Politics and Religion

They're go getters.
JohnyComeAlready 322 reads

They want to work. The only question I have, why is America responsible for finding employment?


Matt really, the human interest story from the news hour?  

You know they are going to burn fossil fuels once they have the means.  

What about climate change?

I hear why these people are coming and what we should do with them. I have yet to hear how they get here. We have been told our border is secure repeatedly. What happened to all that talk a few years ago about this fence that was supposed to stretch from TX to CA?   If I hear one more politician say " the system is broken " or get these people "out of the shadows" I'm going to pull an Elvis and shoot the TV out. The system isn't broken. What is broken is our government is unable or unwilling to secure the border. And what is this about shadows? They're marching in the streets!

If employee laws were enforced border fences would become  obsolete .  
  As long as laws aren't enforced across the board, small businesses will continue  hiring illegal workers , paying them regular wages or less for 60 hour weeks.  
  If  under the table jobs and jobs not following Federal laws were not available by the million, the only people visiting the United States  would be tourists.  

  "Approximately 140,000 immigrant visas are available each fiscal year for aliens (and their spouses and children) who seek to immigrate based on their job skills. If you have the right combination of skills, education, and/or work experience and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to live permanently in the United States. The five employment-based immigrant visa preferences (categories) are listed below.    

Labor Certification

Some immigrant visa preferences require you to already have a job offer from a U.S. employer. This employer will be considered your sponsor. For some visa categories, before the U.S. employer can submit an immigration petition to USCIS, the employer must obtain an approved labor certification from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The DOL labor certification verifies the following:
•There are insufficient available, qualified, and willing U.S. workers to fill the position being offered at the prevailing wage
•Hiring a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed U.S. workers"


salonpas278 reads

........illegal immigration would end overnight. The asswipes in Washington and US. Chamber of Commerce are not really interested in ending illegal immigration only keeping wages low.

one can get them to do things, that others will not do. They can be targeted for abuse in working conditions, pay, and emotional and sexual abuse.

Enforcing labor laws is fine but how do they walk right in? No fence, no guard towers? do they just swim the Rio Grande and waltz over?Just heard that Obama is going Texas. For fund raising, not visiting the border. But Boehner should be there too. I blame them all. The border is like Stalag 13 and we have a bunch of Col Klinks.

Posted By: AliquippaJones
Enforcing labor laws is fine but how do they walk right in? No fence, no guard towers? do they just swim the Rio Grande and waltz over?Just heard that Obama is going Texas. For fund raising, not visiting the border. But Boehner should be there too. I blame them all. The border is like Stalag 13 and we have a bunch of Col Klinks.

GaGambler311 reads

Have any of you actually crossed our southern border lately?

I have crossed into both Canada and Mexico reasonably recently and the difference between the two is night and day. It really amazes me why any "wetback" would risk life and limb, not to mention their life savings to pay a "coyote" to smuggle them into this country when all they have to do is walk right through any major border crossing like they own the joint. Now, Canada is a completely different story, they take their shit seriously and I get more grief traveling back and forth to Canada than I do clearing customs dead drunk, coming in from a drug capital like Bogota.

I have to agree with our lefty friends, No one really wants to "secure our borders" or even rein in illegal immigration, most likely for two different reasons. Righties like the cheap labor, and Lefties are looking for new Democrats. I know this sounds simplistic, but  I think it really is that simple. Does anyone really have any major disagreement with my assessment?

I think those "wetbacks" pay the "coyotes" for protection while in Mexico.

Then being the "genius" you are, you mention drug trafficking.

Now if you could put two thoughts together you'd be able to answer your own "question".

Posted By: GaGambler
Have any of you actually crossed our southern border lately?

I have crossed into both Canada and Mexico reasonably recently and the difference between the two is night and day. It really amazes me why any "wetback" would risk life and limb, not to mention their life savings to pay a "coyote" to smuggle them into this country when all they have to do is walk right through any major border crossing like they own the joint. Now, Canada is a completely different story, they take their shit seriously and I get more grief traveling back and forth to Canada than I do clearing customs dead drunk, coming in from a drug capital like Bogota.

I have to agree with our lefty friends, No one really wants to "secure our borders" or even rein in illegal immigration, most likely for two different reasons. Righties like the cheap labor, and Lefties are looking for new Democrats. I know this sounds simplistic, but  I think it really is that simple. Does anyone really have any major disagreement with my assessment?

