Politics and Religion

The vast majority are againt the nuc deal
followme 1976 reads
1 / 31

200 Generals and Admirals are against obama's nuc deal.

It is true that a week or so ago about 30 Generals and Admirals said they are for the deal, it is obvious that the vast majority are against the deal.  

2016 = GOP WH, Senate and Hous

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 748 reads
2 / 31

And before Planet Stupid & the Maroon Platoon object, Reuters is a news source used frequently by both Left and Right wing contributors here.

I stand by my comments that this is a bad deal, that Iran never had, nor ever will have any intention to honor the deal, and that they are continuing, in as much secrecy as they can maintain, to work on developing and/or acquiring nuclear capabilities.

( Note to Marikod - We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. Believe it or not, I truly hope you're right (er... sorry, I mean correct!), but I am quite confident in my perceptions as well. )
Posted By: followme
200 Generals and Admirals are against obama's nuc deal.
"Only Nixon could go to China, and today, only Netanyahu can go to Riyadh. We should have sent John Bolton but instead we send a pussy politician, a "john" who can't Kerry his own weight." - Zoltan J. Gonzo(with a nod to Mr Spock)

It is my belief that this deal is the crown on the entire Obama foreign policy mandate, which has been from Day 1 a paradigm shift in American allegiances, from Saudi Sunni to Persian Shiite, a policy of appeasement and hugs to embrace our avowed enemies while distancing ourselves from our "traditional" allies.
It is one thing to attempt to make peace with our enemies, that is surely an admirable goal. It is quite another to give away the farm without getting anything in return.
The biggest plus I can see coming out of this is the heretofore unimaginable rapproachment between Israel and the Gulf States led by Saudi Arabia. The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but common interests make for interesting bedfellows.

It may indeed be too late due to international maneuverings outside the control of the US Congress, but whats going to happen if Ayatollah Khamaniac decides in the end to acquiesce to his own hard liners, a not-out-of-the-question scenario? Sanctions have already been lifted by Russia and France, and Iran will soon be receiving that shipment of S-300 missiles - a delivery system that while originally intended as a defensive anti-cruise missile, can easily be adapted to strategic offensive purposes

bigguy30 798 reads
4 / 31

So thankfully not all people are so closed minded

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 9:25:54 AM

marikod 1 Reviews 743 reads
5 / 31

Leaders support the deal if you believe the count by hareetz which I would link if I knew how to copy and paste on my I pad.
That is pretty incredible to break with the PM publicly. You don't see that here-for the most part it is only retired bush era military who oppose it.

Who better to assess the security implications than currently serving israelli military? Do you believe that they are just wrong?

And the fatal flaw in all of the opponents of the deal is this-they can't tell us how we could get a better deal. You are asking that we trade a real deal however flawed for an imaginary deal in the future.

Tell me how we could get a better deal Zoltan and I am with you all the way. But please not Jacks naval blockade which no one but jack endorses-I get a headache just thinking about it.

bigguy30 652 reads
6 / 31

Posted By: followme
200 Generals and Admirals are against obama's nuc deal.  
 It is true that a week or so ago about 30 Generals and Admirals said they are for the deal, it is obvious that the vast majority are against the deal.  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

JackDunphy 564 reads
7 / 31

BP even acknowledged when I challenged him in that thread a few weeks back that they were in the minority.

And this just in Mari...you get a better deal by willing to get UP AND WALK AWAY from the table.

Many times that makes the other side, that has a $150bn to gain from it, cave to a demand or two.

When you negotiate your first deal in your life, you will understand this. LOL

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 2:06:01 PM

followme 771 reads
8 / 31

The question is will it  pass with a veto proof margin?

You're Welcome.
2016 = GOP All The Way

BTW how is your True Sweetheart

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 4:50:49 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 802 reads
9 / 31

Mari, what you don't seem to recognize is that Israel, despite the bleatings of the PS/MP faction, IS a democratically run government, and much like the United States, there are those who agree with and those who disagree with their elected leaders.

