Politics and Religion

Then you would say Obama is lost the war and
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1210 reads

He is unpatriotic coward. Not the American way, blah, blah. So your agreement is an opportunistic one.

Among his other recent scandals/gaffes, now he's blaming going to war in Afghanistan on Obama.
"This was a war of Obama's choosing. This is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in."

Its fair game to criticize the current handling of the war, but not to claim the US never sought to go there before Obama. Funny how a not even 2 year old administration is responsible for starting a 9 year old war. And even the most ardent critics of engaging in Iraq usually accept the necessity of going into Afghanistan (ok, the most idiotic posters on this board exempted) and ousting the Taliban after 9/11, if again, they may criticize the actual execution of the war.

Steele has the worst qualities of Sarah Palin, Ralph Nader and Joe Biden all rolled into one. A stupid opportunist who cannot open his yap without spouting a lie or inserting an entire shoe store into his mouth.

He's as embarrassing to Repubs as Howard Dean is to the Dems. Do the parties just pull names out of a hat to decide who gets to be chairman?

He's an idiot shill who plays to other idiots. Can't stand him.

But there is an aspect of this that all political types use. Hitler described it in Mein Kampf as a technique used by the Communists: the Big Lie.

The basic idea is that most people are stupid and have short attention spans. If you repeat something often enough, loud enough and sound like an authority figure when you do it ... you might not fool everyone, but you'll fool enough to make a difference.

That's what Michael Steele is doing. He is making a false assertion that he KNOWS to be false under the idea that a certain percentage of people will believe it.

BUT -- just go to opensecrets.org and see where the Republicrats and Demopublicans get their money.

It won't take rocket science to figure out that replacing Steele will just change the sound, but not the substance.

I fail to see what Nader has to do with Steele. Dean is an embarrassment to the Dems? More like the savor of the Dems, given under his leadership he put the Dems back in majority power in both houses and helped to put Obama in the White House.

I think we would have been better off using special forces in Afghanistan then putting a bunch of boots on the ground. Knock off bin Laden, and be done with it. Best to stay out of the country where empires go to die. Of course, the main reason why we're there now is to put pressure on Pakistan to keep their nukes out of the hands of the loonies.

But I'm quite glad Steele is RNC chairman. I'm sure he'll give the Republicans BIG WINS come November. :D

an embarrassment like Howard Dean is the "savior" of the Democratic Party.

President Obama didn't need any help from him to win the '08 election.  And neither did the Congressional or Senate candidates in the off year election in '06.

He is useless.  So happy that he is a Democrat.

I'm the idiot who thinks that. And apparently a shit load of other grassroots Dems who worked their asses off in setting up the "Draft Dean" for the DNC Chair.

What's even more amusing is that for election cycle after election cycle, Republican-lite DLC types had been running the show over at the Demcratic Party, and "geniuses" like Bob Shrum, James Carville, and Rahm Emmanual kept saying that the DNC shouldn't even bother trying to win anywhere except liberal strongholds.

These retards end up having to accept Howard Dean as DNC Chair after the grass roots forced them to, and Dean says he's going to use a 50 state strategy to win all over the country. And every single one of the Shrums, Carvilles, and Emmanuals said that Dean was going to kill the party by wasting money.

But what happened? Obama didn't just win in liberal strongholds in Washington and California. He won in Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and Indiana. He won Virginia (the first time a Dem had done that since Johnson), and fucking North Carolina.

In the Senate, the Dems didn't just win in traditional liberal strongholds like New Hampshire and Oregon, but they won in Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolia, New Mexico, and fucking Alaska. Prior to Dean becoming DNC Chair Virginia had 2 GOP Senators. By the time he left, Virginia had 2 DNC Senators.

But you and I can agree on something PW. I'm so happy too that Dean is a Democrat. Hope you enjoy the "leadership" of Michael Steele, lol.

digem-all1342 reads

PW...are you so partisan that you can't see the forest for the trees. That you cannot change your opinion even when facts hit you over the head.  Dean is NOT and embarrassment and he was the architect of the 50 state strategy that allowed Obama to win over states that was traditionally red.

without the laughable Howard Dean in a position of power in the Democrat Party.

In fact, just about any Democrat candidate would have won the Presidency in '08.

Giving Dean credit for the Democrats regaining the White House and regaining the majority in the House and Senate has about as much credence as blaming President Obama for the oil spill in the gulf.

...that just about any Dem probably would have won the White House in '08. But win in VA or NC? I don't think so. Win in Indiana and Colorado? I don't think so.

And since Dean has been gone, the Dems have gone back to using the same old tired DLC strategy, and what's happened? They lost in Massachusetts of all fucking places.

They lost the Governor's seat in VA when the DNC ran Deeds, a Dem so milquetoast that he makes Bill Clinton look like Joe Staltin.

I don't recall who said it, but in a choice between a real Republican and a fake one, the voters will pick a real one every time.

And that is why Dean won seats. He ran the DNC as a real progressive party.

Timbow751 reads

Obama chose to escalate the troop level when he could have brought troops home  so it is all his war now .

We are well past when he can "blame Bush."

If our troops are somewhere that he PROMISED they would no longer be ... that's on him now.

He is unpatriotic coward. Not the American way, blah, blah. So your agreement is an opportunistic one.

Despite the fact that Steele is a lying weasel (like most politicians of both parties), the fact remains that Obama IS the Commander in Chief. If our troops are somewhere, it can only be with his consent.

He is not responsible for where they were three years ago. But he IS responsible for where they are NOW.

Its not opportunistic -- it is common sense.

I predicted shortly after he was given the job that he would loss it. I was going to ask what everyone's predictions were regarding how much longer he would have it. Both, Bill Kristol, and Liz Cheney are calling for his ouster. Though probably not the heaviest hitters in the Republican party, their voices are formidable. I predict he won't last until the fall elections. The Republicans have already had to do an end around him, because of lost donations, hence what Rove has done starting his own group to collect money for Republican candidates.

Your racism shines when a Black Person has  the spot light..If you weren't a racist you would have noticed Bidens gaffes are much more numerous than anyone.!!
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Did you type out the word "Racist" each time, or did you copy and paste multiple lines?

Michael Steele is a dimbulb, he's as clear a case of tokenism as one might  stumble accross.  Did the RNC think he was going to compete effectively with the appeal of POTUS Obama?

Other than that he's a nice-enough guy, just totally out of his depth.

Just think of him a Sarah Palin with balls and from the 'hood.

He got elected fair and square and he is not going to resign. They will have to throw him out.

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