JackDunphy245 reads

Your argument just doesn't SOUND too simplistic, it IS too simplistic and way off base, imo.

Since when do all "righties" think alike? Yes, "righties" who rely on cheap labor, I would agree with your point. But that is a VERY small percentage of R's.

Count me out of your generalization GaG. lo

GaGambler295 reads

Of the people who "don't want to fix the problem"  those are the two leading motivations. votes for the lefties, keeping the status quo of cheap labor for the righties.

I neglected to exclude those on both sides who actually want to do something about the problem and it's plain to anyone who is objective about this that there are more people on the right that want to stem the tide of illegal immigrants than there are those on the left.

Personally, I am not even sure if I care anymore. I spend half my time in Latin America as it is, why should I care if it comes to me instead?  The solution is quite simple as even a couple of lefties here have even suggested, if we want "them" to go home, make it too painful for their employers to hire them, that coupled with taking away any "free ride" from the tax payers should start driving them away just as fast as they came here, but apparently no one but the Tea Party has the stomach for a real solution. So here we are, going round and round on an issue that only a few really want to solve.

JackDunphy413 reads

It sounded like you were speaking in an iron clad absolute when you said "no one wants to..."

Personally I think its a much higher number than just the Tea Party that has the "stomach" for a real solution, because that would exclude everyone not in the Tea Party.

Almost everyone I know on the right wants the souther border sealed to illegals. Where we disagree as a party is how to handle immigration for the illegals already here.

The latter is arguable and negotiable, the former, imo, is not.

GaGambler326 reads

There are limits to how many people that we can absorb without bringing us down instead of us bringing  them up. Personally I think that we have already reached that point, but unlike most here, I am not sure if I even care anymore.  I may just do what the lefties all accuse me of, I will simply "get mine" and the hell with the rest of the country. I like third world countries, I can live like a king, and if we stay on the course we are on, I will have one right here at home, or more accurately right "there" at home as I am in Costa Rica right now.

Maybe Obama and his crowd will get their wish and those making $250,000 will soon be considered rich? Hey I can live with that. Hundred dollar hookers, $10 a gallon gas, what is there not to like for a greedy "oil baron" like me? lol

St. Croix573 reads

Your 1st sentence is telling. We have this huge chronic unemployment (think U-6 not the 6.3% number) problem because they lack any discernible skills or competencies other than manual labor.  

We live in a very competitive world. We are not living in our dad's GM world. This isn't the 60s and 70s and 80s. If we can't develop or own talent, then we got to acquire it. There is a lot of talent overseas willing to come, but Democrats don't want to increase the obvious tool, which is H1-B visas. Granted there are problems with the H1-B visas,  but we need more college graduates, specifically in the right disciplines. Just our existing colleges have upwards of 10% of their students from overseas. We just don't have enough homegrown talent. And the side benefit of these immigrants is they pay a lot of taxes, maybe they stay, buy homes, and become self sufficient.  

I hear you about the "I don't care". I'm getting to that point.  

Posted By: GaGambler
There are limits to how many people that we can absorb without bringing us down instead of us bringing  them up. Personally I think that we have already reached that point, but unlike most here, I am not sure if I even care anymore.  I may just do what the lefties all accuse me of, I will simply "get mine" and the hell with the rest of the country. I like third world countries, I can live like a king, and if we stay on the course we are on, I will have one right here at home, or more accurately right "there" at home as I am in Costa Rica right now.  

Maybe Obama and his crowd will get their wish and those making $250,000 will soon be considered rich? Hey I can live with that. Hundred dollar hookers, $10 a gallon gas, what is there not to like for a greedy "oil baron" like me? lol

GaGambler374 reads

"They took our jobs!!!" lol

but yes, the country would be a hell of a lot better off if we followed your advice, but like I said, I really think I am past caring. I have no doubts that I am going to "get mine" if the rest of the country is too stupid or too lazy, or simply too fucking gullible to take tare of themselves, Well, it will save me a lot of money in airfare if the third world came to me instead of vice versa.

Many people tried to cross from east the west in spite of the dangers, for the same reasons these children come unaccompanied by parents. They all knew that it could cost them their lives. Someone's got to be pretty motivated to do so.

-- Modified on 7/7/2014 3:38:23 PM

They want to work. The only question I have, why is America responsible for finding employment?


Matt really, the human interest story from the news hour?  

You know they are going to burn fossil fuels once they have the means.  

What about climate change?

They are being picked up by the "Border Petrol"

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