Ha'aretz is a very left leaning news organization. anf much like Fox does for the right in the US, and much like Daily KOS or MSNBC does for the left here in the US, Ha'aretz will expound on their partisan view, focusing on like-minded political and military leaders who agree with their perspective and further their agenda.

Now if I were to link to one of the right wing news outlets in Israel (ie times of israel israel hayom, arutz sheva), i can pretty well guarantee the reaction from the PS/MP naysayers would be the same as it always is... denigration, personal insults, and incessantly repetitious canards.

Yes, some 350 odd Rabbi's have endorsed the plan here in the US... thats 350 out of more than 5500 recognized religious Jewish leaders just in the USA. If you were to look at the numbers in Israel, you would find an even greater ratio. Ditto on the military side.

There ARE those who are supportive of the plan andthey have every right to do so in Democratic Israel. Long Live Democracy and the right to express a dissenting opinion.

Now, as to how we can get a better deal, Mari, you and I both know the truth is, thats going to be pretty difficult at this point. (and please dont put words in my mouth... that's a standard Laffyism, not you). Had Kerry not tucked his tail when Mohammad Javad Zarif started yelling and screaming at him, had he not cried to Obama to make the mean man stop being mean, had Kerry stepped up to the plate with a bat instead of his balls ON that plate, we might be having a different conversation.  

I acknowledge that at this point, all I can really do is hope you turn out to be right and I turn out to be wrong. I'll own up to it if thats the case. Will you if the reverse turns out to be the reality?

As for a naval blockade... not needed here. The point is not to create a false sense of ocean going sanctions. But an Israeli dolphin-class submarine or two swimming joyfully in the Gulf off Iranian coastlines... thats another story.
Posted By: marikod
Leaders support the deal if you believe the count by hareetz which I would link if I knew how to copy and paste on my I pad.  
 That is pretty incredible to break with the PM publicly. You don't see that here-for the most part it is only retired bush era military who oppose it.  
 Who better to assess the security implications than currently serving israelli military? Do you believe that they are just wrong?  
 And the fatal flaw in all of the opponents of the deal is this-they can't tell us how we could get a better deal. You are asking that we trade a real deal however flawed for an imaginary deal in the future.  
 Tell me how we could get a better deal Zoltan and I am with you all the way. But please not Jacks naval blockade which no one but jack endorses-I get a headache just thinking about it.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 675 reads
10 / 31

... in that there WAS a chance to forge a better deal that would have been more acceptable without the need for constantly trying to hammer it home to the dissenting majority.  

But to think for one moment Biden is acting on his own accord, is to ignore the facts on the ground.

And followme does have a point... it will pass, but will it pass with a veto proof majority at this juncture? Stay tuned!!!

$2016 = Enough money to hobby with.

marikod 1 Reviews 641 reads
11 / 31

And the hareetz article from 8 /26 comes up citing a earlier one giving that stat.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 587 reads
12 / 31

Posted By: followme
  BTW how is your True Sweetheart    
Who are you talking about?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 645 reads
13 / 31

......like Dubya did with the opponents to the Iraq war.

This is an op-ed from Ha'aretz.  Yes, Ha'aretz leans left but it is considered to be the NY Times of Israel, not Sheldon Adelson's rag Yisrael Ha'yom which is only fit to wrap fish in.  Adelson's paper is free - you get what you pay for.


anonymousfun 6 Reviews 538 reads
14 / 31

Great exaggeration on your part.

Generals, politicians, priests, educators, scientists, researchers, clowns and wing nuts are bought and sold in America, every minute. All looking for money and 30 seconds fame which they can turn into money. 200 generals are looking to become paid experts on Faux and CNN

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 617 reads
15 / 31

Israel has nukes,
Pakistan has nukes n
India has nukes
U.S. Has nukes
Russia has nukes
France has nukes
China has nukes
UK has nukes

So why not Iran.

On the other hand, I am for getting rid of all of it.  

