Politics and Religion

Things tend to come full circle! ;)
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 2825 reads
1 / 37

interesting that you can't smoke it a cigarette in a bar because it's dangerous to others health, but you can carry a gun while doing shots of liquor.  Well, we should see the private prisoners flourish in GA.  They won't have to worry about immigrants picking fruit anymore either, they will successfully bring back slavery and use prisoners.  


RRO2610 51 Reviews 514 reads
2 / 37
mattradd 40 Reviews 650 reads
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If my high school history book was correct, Georgia did start out as a penal colony after all!   ;)

Well, that's not quite right. More like occupants from England's Debtor Prisons.

JackDunphy 566 reads
4 / 37

First amendment? Fourth? Any others you deem inappropriate?

JohnyComeAlready 470 reads
5 / 37

to consume alcohol in bars, and drive your motor vehicle home.

Well it's not legal,but you have a better chance of being ran over by a drunk, then being shot by a drunk.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 520 reads
6 / 37

I would say "no, you won't bring them in here.  you might bring them in other bars, but you won't be served liquor here"

JackDunphy 646 reads
10 / 37

This is what Mari doesn't understand. He thinks if you ban something, it goes away. It doesn't.  

It is just purchased in a different matter, buy a different weapon that is just as lethal, purchased on the street, etc.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 623 reads
11 / 37

concealed weapon carriers that I hope are the DD.  My business is in a college town where there are over 100 bars in downtown.  Although I don't frequent bars because, but I do follow live music. These college kids will get drunk and fight.  They can come back 2 weeks later and say "hey, buddy...I am real sorry that I bitched slapped you"  but you can't come back 2 weeks later and take bullets back.  

I don't even drink liquor, can't stand annoying drunks.  But my daughter is legal age and hangs out in these places.  It can't be good to openly, and legally tell people that it's okay to carry and drink.  Right?

dncphil 16 Reviews 611 reads
12 / 37

Chicago.  No guns, but lots of murder.  

Shoot them school kids in the streets.  

I would bet there are more shootings in the streets in Chicago than there are in all the bars in Georgia combined.  But let's not worry about where people are really murdered

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 641 reads
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it's bad judgment to legally allow people to carry in a alcohol atmosphere.  I have had no problems in my business with those that have side arms, but they are using good judgment ya know?  not going to try to shoot somebody when they are seeing double vision and accidentally shoot an innocent.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 555 reads
14 / 37

Well thought out laws? May in  1000 years when we find a cure to ignorance and stupidity.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 495 reads
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Trying determine if they can consent.

Great example of riptard brain works and why this country is in so much trouble.

Do you live in cave?

Do you use a computer? Apparently you do. Civilizations evolve and change with the times. Dumb shits fight the evolution and change and stay dumb as door nail.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 577 reads
16 / 37

The great state of Louisiana, governed by the great Bobby Dipshit is número uno in gun violence and deaths

dncphil 16 Reviews 492 reads
17 / 37

I never said Chi was No. One.  
I just said it is very high.  It also has very strict gun control laws.
LA may be No. 1, but gun free Chi is way up there.  

And I wouldn't want to talk about cultural values in places like N.O, where I would wager most of the crime occurs

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 663 reads
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...isn't usually your style, but apparently you're succumbing to the pressure from rabid righties on this board.  Whatta ya know, this board is resembling the Republican party more and more every day.  Reasonable, rational Republicans are being forced to move further right.

Aren't you quite familiar with L.A. phil?  Shouldn't you take a few seconds to Google what you say before you besmirch L.A.?  Don't bother - just keep repeating the Big Lie and eventually people will believe you.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 616 reads
19 / 37

In Vadosta GA, on the first day of the new Georgia Safe Carry Protection Act, a misunderstanding between two armed men in a convenience store Tuesday led to a drawn firearm and a man’s arrest.

At approximately 3 p.m. Tuesday, police responded to a call regarding a customer dispute at the Enmark.

A man carrying a holstered firearm entered the store to make a purchase. Another customer, also with a holstered firearm, approached him and demanded to see his identification and firearms license, according to the Valdosta Police Department report.

The customer making demands for ID pulled his firearm from its holster but never pointed it at the other customer, who said he was not obligated to show any permits or identification.

He demanded the man’s ID again. Undeterred by the drawn gun, the man paid for his items, left the store and called for police.

Authorities arrested (a 62 year old man), on a charge of disorderly conduct, related to the pulling of a weapon inside of the store, according to the VPD. Police confiscated the mans' weapon and took him to the County Jail.  

The police chief said no one can demand a person to show their gun permit. Under the new law, he as police chief and his officers cannot demand to see a firearms permit, (the police chief) said.

“This is an example of my concern with the new gun law that people will take the law into their own hands which we will not tolerate,” (the police chief) said.

07/01/2014  --  The Valdosta Daily Times

It's a good thing at least one of those peckerwoods wasn't a hothead but it's only a matter of time...

