Politics and Religion

Canada's healthcare system and the American left "progressives"
Jack_Inhoff 1854 reads

If you have been paying attention to the general discussion board, you will notice that I have been to Canada recently.  It seems that many people here in America on the American left who call themselves "progressive" want our healthcare system to be similar to what Canada has. Now, on one hand, I'm very sympathetic to this argument. It's very hard to be satisfied with U.S. healthcare and lack of access to it by the American poor, considering America is still a very wealthy country. I think it's tragic that so many people are only one injury or disease away from bankruptcy here in America. It's actually pretty barbaric. However, the more I speak to Canadians, the less excited I am about their health care system. I hear the wait times are ridiculously long and that often people die while waiting to receive medical treatment. I guess one good thing about it, though, is that you won't go bankrupt if an unexpected illness or disaster happens to you. But I'm not sure a canadien style health care system would work here in America. Our population is MUCH bigger, and we have more illegals, which is unfortunate.  

I can't stand president Obozo, but I do think Obozocare is well intended, but as we're finding out, it won't work. There's just something unamerican about the government holding a gun to your head and demanding that you must buy health insurance.

...care system.  Some are better, some worse.  You basing your opinion of Canada's health care system on your recent visit to Canada is like the five blind men describing an elephant by touching one part of it.

Bill O'Reilly trashed Canada's health care system but apologized the next day when informed of the provincial nature of the system.

Indeed, our own GaGambler and DNCPhil have declared that they will do not so, at least until they get really sick.  The gov simply makes you pay a small tax if you elect not to purchase. Obamacare allows GaGambler and DNCPhil to make risky and some would say bone -headed decisions so long as they pay this tax.

        So there is nothing “un-American” about Obamacare’s health insurance provisions. The government is not putting a gun to your head and demanding that you buy it. Obamacare is not like say, mandatory vaccinations. Subject to a few exceptions, states   require that you receive vaccinations before you can attend school. A vaccination is a lot more invasive than requiring someone to shell out a few hundred bucks each month to buy insurance. And, of course, the government endlessly conditions privileges on things we don’t want to do from wearing seatbelts to obtaining hunting licenses to paying taxes. Because ER rooms must screen and stabilize you for serious medical conditions whether you can pay or not, it is reasonable to argue that Obamacare’s insurance requirement just a condition to receive this privilege. Nothing un-American here.

      I have no idea whether the Canadian system is better. But  we don’t know yet whether Obamacare will “work” or not. So it is way too early to make this call

Like after a car accident, gun shot wound, or any incident leaving one unconscious.

Not being allowed to refuse medical treatment. In a case, as described...is un-American.

Ending the "war on drugs" would slow down the number of teenager, and young adults suffering from gun shot wounds. The number of people admitted to the ER would drop substantially.

GaGambler, DNCPhil, along with every other American who doesn't want to buy coverage, wouldn't have to foot the bill.

Common sense Mari, common sense.

Posted By: marikod
     Indeed, our own GaGambler and DNCPhil have declared that they will do not so, at least until they get really sick.  The gov simply makes you pay a small tax if you elect not to purchase. Obamacare allows GaGambler and DNCPhil to make risky and some would say bone -headed decisions so long as they pay this tax.  
         So there is nothing “un-American” about Obamacare’s health insurance provisions. The government is not putting a gun to your head and demanding that you buy it. Obamacare is not like say, mandatory vaccinations. Subject to a few exceptions, states   require that you receive vaccinations before you can attend school. A vaccination is a lot more invasive than requiring someone to shell out a few hundred bucks each month to buy insurance. And, of course, the government endlessly conditions privileges on things we don’t want to do from wearing seatbelts to obtaining hunting licenses to paying taxes. Because ER rooms must screen and stabilize you for serious medical conditions whether you can pay or not, it is reasonable to argue that Obamacare’s insurance requirement just a condition to receive this privilege. Nothing un-American here.  
       I have no idea whether the Canadian system is better. But  we don’t know yet whether Obamacare will “work” or not. So it is way too early to make this call.  

once you have filled out the DNR form, the ER cannot give you CPR or advanced cardiac life support. And then of course we have “living wills” that describe your preference for end of life treatment.

