Politics and Religion

They'd have a lot more to gloat about if things were getting better as the result!
JackDunphy 2559 reads
1 / 31

Lots of talk about race lately. So is the title of this article racist? Is the author racist? He was on with Don Lemon last night on CNN.  


JohnyComeAlready 484 reads
2 / 31

I mean he's black and he's male, two elements that are logistically required to be a nigger. Does he have the attitude to complete this stereo typical trifecta?

Obama doesn't look like any nigger I know.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 560 reads
3 / 31

Really, did you take some inner comfort in writing "The Nigger in The Whte House". My feeling is that you took some joy in the wording. And now you're using article header to maybe show you're true colors...what say you Jackie?
Flame on....

mattradd 40 Reviews 573 reads
5 / 31

Given the amount of comments, I think he was successful. I found them more revealing, regarding the nature of racism in our country, than the article!  ;)

JackDunphy 402 reads
6 / 31

I am not busting your balls, I am actually asking.  

Reading between the lines of what you are saying is that it isn't racist to do so in his context?

The reason I ask is that sometimes its very difficult to determine, from listening to liberals, whether something is racist or not.  

It seems to me that when liberals use the word, or, make racially awkward statements, they get a pass and a lot of people make excuses or try and justify it in some manner but god forbid when  conservative does/says anything that may be borderline, he/she is immediately labeled as a racist.

Oprah is of the mind that the word is ALWAYS racist and should never be uttered by anyone of any race at any time. She has taken on Jay-Z a few times about this topic.  

Confusing indeed

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 582 reads
7 / 31

...Cornhole's post only got 10 reads, JackassDunphy decided more people should see it so he put it in the subject line.  He wasn't interested in provoking a discussion, he was interested in provoking outrage.  That's what you call a classic troll.

mattradd 40 Reviews 435 reads
8 / 31
mattradd 40 Reviews 502 reads
9 / 31

But, I was talking about the author of the article, not OP.  But, I do see your point.  ;)

hound88 49 Reviews 569 reads
10 / 31

I bet he feels liberated now that he has used the term in public as he does more than likely in private.

JohnyComeAlready 583 reads
11 / 31

yes I use the word hooker too.

Posted By: hound88
I bet he feels liberated now that he has used the term in public as he does more than likely in private.

JackDunphy 473 reads
12 / 31

I copied something from one thread down thinking nobody would notice. lol. I guess you missed the part about my post when I said i saw it on CNN last night? Doh!  

Just furthering your reputation as the most dishonest poster ever I see. Good job BP.

Ands I am glad to see you finally have a friend here in hound! Yay!  

Dont worry. You'll fk it up. He already likes GaG so you're in big trouble with that relationship and its only a few days old. roflma

JackDunphy 502 reads
13 / 31

He is Big Narc to a lot of people for a reason and I figured you would know better. But maybe you dont?

JackDunphy 428 reads
15 / 31

I make you out to be the fool that you are and you go back to cop hating.  

Tell me, have you sent any more pm's to GaG and CPA crying? Anymore threads coming up where you research thousands of posts like a maniac then claim you don't care what people post? lol

Look, you get shot down from being a board cop here and you are still not over it so you take that pent up frustration against real cops.

Now go ahead and research all my posts and RAP to admin. You have a busy day ahead of you

GaGambler 504 reads
17 / 31

You are the boards biggest racebaiter, and I disagree with you on almost everything, but just because I don't go looking for racism under every rock like you do, even I have to admit that there still are some overt, downright vile racists in this world, and Cornhole is one of them.

It's funny, I would think the article would be right up your alley, as it echoes your position that any opposition to Obama is racially based.

Anyone who gets outraged by the utterance of a single word, and who gets outraged regardless of the context really has deeper issues they should deal with IMO.  HOOKER HOOKER HOOKER!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!! Big fucking deal, they are simply words, If it makes you feel any better, here you go CHINK CHINK CHINK!!! See, the world didn't come to an end, and I bet I didn't even provoke any outrage.

hound88 49 Reviews 483 reads
18 / 31

Kick your ass intellectually ever chance we get! Don't worry about Ga, he can hold his own ground and does not need to plagiarize.  Lmao!

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 435 reads
19 / 31

Remember that old tagline?

Everyone is got fucking sick of hearing it and they dont play it anymore. The charge "racist" is going the same way. Talk about an over-franchised charge! You're right, who gives a fuck anymore!

Just like the boy that cried wolf. Racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc..

There's your dog whistles. Smart dogs don't jump anymore.

JohnyComeAlready 440 reads
21 / 31

in this country. Then in the same breath scream racism.  

You can't have both.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 515 reads
22 / 31

If blaring mariachi music is your thing, I guess it's cool.

Press 1 for stagnant wages
Press 2 for labor glut
Press 3 for collapsing education system
Press 4 for wrecked health care system  
Press MS-13 for chopped off heads
Press 6 for $18,000,000,000,000 debt
Press 7 for crowded, crumbling streets

Ya reap what ya sow.

JohnyComeAlready 572 reads
23 / 31

from your old country, to your new country. You never really left

hound88 49 Reviews 501 reads
24 / 31

Did it take your dumb ass to come up with that one. I sure you borrowed it from somewhere.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 586 reads
25 / 31

youre so smart, no matter  what anyone sez!

Vaya con Dios!

RRO2610 51 Reviews 539 reads
27 / 31
gaylemeyers See my TER Reviews 415 reads
28 / 31

...by "take our country back". Yes, Virginia, racism is alive an well in America.

hound88 49 Reviews 498 reads
29 / 31

I bet you really feel liberated now that you have used the term in this forum.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 571 reads
30 / 31

its clear as day you get a big fucking charge out of using "white" as a pejorative.

you are the last person on earth, except maybe reverend wright, that should complain about nigger, niggardly, or any other pejorative.

as least try to be a man young boy and talk out only one side of your neck.

hound88 49 Reviews 433 reads
31 / 31

Are you saying your old ass is not white, old man? What's racist about that little dick?

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