Politics and Religion

The two are not even close reputation wise.
mattradd 40 Reviews 2851 reads
1 / 51

You'd think that a Baptist minister would be above "bearing false witness"! Perhaps it's just the politician in him speaking!

Jeb has gotta be thankful for these clowns making him look so good!  ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 625 reads
2 / 51

...weight.  Huckabee blabbed about it all the time, using it as a political tool to show how disciplined he was and how it made him a great leader.  He bragged how he ran marathons and even wrote a diet book - "Quit Digging Your Grave with A Knife and Fork" to help others lose weight.

Huckabee believes that controlling weight is a matter of personal responsibility - if you can't do it, you are weak.  Well, look at Huckleberry now.  He's gained all the weight back and MORE!  You want this weak-minded POS to be President?  ROFL, Huck's eating his words...and everything else in sight!

Sharpton lost a lot of weight.  Period.

CltLuvr 526 reads
3 / 51

the race baiting Baptist Minister Rev. Al Sharpton.  You know, the guy that visits with the Prez.

Here's what he said after the Crown Heights riots:  
"If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house".

His comments on Gays:  
"We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it."

According to The New York Times, Sharpton and his for-profit businesses owe $4.5 million in state and federal taxes as of November 2014.

HONDA 153 Reviews 591 reads
4 / 51

.......on the Republican side. Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Bachmann, Jindal,  Walker, Christie, Rubio. Enjoy the clown show while chowing your popcorn.

Posted By: mattradd
You'd think that a Baptist minister would be above "bearing false witness"! Perhaps it's just the politician in him speaking!  
 Jeb has gotta be thankful for these clowns making him look so good!  ;)
-- Modified on 2/13/2015 5:13:36 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 595 reads
5 / 51

You righties just can't keep your eyes on the ball.  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 603 reads
6 / 51

It likes like the Republicans are trying to limit the damage by limiting the amount of debates, and who can participate. Jindal is the only one, so far, bucking against the constraints.

Yep! I'd like to see Warren and Tim Cain enter the race. That would make it much more interesting. If that were to happen, and one of them beat Hilary, then the Republicans would have to close up shop regarding their special select committee on Benghazi. The only real reason for establishing it and dragging their feet, regarding any progress, is to derail her from the presidency.  It would be so obvious then that they would definitely have egg on their faces for all to see!  ;)

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 527 reads
7 / 51

No he is not running. But every Dem will have to kneel down kiss his ring and grease his wallet to get his blessing.
Makes you proud to be a Democrat?

Posted By: mattradd
You righties just can't keep your eyes on the ball.  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 471 reads
8 / 51

Saying it doesn't make it true!   ;)

Let's look at someone's ethical standards who is hoping to secure the GOP spot for president, Chris Christie!

AnotherJohn 596 reads
9 / 51

Huckabee is universally liked with many liberals appearing on his TV show.

Sharpton is a lying, racist, tax cheat.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 10:28:28 PM

GaGambler 659 reads
10 / 51

That doesn't mean I  don't despise Al Sharpton for all the reasons you just stated.

Can't we just agree that they are both worthless pieces of shit who should never be permitted to wield power of any kind?

GaGambler 627 reads
11 / 51

fatgirl said he was fully in support of Sharpton when I pressed him on the issue a couple of weeks ago, and most libs try to simply avoid the subject it seems. I guess when faced with either having to defend the indefensible or admitting that "one of their own" is a racist, thieving, lying piece of shit, the easiest way out is to attack someone on the GOP side.

and yes, I fully agree with you that Huckabee, just like Palin IMO, is simply pandering to the stupid part of their party, which also happens to be their base, and just one of the reasons I will never self identify as a Republican, even if by most standards I am a "rightie"

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 617 reads
12 / 51

Why do most on the right assume that Libs love that blow hard Sharpton, I can't stand him, he's crying a "color" foul for all that is wrong....And I don't care for Huckabee's holier then thou shit he spews..he's just pandering to his base.

CltLuvr 679 reads
13 / 51

he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidential election.

You never know what screwball the libs will vote for.

