Politics and Religion

10/31/11 : World population will hit 7 Billion
Priapus53 4690 reads

QUITE an unpleasant Halloween surprise; THIS is the fucking time bomb that nobody wants to talk about which will be responsible for world chaos, not the crackpot apocalyptic conspiracy theories promulgated by mrng & his ilk.

From what I vaguely remember from my college anthro course, that covered the theories of Sir Thomas Malthus ( who influenced Darwin ) who talked about desperate conditions if burgeoning populations outstripped natural resources.

This clarion call was taken up by Herbert Spenser
& the "Social Darwinists" who brought the ethos
of the jungle "survival of the fittest" to human populations. ( I'm doing all this crap sans Google, so if I make mistakes, Willy, Ini or others can correct me ).

Seems that much of the libertarian/Tea party movement are "Social Darwinists";though I despise
many of that movement & much of their philosophies, they do seem to have a valid unspoken point : too many "unproductive people" are causing problems for the U.S. economy. However, since the majority are pro-life & against planned parenthood contraception methods, the chances for limiting the "unproductive population" get that much dimmer.

In the article cited from link below, it says that the U.S.is the world's 3rd most populous country with a population of 312 million. A certain amount of that comes from a birth rate of aprox 2.1 children per woman; However, our annual 1% growth rate is also due to immigration influx.

So----how do we fix this fucking mess ? I guess limiting immigration is one answer. The other is that sensible birth control methods should be promoted, but CAN'T be forced, else we lapse into
a fucking Nazi eugenics program & NOBODY wants that.

Tough situation that has defied an answer for generations.

Lastly, I hope the annual 1% U.S. population growth doesn't cut my portions at the buffet----;)

....how large of an area would it require to gather every living being in the world in?  Yea,yea, yea, assuming you could stop the clock for such an exercise and snap your fingers and have scotty beam them to a certain geographical area where they would each have two square feet of ground to stand on.

Give me a geographical area of where you are located so I can provide you with a general area you would be familiar with.  You can be vague to protect your anonymity (southern cal, vegas, boston etc..)

Snowman391411 reads

this is a self correcting system. When the population becomes too high by either lack of resources or bad sanitary conditions, it will lead to a large death rate through starvation or plague.

Yeah, pretty blunt, but true...

rat's nest. When the population of rats gets too high, they turn on each other. Hmm... sounds like inner cities to me.

I liken the world to the human body, and humanity to cancer.  Once we consume and pollute our "host" until it can no longer support life, we will perish with it.  Unless, that is, we can create space travel so we can roam the galaxy sucking the life from other planets.  Just call me an optimist.

In a remarkably prescient science fiction novel written in 1968, author John Brunner predicted that by 2010 the world population would reach 7 billion- enough people that if they stood shoulder to shoulder they would cover the entire island of Zanzibar. He was off on some other predictions in the book but hey let’s give him credit – he was a lot closer than  George Orwell in his now laughable 1984.

      The Washington Post covered this story this weekend. Most incredible to me was to learn that India is projected to overtake China as the world’s most populous country. I certainly did not see that one coming. Figure out now how to play that one in the stock market and you can make some big bucks.

     China's "one child" policy introduced in 1978 reduced births by 400 million according to the Chinese. Apparently, fines are imposed if a couple has more than one child.

    And what about that "dangerous and barbaric country" Iran? Well, they are the only country to require mandatory contraception courses before you can get a marriage license.
     Quite different form the US where the tax code actually encourages having more children.

St. Croix1632 reads

who else is going to fund Social Security. It's a never ending game. Just another small reason why a 401K makes better sense. And speaking of immigration, we just need to encourage a better clientele, i.e. one that is already educated and can actually pay taxes.

Food and water will soon be more valuable than oil.

it would only take about 1/3 of the island.

Since most everyone knows where Cuba is, and perhaps its general size, every person in the world could stand in a 6' x 7' sqaure and fit onto the very small land mass.

We really are fucked. There's far too many assholes around just in the USA, and we have one of the lowest population densities on the planet.

Before the development of agriculture, it took a full 10 square miles to sustain a single human life. With agriculture, it takes about 2 acres. If every acre is used to sustain human beings, then we still all die, because of the total destruction of other ecosystems.

"Unproductive" people aren't the problem. It's the "productive" that are causing all the problems.

Consider what production is. It's ripping shit out of the earth, turning it into something, and selling it. This is, in essense modern manufacturing. It stands to reason, that as our host planet is finite, so are the number of things you can rip out of it. An economic system that is dependent upon growth year after year just to fuction normally is going to exacerbate this. Capitalism is the deadliest thing man has ever invented, and I'm including the atom bomb in that list.

America, with our spacious skies, amber waves of grain, and purple mountain majesties have been turned into a coast to coast shopping mall. Mile after mile of mall after mall. Litering this country like absesses, outlets for Americans to buy cheap plastic crap that a year later they will throw into a giant hole in the ground. We call this America the Beautiful. And just like our massive malls with our massive fat asses, and our massive mounds of trash, we've given the ocean it's own mount of trash. A giant, Texas sized mound of trash floating in the middle of the ocean.