By the way, no news organization reported.

bigguy30 641 reads
16 / 31

When the deal passes you, Jack, Followme and the others can go cry in the corner.
I sure the majority of normal people in this country are tried of war.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... in that there WAS a chance to forge a better deal that would have been more acceptable without the need for constantly trying to hammer it home to the dissenting majority.  
 But to think for one moment Biden is acting on his own accord, is to ignore the facts on the ground.  
 And followme does have a point... it will pass, but will it pass with a veto proof majority at this juncture? Stay tuned!!!  
 $2016 = Enough money to hobby with.

JackDunphy 683 reads
17 / 31

And again, BP linked to an anti-Bibi opinion writer who said they were in the minority. And he was FOR the deal.

followme 625 reads
19 / 31

He wants/needs obama's support/endorsement.  

So he has to toss obama's salad.  

Anyone who thinks that a better deal could not have been gotten is clearly ignorant, foolish, and so weak minded that they will believe anything they are told by, obama, their lord and savior.  

obama is looking for his legacy and nothing else, he does not care about this countries future he is just an arrogant, condescending, elitist who is thinking only  of himself and no one else.

Your'e welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

BTW I'm happy to see you and p_ are on the same page

followme 663 reads
20 / 31

Well obama, his lord and master does not so it would stand to reason that he, too does not.

Thank you
Posted By: JackDunphy

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 604 reads
21 / 31

Ha'Aretz is far from being Israel's New York Times. If you're going to play that card, try The Jerusalem Post.

Why are you taking my comment out of context like that? I used Israel Hayom merely as one of three examples of right wing perspectives coming out of Israel, not as any source of information. Support the left wing perspective if you must, but don't pull that twisting things out of context shit with me.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
......like Dubya did with the opponents to the Iraq war.  
 This is an op-ed from Ha'aretz.  Yes, Ha'aretz leans left but it is considered to be the NY Times of Israel, not Sheldon Adelson's rag Yisrael Ha'yom which is only fit to wrap fish in.  Adelson's paper is free - you get what you pay for.  

bigguy30 586 reads
23 / 31

I can't wait to hear you crying like a baby next month.
When this thing passes and no one cares about you wanting to be a grammar cop.
This is a fuck broad and not a english class.
Just your last comment alone shows you and the other war lovers have nothing. Lol

Posted By: DoctorGonzo

followme 601 reads
25 / 31

ou and all your lefty losers will believe anything and everything, obama, (your lord and master) says shows how weak and impotent you all are. Do you really think that war is the only other option? I mean do your really believe that bullshit? Are you really that weak minded?  

Not that we need any more proof of weakness in your case since we all know your T.rue S.weetheart is dominate, in all aspects, over you.

You’re Welcom

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 587 reads
26 / 31

Israel has broken almost every international laws and every UN resolution and Iran hasn't broken single one.

Let me put it in simple way you minions understand, Iran has honored every one of their International obligations.  

Also note that, United States Republican nuts does not pass international laws. Other countries are not bound to the Republican madness.

Which international law are you referring to? One's Faux news came up with or did you come up with this on your own?  

Posted By: JackDunphy

JackDunphy 644 reads
27 / 31

GaG doubted you last week when you almost made sense but I think your SPOTY is secured for another year

followme 761 reads
28 / 31

I did not say 200 people

I said 200 Generals and Admirals

And Yes 200 against the deal and 30 for the deal, the VAST MAJORITY is against the deal.


You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 3:41:41 AM

bigguy30 529 reads
29 / 31

This has to be a joke.
Since most of his comments do the same thing.

Posted By: followme
I did not say 200 people  
 I said 200 Generals and Admirals  
 And Yes 200 against the deal and 30 for the deal, the VAST MAJORITY is against the deal.  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 3:41:41 AM

GaGambler 586 reads
30 / 31

fatgirl seems to have it all locked up at this point

speaking of SPOTY frontrunners, what ever happened to FatVern?

balljointnut 23 Reviews 621 reads
31 / 31

Just keep the sanctions in place and let them starve to death. Instead we want to take a deal that frees up billions of dollars and hope they will honor it? They got what they wanted. Do tell what we got out of the deal?

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