Politics and Religion

Atheists Demand Marines Remove Cross Commemorating Fallen U.S. Soldiers
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2800 reads

Who the fuck is so bugged by a cross being way the fuck up on a hill that next to nobody can see unless they look? Pantsshitting atheists, THAT'S who.

How intolerant do you have to be to whine about this?

Atheists Demand Marines Remove Cross Commemorating Fallen U.S. Soldiers
Posted on November 21, 2011 at 8:55am by Billy Hallowell

An atheist group is clashing with U.S. marines at Camp Pendleton in California. The group, the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF), is demanding that a cross that was put up on the base to commemorate fallen soldiers be removed.

In recent months, the MAAF has made a splash by taking on Christian themes in the military and championing atheism in the U.S. Armed Forces. Led by Jason Torpy, who was a West Point graduate and who fought in Iraq, the group seems to be following along the same somewhat antagonistic path as the Freedom From Religion Foundation, among other “freethinking” groups.

Recently, Torpy also came out in support of the installment of atheist military chaplains, an interesting proposal considering the notion that it would require non-believers to register as a faith group of sorts.

The latest drama surrounding the Christian symbol unfolded when, on Veterans Day, Marines erected a 13-foot cross to commemorate the lives of their comrades who perished in Iraq. Staff Sgt. Justin Rettenberger, one of the four individuals who is responsible for erecting the cross, explains that the memorial was done to honor Maj. Douglas Zembiec, Maj. Ray Mendoza, Lance Cpl. Aaron Austin and Lance Cpl. Robert Zurheide.

The L.A. Times documented the cross’ placement at the military base:

“We wanted them all to know that they’ll always be in our hearts, that they’ll never be forgotten,” Rettenberger told the Los Angeles Times.

But Torpy, though he understands the urge to remember the lost, says that, because of its placement on federal lands, the cross simply isn’t appropriate. While he claims he typically doesn’t get involved in issues like this, some of his atheist members who serve at Pendleton have asked him to intervene.

“In a lot of ways this is commendable – they’re honoring friends who were probably Christian,” Torpy said. “I think the memorial is appropriate for the individuals who put it up and the friends they’re honoring, but you just can’t walk onto federal land and do it.”

While he says he doesn’t want to be the bad guy, he says that he shouldn’t be the only one standing up in opposition to the cross. It “privileges one religion over another,” he says, going on to claim that ”[Camp Pendleton} should have known better."

In this Nov. 10, 2011 photo, from left to right, Scott Radetski, Karen Mendoza, Jon Gross and Shannon Book carry a 13-foot cross to the top of a mountain at Camp Pendleton to recognize those Marines who have fallen or been wounded in combat. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Rick Loomis)

The L.A. Times has an excellent slideshow that documents the cross’ story.

Pendleton released a statement saying that the four Marines who put the cross up were not acting in “any official position or capacity” and that the Department of Defense and the U.S. Marine Corps were not endorsing the cross. Torpy, though, says that the religious symbol should have been prevented from being placed on federal land.

According to FOX News, there’s been some strong reaction to atheists demands that the cross be removed. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and a former marine, is frustrated over what he sees as “radical” attacks on the military.

“It’s really outrageous and it shows the hostile environment that’s been created by this (Obama) administration towards religious freedom,” he says. “At some point, we have to say, enough is enough.”

Currently, officials are reviewing the situation to determine the appropriateness of the cross’ placement on federal lands.

(H/T: Military.com)

-- Modified on 11/25/2011 4:34:39 PM

What part of "Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion" don't you understand?

The Marines are funded with my tax dollars. Tax dollars that Congress appropriated. Why am I forced to use my tax dollars to PROMOTE your fucking delusions? You Christian lunatics already have tax-exempt status to go to a place to spread your idiotic fairy tales. Be happy with that, and stop trying to force your bullshit down the throats of rational people. When atheists go into your fucking churches and force the children your brainwashing by teaching them the FACT of evolution, then you can talk about pants shitting. Until then, shut the fuck up.

-JustSayin886 reads

Not everything Marines do is on Uncle Sam's nickel. They do have a few personal freedoms even though they are in the military.

Marines put the cross up. Where do you think their paycheck comes from? The cross was put up at Camp Pendleton. Who do you think pays for that bit of real estate? The Jesus Fairy?

-JustSayin736 reads

Apparantly so. What a soldier does with his paycheck is not anyone else's business.

Now you're changing your reason to a far less supportable one regarding real estate. All those crosses and Star's of David in national cemeterys gotta go to.

Snowman39800 reads

the statute says "Congress shall make no law"

has a law been made here?

As usual, you are all for freedom of speech until you do not agree with it.


"or prohibiting the free excercize thereof,".

Just like the sanctamonious OWS scum don't recognize the word "peaceful" with regard to the right of assembly.

Only a pantshitting God hater would be bothered by a stupid cross way the fuck up in these hills. I imagine the willywankers of the world chafing in their sleep knowing that somewhere out there in those hills is a cross that "should'nt be there" and finds it to be HIS mission to get rid of it.

Ground Zero for a new theocracy? What a joke.

Kalani*Leigh1856 reads

It is so pathetic that people at ALL extremes of this debate ignore what should be the very core of their values. Whether it is NeoCons protesting gay service members, or forcing a raped 12 year old to have her baby.. we are just as guilty of zenophobia vileness as everyone else.

No one is expecting a world of such diverse experiences and faiths to agree on everything. But we should all be focusing less on our differences and more on the love and desire for happiness that should be bringing us together.

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