         You really need to keep up with Seinfeld references better. Don’t you remember Kramer saying “I’ve gotta to have a central nervous system."

Posted By: bigvern
Like after a car accident, gun shot wound, or any incident leaving one unconscious.  
 Not being allowed to refuse medical treatment. In a case, as described...is un-American.  
 Ending the "war on drugs" would slow down the number of teenager, and young adults suffering from gun shot wounds. The number of people admitted to the ER would drop substantially.  
 GaGambler, DNCPhil, along with every other American who doesn't want to buy coverage, wouldn't have to foot the bill.  
 Common sense Mari, common sense.  
Posted By: marikod
     Indeed, our own GaGambler and DNCPhil have declared that they will do not so, at least until they get really sick.  The gov simply makes you pay a small tax if you elect not to purchase. Obamacare allows GaGambler and DNCPhil to make risky and some would say bone -headed decisions so long as they pay this tax.  
          So there is nothing “un-American” about Obamacare’s health insurance provisions. The government is not putting a gun to your head and demanding that you buy it. Obamacare is not like say, mandatory vaccinations. Subject to a few exceptions, states   require that you receive vaccinations before you can attend school. A vaccination is a lot more invasive than requiring someone to shell out a few hundred bucks each month to buy insurance. And, of course, the government endlessly conditions privileges on things we don’t want to do from wearing seatbelts to obtaining hunting licenses to paying taxes. Because ER rooms must screen and stabilize you for serious medical conditions whether you can pay or not, it is reasonable to argue that Obamacare’s insurance requirement just a condition to receive this privilege. Nothing un-American here.  
        I have no idea whether the Canadian system is better. But  we don’t know yet whether Obamacare will “work” or not. So it is way too early to make this call.  

...and what twenty year old has a living will.

You over looked the meat of my post, I'd like to see the stats on how many ER visits can be attributed to the war on drugs? Specific age ranges would have to be looked at. a whole lot of information would have to be looked at.

I'd put money on the majority of PD ER visits, are a direct result from the enforcement of drug laws, and you know I'm talking about auto accidents. Not gun shot wounds.

I would argue that when congress mandated ER's treat anyone who comes in until they are stable they started universal health care. Maybe if patients don't have health insurance or the money to pay their bills, ER's should be able to refuse treatment. It's un-American to make a private industry provide a service to people who obviously cant pay and pass the cost on to the insured and taxpayers. No insurance, maybe they should deal with it the way its handled if you crash your car and don't have insurance.

Really?  Not mandatory?  That is the argument now?  All you have to do is pay a "tax" if you do not choose to purchase something the government says you need.  I can think of few things more un-American.  
Big difference between paying a fee to the government for the "privilege" of hunting or driving or even getting married and paying a fee for NOT purchasing something.  
Since I am a Libertarian, I think all of those fees are extra-Constitutional.

Jack_Inhoff309 reads

I think you guys are misunderstanding me. I would love to see Obamacare work. I just don't think it will. Time will tell, though.  

Obama's broken promise that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it is problematic for his and this plan's credibility, is it not?  How do you explain it....or explain it away?

Not everyone can afford a burial, or cremation, and we are all going to die.

Should we spread that cost around as well?

People die here waiting for the Insurance company to approve your treatment. As long as one doesn’t have serious illness, the system looks like it is working but, it really does not.  

People make the mistake of comparing minor to treatments in US to major treatments in Canada and end up with a convoluted view.

What are you going to do once the insurance companies go bankrupt?

Jack_Inhoff220 reads

That's the first indicator that something stinks about it (obamacare).

GaGambler361 reads

Once Obamacare in it's present form proves to be an utter failure, the libs will simply claim it doesn't go far enough and will eliminate the insurance companies and go to unabashed socialized medicine.

The goal has always been to create a bigger and more powerful federal government, and by extension a smaller and smaller private sector, as government "knows best" and the private sector is obviously not to be trusted, as birdbrain was prone to say "You heard it here first" it's just a matter of time.

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