JohnyComeAlready 646 reads
20 / 37

Why refer to the old man as a peckerwood?  

Posted By: BigPapasan
In Vadosta GA, on the first day of the new Georgia Safe Carry Protection Act, a misunderstanding between two armed men in a convenience store Tuesday led to a drawn firearm and a man’s arrest.

At approximately 3 p.m. Tuesday, police responded to a call regarding a customer dispute at the Enmark.

A man carrying a holstered firearm entered the store to make a purchase. Another customer, also with a holstered firearm, approached him and demanded to see his identification and firearms license, according to the Valdosta Police Department report.

The customer making demands for ID pulled his firearm from its holster but never pointed it at the other customer, who said he was not obligated to show any permits or identification.

He demanded the man’s ID again. Undeterred by the drawn gun, the man paid for his items, left the store and called for police.

Authorities arrested (a 62 year old man), on a charge of disorderly conduct, related to the pulling of a weapon inside of the store, according to the VPD. Police confiscated the mans' weapon and took him to the County Jail.  

The police chief said no one can demand a person to show their gun permit. Under the new law, he as police chief and his officers cannot demand to see a firearms permit, (the police chief) said.

“This is an example of my concern with the new gun law that people will take the law into their own hands which we will not tolerate,” (the police chief) said.

07/01/2014  --  The Valdosta Daily Times

It's a good thing at least one of those peckerwoods wasn't a hothead but it's only a matter of time...

JackDunphy 630 reads
21 / 37

Very few people want to be associated with the views of the WORST president in SEVENTY years!


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 531 reads
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...but you've clearly revealed your lack of reading comprehension.

Nice laugh too - just like Laffy.

marikod 1 Reviews 498 reads
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JackDunphy 515 reads
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Your silence on the topic is deafening. Cant say I blame you. There isn't anything left to defend.

ed2000 31 Reviews 561 reads
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So far I've restrained my self from jumping into this cluster f*** of a thread where people can't keep straight the various statistics quoted where one includes suicides and others do not.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 529 reads
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...rest of the thread?  Try reading verrrry slowly.  You can even sub-vocalize if you don't do that already.

Or maybe it's ADD or Alzheimer's.  Focus, JackOffDunphy, focus.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 582 reads
28 / 37

..."stupid" -- the description is accurate.

ed2000 31 Reviews 595 reads
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He said, "LA MAY be #1" (emphasis added), which you promptly distorted (in typical BP style) as a flat assertion.

Flat assertion. Look it up.

ed2000 31 Reviews 599 reads
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but he does always walk up to the plate with a handicap, and usually holding something other than a bat.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 486 reads
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..quotation marks.

"Quotation Marks" - look it up.  Another genius.  I really believe the total IQ of all TER righties doesn't add up to 100.

ed2000 31 Reviews 661 reads
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His use of "may" does not assert a "fact". You made that assertion for him.

Quoting him properly or not was not the issue. It's your totally incorrect interpretation of his statement.

Funny thing. I've don't think I've ever claimed you're anything but dishonest.

-- Modified on 7/3/2014 11:16:18 AM

JackDunphy 897 reads
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This is the same guy who claims he doesn't care what posters here think about him...at the same time he was begging perfectstorm to say something nice about him on the GD the other day and while he cries in his pm's to GaG and CPA. lol

He is dishonest, a liar, a cry baby, a race baiter, a back stabber, a snitch and a vehement cop hater.

Other than that Ed, he is a swell guy.  

And I am certain he will RAP this very post, so if it comes down, you'll know why.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 550 reads
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So the thinking is, if they take away our rights to carry guns in a BAR then what's next? To take away ALL our guns? What's to stop the government of taking away all our precious rights. Come on now, carry a gun to a bar, where Jethro and Cletus will argue who's tractor is fastest then they'll pull their guns and then there'll be a shoot out at the OK Corral Bar and saloon. Really does that law really make sense. The government isn't going to land blackhawks on your front lawn at 3am and charge your house to confiscate your precious guns. Shit I have a gun and I ain't toting it around to prove my dicks is bigger then yours. The insanity...

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 453 reads
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with anyone else's girl in Athens, you might get killed.  When you get back to that hell hole Atlanta, don't get road rage, you might get killed.  :)

winchester 1 186 Reviews 636 reads
37 / 37

Of a Disaster !  This was a well intended law most likely but ... it is not a good idea to have people in bars carrying a gun...too much tension-too much testosterone-too much releasing of inhibitions-someone will end up going Dirty Harry in a bar and when the first innocent bystander is shot it will be Katy Bar The Door !   I have a permit, I hunt, I shoot, and I have seen people shot---so far most of what you see is very good-like the guy that took the perp out at the Waffle House in Griffin, Ga. a few weeks ago that shot his brother-that is all good-but if a bullet had struck someone minding their own business or working there-a whole different perspective would be applied to that outcome....Be careful what you wish for !!

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