Politics and Religion

Herman Cain has ties to the Koch Bros.

and have the Koch Bros replaced Darth Vader as the personification of evil where it comes to the GOP?

Priapus531988 reads

Btw, I'm counting on you as 3rd party go-between
Snowman & myself to bet $50 with him that Cain will NEVER become POTUS. Academic, though-----he's an old pussy who lacks "the courage of his convictions"---------LMAO !

I would be more than happy to take some of that action. You pay if and when Cain becomes POTUS, and I pay NEVER. lol

Connections to a pair of wealthy men that have strong political points of view and want to contribute money to help a candidate win public office???

Isn't that was politics is all about?

Oh, lemme guess.  The other Party ... excuse me, Parties, since you -- as you always point out -- are an independent .... doesn't have any of these so-called "supporters"?????

I mean after all George Soros money is squeaky clean, as is Warren Buffet's and every other billionaire.

....is that it doesn't have to be this way.

Doesn't really matter that much to me. They're going to support one conservative candidate or another. So, what's you point?

Priapus531894 reads

I pointed that out to you not long ago------has your "early alzheimer's" kicked in ALREADY ?!-----------LOL !

that you are disingenuous in your motives for posting! If that's too big of word for you, it means, dishonest! When you state such a thing, you are admitting you are not part of a discussion, but rather placing yourself above it, and those who participate in that discussion. Good luck with that! It might be why it seems like more and more people here are taking you less and less seriously. It seems, even some, are calling for your need to take a sabbatical. Go figure!

Priapus531150 reads

I always thought all the board pussies resided on the right-----you've proved me wrong----;)

As for "board dopes" calling for my "sabbatical",
the more they do it, the less I wanna take a "board vacation"---------;)

Priapus533880 reads

His 9% Federal sales tax idea unfairly targets working class families making under 100K a year.
For that reason,"999" will NEVER fly & neither will Cain.

Other than your disagreement over his 999 plan, what do you think of Herman Cain?  Do you like any of his other ideas?  Do you think he brings anything good to the campaign?

I still don't know as much about him as I would like. But I do welcome him into the fray because his presence certainly makes the race a whole lot more interesting.

Priapus531808 reads

Where I depart from many on this board is that I think he has no chance of becoming POTUS.

-- Modified on 10/16/2011 11:42:02 AM

Timbow2223 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
Where I depart from many on this board is that I think he has no chance of becoming POTUS.

-- Modified on 10/16/2011 11:42:02 AM

Dude, maybe you really do need to give it a rest, take a sabbatical, or just drink some wine.  Your comment:

"His 9% Federal sales tax idea unfairly targets working class families making under 100K a year"

Taken directly from your favorite liberal news commentator.  Once again, you fail to make any original comment whatsoever and swallow whatever these high paid idiots tell you to swallow.  "unfairly targets"... Bullshit.  His plan doesn't target any damn body.  It targets the entire federal tax system with the hope of replacing it with his 999.  Intermediate taxes that show up in the cost of goods to the consumer are also removed thus resulting in reduced prices for goods.  But, in fairness, if you are someone who currently pays no income tax whatsoever, and who spends a lot on non exempt consumer goods, then ya, you'll get the privilege of having to pay some tax to the feds.  If your rich, and claiming all kinds of current exemptions, you'll get the privilege of paying some tax on that too.

Do us all a favor and instead of using this board to just throw up whatever some news guy/gal has to say, try giving some debate about the facts rather than just dumping vomit all over the place.

Priapus531890 reads

"Intermediate taxes that show up in the cost of goods to the consumer are also removed thus resulting in reduced prices for goods"

Or is this some of your own "vomit" ?

Lastly, you fail to mention the 45 states that have local tax rates between 5-7%. Are you trying to tell me that under the "999" plan, many people will have to pay TOTAL tax rates as high as 16% ? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

With your mentality, I can see why the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are spreading like wildfire.

-- Modified on 10/16/2011 2:53:28 PM

Not vomit .... It came directly from Cain himself when he presented his plan to NBC's Sunday anchor today.

Since that little tidbit seems to be a surprise to you, I can only conclude that you have not actually read his plan, have you?  Like I said my friend, it's easy to just repeat what the idiots tell you.  Have you actually forgotten that what they tell you is biased by their own agenda?  Surely you're not that naive?  Go read his plan and you'll learn for yourself without any middle man, what he actually says, and it's not just a bunch of hype, it's specific details.

You might also learn a lot more about his beliefs in other areas as well.  Don't like being so hard on you about this but damn, it really bothers me to see somebody as prolithic a poster as you, continue to write nothing more than what some news idiot told you to believe.  Put some effort into this political process and learn the real deal without just swallowing what someone else says.  You'll be a much smarter person for it.