GaGambler 494 reads
14 / 51

I only wish I could say that most conservatives, especially "Registered Republicans" felt the same way about Palin, Huckabee, et al.

but using this board as an example, it seems that many libs either support Sharpton, or try to pretend that either he doesn't exist or that he is "not THAT bad" weak defenses to be sure, but defenses none the less.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 570 reads
15 / 51

But I think that you'll be surprised as to how many of us "Tree huggers" really give a shit about Sharpton. I don't know of one of my "Lib,commie,pinko" friends...lol, that really give a shit about him.I think you're probably reading into too much of MSNBC or Fox covers on this blow hard. And forget any responses from this board, it isn't an indication of what we really feel.
We think of Sharpton the same way a boxing fan thinks of Don King.

GaGambler 470 reads
16 / 51

but yes, Huckabee is a POS IMHO and I would no more vote for him under any circumstances than I would Sharpton.

and yes, I will concede that by degree Sharpton is more like David Duke than Huckabee, but that doesn't change my opinion a bit where it comes to Huckabee, or Palin for that matter.

AnotherJohn 613 reads
17 / 51

And Sharpton advises the President. That gives him power that Huckabee doesnt have. And no one accuses Huckabee is a racist tax cheat. No, i would not say MH is a POS. Sharpton is the very essence of the term. To make them equals in the POS dept is crazy. Comparable to Sharpton would be David Duke and no rational person would compare Duke and Huck.

AnotherJohn 489 reads
18 / 51

Sharpton has enormous power so i dont give a fuck what some libs says here. The national media follows him to bogus cases like Trayvon and Ferguson raising racial strife and putting people in the crosshairs who shouldnt have been. And like i said, he has Obamas ear. That may reassure you but anyone paying attention to what Sharpton does, rather than what some lib says here, should be mortified.

mattradd 40 Reviews 594 reads
19 / 51

And, it seems not too many libs voted for him in 2004, am I correct?

mattradd 40 Reviews 690 reads
20 / 51

however, I've can't recall reading of any time he has brought a remedy to a situation, and I've never defended him that I can recall. I don't think too highly of him based on what little I've read about him. I guess I've never really said much about him, because I see no really reason, for myself, to defend him. Nor, do I find a need to attack him like many righties do every time someone says something negative about a Republican politician. This thread is a good example. Sharpton, to the best of my knowledge, has no design on running for president in 2015, and the righties bring him up. And, like hpygolky points out, they typically assume that anyone who didn't vote for Romney/Ryan,McCain/Palin, or Bush/Cheney is a supporter of Sharpton. Now, that's dumb, ignorant or just lazy thinking, in my book.

-- Modified on 2/14/2015 11:34:57 AM

HONDA 153 Reviews 547 reads
21 / 51

.......to be modern day shakedown scroundrels. I cannot for the life of me understand why he even has a news show on MSNBC.  

Posted By: GaGambler
fatgirl said he was fully in support of Sharpton when I pressed him on the issue a couple of weeks ago, and most libs try to simply avoid the subject it seems. I guess when faced with either having to defend the indefensible or admitting that "one of their own" is a racist, thieving, lying piece of shit, the easiest way out is to attack someone on the GOP side.

and yes, I fully agree with you that Huckabee, just like Palin IMO, is simply pandering to the stupid part of their party, which also happens to be their base, and just one of the reasons I will never self identify as a Republican, even if by most standards I am a "rightie"

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 567 reads
23 / 51

He not as powerrful as you fear, he doesn't set policy, he doesn't sit in Obama's inner circle but my guess is that most things fear you. So I guess for you, be affaid, be VERY AFRAID.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 692 reads
24 / 51

I think to secure a small diversified audience. And yes to maybe pander to his black audience. His ratings suck. That's the best I can come up with because it mystifies me as to why he's actually still on. When I watch the election results on MNSBC it baffles me how he really doesn't have much to say that is of importance, he's just a prop.

