

here's a little bit of poetry to go with it :

There once was a Zionist named Begin,
Whose name rhymed wonderfully with Fagan.
Menachem never would dally,
If he could oppress a Pally,
And their growing misery he would lovingly tally.

And i'm sure this won't be over your head.

-- Modified on 5/23/2008 11:37:49 AM

Tusayan1666 reads

I like the concept.  Who do you have in mind for the lead roles?

Tucker Max1783 reads

With a cast of thousands of beautiful women, spread from New York to LA and all points in between!

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