Priapus531307 reads

"Cain's national sales tax, in effect, would attempt to make up for the reduction of federal revenue by creating the 9 percent income tax. The national sales tax, which would help fund the federal government, would be on top of state and local sales taxes, which fund state and local government. In Florida, that would create a hypothetical tax rate of 15 percent in most parts of the state. In the Wall Street Journal, Cain said the national sales tax would be levied "on all new goods." (A good question to ask would be whether services are exempted.) Most economists agree that a national sales tax would raise the relative tax burden on low- and middle-income earning taxpayers. "The main reason is that low- and middle-income households consume more of their income than high-income households do," said William Gale, senior fellow for economic studies at the Brookings Institution. "Another way of saying that is high-income households save more of their income than low-income households do."

Speaking of smarter, it's spelled "prolific". Btw, Cain is now an aspiring politician----politicians don't lie & omit ?

Now go have some of Herman's Pizza & Kool-aid with TJ----------LMAO !

Your quote is not from Cain's plan, it's a quote "once again" from your liberal media after they've put their spin on it.

Cain's plan doesn't mention State/local taxes at all.  And in case you've forgotten, the President and the Feds don't have anything to do with State and local taxes so why do you suppose your liberal media friends went to the trouble to bring that into the discussion?  What's the point of "adding" his 9% proposed tax rate with the State and local taxes?  Absolutely nothing unless of course your objective is to paint his plan in the most negative/alarming way possible for the idiot readers who don't know any better.

And, just in case you forgot, don't forget to mention that all Federal withholding above 9% is eliminated as a deduction in your paycheck.  So, you're check is going to be bigger.  Funny your liberal friends didn't mention that isn't it?

You really should give it a rest.  Maybe you've got some others on this board fooled into thinking your constant regurgitation is somehow factual or original thinking, but to the "informed" your just making a fool of yourself.  God, they actually let folks like you vote.... incredible.... LOL

Have fun.

Priapus531269 reads

I suppose that means most economists,the Brookings institution, the St Petersburg Times & politifact.com. God-----You're sounding more & more like TJ every day-------LOL !

I'll say it again : once again, Cain will NEVER be POTUS. My $ 50 bet is open to you; GaG will
be willing to "book the action". Let's see the courage of your convictions. Put up or shut up.

-- Modified on 10/16/2011 3:54:35 PM

Well, I don't know if he'll make it or not.  The odds are not in his favor, that's for sure.  But, if the truth of his message makes it into the open debate, his chances will grow.  Obama wouldn't stand a chance running against him that much I'm confident in.

In my comments to you, I haven't quoted one single commentator.  What I've said comes directly from Cain himself without any other bias from anyone.  Personally, I'm not brainwashed by anyone.  I look at what the candidates themselves have said and written to form my opinions.  I could give a damn what Fox, NBC, CNN, etc.... tell me to think.

You really should go read his plan.  You'll be amazed at how simple and logical it is. And, you'll also be amazed at how well the math works out.  And, we haven't even mentioned the savings to the government if the IRS as we know it was about 90% smaller.

Anyway, cheers...

St. Croix1195 reads

Re Cain's plan, which I have not read in its entirety, what happens to all current tax deductions and tax credits, i.e. charitable deduction, mortgage deduction, education credit, earned income credit, etc, etc.

Your minuscule property tax lol. At least we raise it effectively that way lol.

St. Croix1733 reads

I just ran a couple of simple scenarios, i.e. single making $40K, married making $80K. I threw in your typical current deductions, including property tax "dickhead". It's all about the current deductions. You leave them in, the current tax code is favorable to the so-called middle class. If you remove the myriad of deductions and credits except charitable, the above examples will pay more. And I assumed only 25% of those above examples incomes to be used for purchases against the 9% National Sales Tax.

Am I missing something

Eliminated the Mortgage interest and property tax deductions.and this would probably be the final blow to all the banks who rely on the mortgage business. Fortunately, Cain is just having his fifteen minutes.

I have listened to Neal Boortz and Herman Cain over the years to know that provisions have been made in regard to home mortgages, low income families, etc.

As for Cain's fifteen minutes he has been promoting the fair tax for a lot longer than fifteen minutes, while I have my reservations about the fair tax myself, especially since the current system is so well entrenched, but he does bring something new to the table, and it's hard to argue the fact that the system we have now is hardly "fair"

Priapus53969 reads

PW, I don't question the sincerity of your beliefs.

However, if you truly feel that way, why won't you bet me a lousy $ 50 ?

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