AnotherJohn 447 reads
25 / 51

Imagine that? A racist is advising the President of the U.S. Can you imagine the scandal if Obama also had a racist preacher?  
Mr. Obama seems to surround himself with racists. I wonder why? Get back to me when you figure it all out

AnotherJohn 448 reads
26 / 51

Maybe NBC is such a joke and so incredibly politically correct that they are scared to death of African Americans calling them racist if they fire him? Just a hunch.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 12:48:02 AM

AnotherJohn 575 reads
27 / 51

Go look up Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights, all his anti-semitic remarks, Duke Lacrosse case, Trayvon Martin, Ferguson, etc. He has not paid millions in taxes while calling for the rich to pay more. He is a racist, liar, hypocrite, and now a tax cheat. Any rationale person would call him scum. What does Mr. Obama call him?  Friend and advisor. How nice. I guess i just ruined your plausible deniabilty? I am quite certain if a Republican president had a racist tax cheat in his white house you would never bring it up on this board? Give that a few minutes thought before you respond.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 12:44:36 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 447 reads
28 / 51

...they bought NBC from GE.  Comcast was worried that the deal wouldn't pass Washington scrutiny of media consolidation.  Minority advocates were also concerned that the merger might reduce diversity in media.

Sharpton has been on MSNBC for 2 1/2 years.  He was a disaster from the beginning and has not improved one iota.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 601 reads
29 / 51

Does he tug on Obama shirt and viola a policy has been set. And Obama isn't stupid as to really listen to what he has to say.Yes he's a blow hard and is mostly ignored. You really you should read bewteen the lines here. And the IRS will take care of this tax cheat, just let it play out.

bigguy30 632 reads
30 / 51

You go and run away like a bitch.

Then you come back lying and making shit up again.

So I will repeat my comments again scumbag.

I do not always agree or like the way the both of them do things.

Also at the same time I don't have a major problem with them either.

Just know I stand my comments and no one is running from your weak ass.

If you or the other GOP scum don't like it too bad!

Posted By: GaGambler
fatgirl said he was fully in support of Sharpton when I pressed him on the issue a couple of weeks ago, and most libs try to simply avoid the subject it seems. I guess when faced with either having to defend the indefensible or admitting that "one of their own" is a racist, thieving, lying piece of shit, the easiest way out is to attack someone on the GOP side.

and yes, I fully agree with you that Huckabee, just like Palin IMO, is simply pandering to the stupid part of their party, which also happens to be their base, and just one of the reasons I will never self identify as a Republican, even if by most standards I am a "rightie"

mattradd 40 Reviews 462 reads
31 / 51

Yes, I had those events, you just mentioned, in mind when I said: I "can't recall reading of any time he has brought a remedy to a situation, and I've never defended him that I can recall." You just made a major assumption without any facts. Seems like you got a lot of hate going on!  ;)

And I do think you're conflating his importance when you say he is Obama's adviser on race relations. I have no doubt he listens to what he might have to say, but I'm certain he gets advise from more than one person.

So, what is it that I'm plausibly denying? Is Sharpton some sort of tar baby you stick to all those who don't vote as you view they should?

I'm still asking you, is he running for president in 2016? That's what my OP was about. Someone who may have intentions of running for president in 2016. If you would like to start an OP about how bad Sharpton is, be my guess, but he's totally irrelevant to my OP.   ;)

AnotherJohn 760 reads
32 / 51

Like that would make any difference to you at all if the current occupant of the wh was a Republican  and he only had one habitual lying racisit advising him. And why the need for a racial epithet? My problem with Sharpton isnt he is black. It is because he is a racial provocateur and hater, and for some insane, bizarre reason, has the ear of the President. But keep on asking me about why I mention Sharpton in this thread, even though someone else brought his name in first, for i am sure that is the bigger issue of the two. Very noble of you to admit the obvious that Mr. Obama would listen to Sharpton. This President has lost any high ground he use to possess on the race issue with that scumbag Sharpton roaming the halls. Amazed, but not shocked, liberals dont see it, dont want to see it or think its ok when liberals are racist. Theres your plausible deniability right there mattradd.

mattradd 40 Reviews 476 reads
33 / 51

"Amazed, but not shocked, liberals dont see it, dont want to see it or think its ok when liberals are racist."

Another assumption.

