Politics and Religion

Then I suppose the Indians from which the Mexicans stole the land from are hot on their trail
GaGambler 417 reads

and you really need to buy a new history book as your facts and dates seem to be off by quite a margin. Texas was already a state in 1845, and they had just as much right to choose their own destiny as did the Mexicans who had only existed as a country for some twenty years or so themselves, having won their independence from Spain the same way that Texas won their independence from them.

California had a similar history, as do many of todays modern countries, just look at the world map you grew up with and compare with the map of today. You'll see LOTS of changes.  

Today's Rio Grande Surfers are not here to reclaim lands that were stolen from them, nice attempt at deflection though.

all the  latinos gave lip service to the problems illegal immigration cause. You hear sob stories and talk about the 20-30% of decent folks who come to work and get citizenship while ignoring the 60% who don't give a fig about the US, ignore laws, act like they have a RIGHT to be here, etc., etc.

Posted By: earthshined
all the  latinos gave lip service to the problems illegal immigration cause. You hear sob stories and talk about the 20-30% of decent folks who come to work and get citizenship while ignoring the 60% who don't give a fig about the US, ignore laws, act like they have a RIGHT to be here, etc., etc.

.....that was once stolen from them. Up until 1848 California, New Mexico, Texas and other portions of the Southwest were internationally recognized provinces of free Mexico, until the U.S. decided it wanted those provinces, declared war on Mexico, and stole them.

GaGambler418 reads

and you really need to buy a new history book as your facts and dates seem to be off by quite a margin. Texas was already a state in 1845, and they had just as much right to choose their own destiny as did the Mexicans who had only existed as a country for some twenty years or so themselves, having won their independence from Spain the same way that Texas won their independence from them.

California had a similar history, as do many of todays modern countries, just look at the world map you grew up with and compare with the map of today. You'll see LOTS of changes.  

Today's Rio Grande Surfers are not here to reclaim lands that were stolen from them, nice attempt at deflection though.

i guess we didnt fight fair against the British so the US should be a UK territory?

Posted By: HONDA
.....that was once stolen from them. Up until 1848 California, New Mexico, Texas and other portions of the Southwest were internationally recognized provinces of free Mexico, until the U.S. decided it wanted those provinces, declared war on Mexico, and stole them.

Where's your references?

I'll give you a reference the some myths regarding undocumented workers.  ;)

there are many where I live and  I hear the same story...

I'd say 95% of the ones I know are hard working and do wish to be good neighbors, good employees and provide for their families. I guess you live in the wrong neighborhood!  ;)

many of them disregard those laws (they stay past their time and hide here). just like ,I might add, other immigrants from other countries.

GaGambler321 reads

You live in the "right" neighborhood. Try going to the barrios in East LA or hundreds of other latino ghettos and you will come away with a completely different picture, if you come back at all that is. Blancos like you don't go to those places, at least you don't go there on purpose that is.

bigguy30315 reads

Donald Trump’s rallies may seem like entertainment, but just beneath the spectacle is a very ugly message.


Posted By: earthshined
all the  latinos gave lip service to the problems illegal immigration cause. You hear sob stories and talk about the 20-30% of decent folks who come to work and get citizenship while ignoring the 60% who don't give a fig about the US, ignore laws, act like they have a RIGHT to be here, etc., etc.

trump is on one extreme and the people i'm talking about are on the other.

Posted By: bigguy30
Donald Trump’s rallies may seem like entertainment, but just beneath the spectacle is a very ugly message.  
Posted By: earthshined
all the  latinos gave lip service to the problems illegal immigration cause. You hear sob stories and talk about the 20-30% of decent folks who come to work and get citizenship while ignoring the 60% who don't give a fig about the US, ignore laws, act like they have a RIGHT to be here, etc., etc.

Providers do well not to engage in political discussion, but I am a stickler for misinformation.  

Pathos aside, you're missing a good chunk (10-20%) from your *statistics. Better yet, where did you even get said *statistics? In addition, do you have any idea what happens to an economy without immigration? Particularly in a country built on immigration?  

Well, let me tell you. When you complain about immigrants I assume you mean unskilled laborers like farm hands, yeah? As much as we'd all like to think differently, the U.S. is still a very agricultural society. If you suddenly take away the migrant labor it would create a ripple effect that would affect the entire country. Agriculture is the backbone of the American economy meaning issues in agriculture create a domino effect that ripples into other industries. Simply put, without immigrant labor the U.S. economy would collapse upon itself.  

Posted By: earthshined
all the  latinos gave lip service to the problems illegal immigration cause. You hear sob stories and talk about the 20-30% of decent folks who come to work and get citizenship while ignoring the 60% who don't give a fig about the US, ignore laws, act like they have a RIGHT to be here, etc., etc.

take it or leave it.

your response is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. The supporters of illegals/undocumented bring up the same arguments. Of course we need immigrants BUT just because we do does NOT mean we let people come here whenever and however THEY want to. They complain about violating their rights as if we OWE  them something. Let them try to sneak into Russia,N.Korea or China see how many rights they get.

The Jorge Ramos's of the world are constantly standing up for people he KNOWS are illegal! but hey it doesn't matter. Like i said.he gives lip service to that fact. you will never hear him say anything about deporting people who should not be here. Never.

So you're telling me NO Americans could/would work in the fast food or trades jobs latinos take? Nonsense.

those other 10% are the hardcore criminals ,gang members etc.

Posted By: AvaLondon
Providers do well not to engage in political discussion, but I am a stickler for misinformation.  
 Pathos aside, you're missing a good chunk (10-20%) from your *statistics. Better yet, where did you even get said *statistics? In addition, do you have any idea what happens to an economy without immigration? Particularly in a country built on immigration?  
 Well, let me tell you. When you complain about immigrants I assume you mean unskilled laborers like farm hands, yeah? As much as we'd all like to think differently, the U.S. is still a very agricultural society. If you suddenly take away the migrant labor it would create a ripple effect that would affect the entire country. Agriculture is the backbone of the American economy meaning issues in agriculture create a domino effect that ripples into other industries. Simply put, without immigrant labor the U.S. economy would collapse upon itself.  
Posted By: earthshined
all the  latinos gave lip service to the problems illegal immigration cause. You hear sob stories and talk about the 20-30% of decent folks who come to work and get citizenship while ignoring the 60% who don't give a fig about the US, ignore laws, act like they have a RIGHT to be here, etc., etc.

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