Politics and Religion

The winner of Monday's debate
followme 379 reads

rump will of course declare himself the winner.
Hillwhorie will of course declare herself the winner.

The trump campaign will declare him the winner
The Clinton team will declare her the winner.  

The righty press, pundits, media will declare trump the winner  
The lefty press, pundits, media will declare her the winner  

The righty analysists will tell us that 95% of what trump said and did was correct
The lefty analysists will tell us that 95% of what hillwhorie said and did was correct.

I suspect all the above have their mind made up already.

However, the real winner is the networks pulling in the big advertising bucks

JakeFromStateFarm108 reads

I completely agree with you.
So the real question is, what happens then?  My guess is it reinforces voters who are leaning one way or the other to solidify their support for their candidate.  That drives down the "Undecideds" but the gap will remain about the same.  One or the other candidate will have to screw up -- or have some secret stuff leaked about them -- to change the outcome.

If it doesn't go there way, the rightwing pundits might at first run their propaganda, then begrudgingly admit their loss.
If it goes bad for Clinton the left will quickly acknowledge it.

Of course the Republiscum will twist whatever so that all the talk good or bad will be about their little Golden Boy.

But the more mature of that party, I mean politicians and the few real journalists they have left, will want to analyze the whole thing frame by frame and scrutinize each candidates' strategy.  

Of course Clinton will get a lot of sexist remarks from commentators who try to "give equal weight to both sides," and of course from the "fair and balanced" boys simply because Donny will have worked so hard at being outlandish that in order to say something bad about both sides out of their fear of sounding partisan they be scratching around and probably only find that the only thing Secretary Clinton can be condemned for is not smiling enough or being too assertive or something like that.

Donny will declare himself the winner because he swaggers around with "Think and Grow Rich" in his hip pocket, but then he'll whine about how it was rigged and have a lot of trash talk about the moderator and press in general. But that is part just pattern strategy and his supposed psychosis acting up.

historyBuff41164 reads

imply put: the quality of these candidates is enough proof of our decline and it will never get better only worse.  

As George Costanza would say in the switch episode , "it has never been done in the history of world" for an empire to last forever.

Unfortunately With each crappy president it will only get worse and accelerates

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