You've really got your panties in a bunch over this! Keep those hate juices flowing. It's so good for your health! ;)

This all sounds so familiar. Who could that person be behind that alias?   ;)

bigguy30 767 reads
34 / 51

So no other network has more race baiters and liars on TV or radio than conservative Media.

The GOP media calling Sharpton and Jackson racists liars etc.

Well they are just looking in the mirror!

Posted By: BigPapasan
...weight.  Huckabee blabbed about it all the time, using it as a political tool to show how disciplined he was and how it made him a great leader.  He bragged how he ran marathons and even wrote a diet book - "Quit Digging Your Grave with A Knife and Fork" to help others lose weight.

Huckabee believes that controlling weight is a matter of personal responsibility - if you can't do it, you are weak.  Well, look at Huckleberry now.  He's gained all the weight back and MORE!  You want this weak-minded POS to be President?  ROFL, Huck's eating his words...and everything else in sight!

Sharpton lost a lot of weight.  Period.
-- Modified on 2/15/2015 10:47:20 AM

AnotherJohn 521 reads
35 / 51

Now go do that reading you are keeping yourself from. Or keep your head in the sand. The choice is yours.

mattradd 40 Reviews 605 reads
36 / 51

The intensity of your post makes it sound like I'm burying my head in the sand to a 'real and present danger' of some sort. Are you that afraid of this guy? I think there are many more 'clear and present dangers' I'd like to be kept abreast of. That's were I'll be dedicating most of my reading toward!  ;)

That self-righteous tone sure sounds familiar!   ;)

GaGambler 611 reads
38 / 51

David Duke is no more a racist piece of shit than Sharpton, but can you imagine how the likes of Matt and the others that think that Al Sharpton is "no big deal" would react.

followme 630 reads
39 / 51
ed2000 31 Reviews 637 reads
40 / 51

to explain Sharpton is of such little consequence, maybe one of them might like to take a stab at explaining why he's been a guest at the Obama White House 72 times with 5 one on one meetings with the President.

mattradd 40 Reviews 557 reads
41 / 51
mattradd 40 Reviews 614 reads
42 / 51

"The left want to distance themselves from the Rev. Al...."  What is this guilt by association? Because he is a Democrat, a Liberal, all Democrats or Liberals are seen to accept everything he does? I you believe that, you know what that makes you. And, what can you specifically point to that Sharptons's visits has resulted in Obama's policy making on anything. He could have been giving advice on many areas other than race like the war on drugs, separation of church and state, education, etc., etc., etc. All these accusations, and nothing to show for it!   ;)

bigguy30 427 reads
43 / 51

So you post a stupid thread earlier about the President and now you want more attention by repeating my comments?

Wow you are a sorry dumb ass!


-- Modified on 2/16/2015 5:20:00 AM

followme 448 reads
45 / 51

I do not need the attention, but you are giving it to me, aren't you?

You are clearly not a leader because you followme !

So who is the dumbass?

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and Hous

bigguy30 576 reads
46 / 51

I think you need to get some professional help.

You sound crazy and stupid.
Posted By: followme
I do not need the attention, but you are giving it to me, aren't you?  
 You are clearly not a leader because you followme !  
 So who is the dumbass?  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  
-- Modified on 2/16/2015 9:40:40 AM

-- Modified on 2/16/2015 10:58:36 AM

GaGambler 622 reads
47 / 51

Which means Obama deserves a hell of a lot more.

and from reading your link, Bush did get a bit of heat over it, and rightly so.

mattradd 40 Reviews 604 reads
48 / 51

I wish Obama would. Why? Because Duke represents a group that is feeling more and more marginalized, and it would be helpful for him to learn why, and what can be done to reduce that. Not like he hasn't been part of the problem.

But, the same goes for Sharpton. He's a character that I would not share a beer with, but there are many who believe he does represent them and their interests.

ed2000 31 Reviews 557 reads
49 / 51

You can't quote me accurately even when your post is in direct response to me. You continue to totally ignore what I post, distort what I write and then attempt to litigate the false scenario you create.

If someday you get honest and care to have a genuine discussion, get back to me.

mattradd 40 Reviews 439 reads
50 / 51

Keep straining at those gnats, and avoiding stepping on those cracks!   ;)

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