If the world was America, we'd all be dead. We'd need 5 earths to sustain the entire human race at the American rate of consumption. The capitalist answer to this, is free trade, and to create expanding markets. Expanding like a nuclear fallout zone. And so now the focus is on ripping more shit out of the earth and creating more massive mounds of shit in the far east and calling that progress. When we're done turning China and India into a giant fucking shopping mall, we'll move on to Africa and the Middle East. The world is flat, don'tcha know?

And so as I sit here, with my priviledged life, on this fucking bus, that's pumping poisons to the sky, I get to bitch and moan about the destruction of the planet while people in Ethopia dig for bugs to eat out of the ground. That is the success of capitalism and free markets. Billions of miserable people so that 400 assholes can live a life of luxury that not even Andrew Carnegie could dream of.

Strangely, none of this seems to make people any happier. You find higher suicide rates in the United States than in Zimbabwe. Yes, as it turns out, cheap plastic shit doesn't create happiness.

I see folks like GaG and Saint here, working very hard, I'm sure, to get for themselves as much as they can as quick as they can. Does GaG run his oil business, or does it run him? What's the fucking point? To accumulate as much shit as possible while the seconds tick away at your finite lives, none of which you can take with you after you leave this mortal coil? Just to create more mounds of plastic shit that someone else will throw away?

It's all madness.

....gun and putting one between your own eyes??!!  Seems to me that would be the natural choice to relieve the pain and ansgt you have inside.

 On a side note, do you know what the Ethiopians were doing while we were fighting the revolution, entering the industrial age or flying to the moon??  Digging for bugs!  It's what they've always done and what they will likely always do.  That is when they're not massacreing each other, which they've been doing for centuries.....

...keep from blowing your head off? Just ignore reality and hope for the best? Here's how I do it: I try to be the least "productive" person I can be, and consume as little as possible. You may (I emphasize "may" here, because you seen to be a smartass who's not very smart) be interested in creating a closed loop system. In nature, everything's shit is someone else's food. You can do the same thing at home if you think about it.

TED Talk: Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture


By the way, you don't know much about Ethopian history. All of us are Ethopians, really. It's where our great great great great great great grandma Ardipithicus ramidus was found. The place was known as the Aksum Kingdom in the 1st century AD, and an empire by 1270. It was so influencial that the ancient Greeks called all of Africa "Aethopia", and called the Atlantic Ocean the "Aethopian" Ocean. It didn't turn into a shit hole until European colonization.

...and I intend to finish as far fucking ahead of you as possible.  I also intend on voting for the man or woman who will lead this country to again become the best in the world.  One of our many problems is that people like you are the anchors that drag behind us.

An ethiopion eats a bug and I'm grilling a fucking porterhouse with a 60 ct baked potato in the oven.  Tonight, he's either going to kill his dog to feed his family next month or teach him to lick his balls to get his thrill while tonight, I'm going to get my rocks off with a 25 y.o. with huge fake tits, blow my junk down her throat and maybe even bang her in the ass.

The boo-hoo part for you is, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE GUY IN ETHIOPIA!!

I am happy to see others that actually take pleasure in what they have accomplished in life without the guilt the libs like Willy try to force on us.

Not only do I not give a fuck about the guy in Ethiopia, I don't give a fuck about Willy either, or anyone like him.

If people like Willy ever get in charge of anything, we won't have to worry about falling to  number two in the world, They'll make damn sure we don't even stay in the top ten.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "if people like Willy...", but I'll remind you that the Presidents (and their policies) who were the closest to my way of thinking (Roosevelt & Truman) turned this country into the strongest economic powerhouse the world had ever seen.

On the other hand, Presidents closer to your way of thinking (such as Reagan) began the 30 year decline of American power. Economically, militarily, and socially.  

Strangely enough, those Democratic Socialists in Europe are the ones who are bailing out countries like Ireland, that the Heritage Institute called the best thing since fucking sliced bread.

So now that we got the historical record out of the way, I am in no way surprised that you wouldn't give a shit about Ethopia, or anyone else in any other country. Truth be told, I don't give too much of a shit either. It matters, of course, because no man is an island. If Ethopia is a shit hole, it will affect the rest of us negatively. All of us would be better off if it wasn't a shit hole. Of course, asking a capitalist to give a shit about something they've destroyed is a futile effort.

GaG, you're welcomed to take pleasure in what you've accomplished in life. I hope you rely on cognitive dissonance in order to do that, instead of just being a sadist. As I've said before, I am an optimist. :)

And was discovered by the late, great Sam Kinison many years ago.
PS:  Willy, it's a joke.  You don't need to rebut it.

I would say my business does not run me. I worked my ass off to be able to enjoy life, and enjoy life I do.

There are still huge opportunities out there, just because people are either too stupid or too lazy to create a good life for themselves doesn't change that fact.

and while money doesn't necessarily equate with happiness, it does give you a certain freedom to do what the fuck you want, unless of course it starts owning you instead of the other way around.

After listening to so many of you guys whine about how everything in this country, in your lives, and in this world, sucks so badly, I am convinced that I must be about the happiest mother fucker on this board. I like my life, it really must suck to be you. lmao

Pura vida mother fuckers. rofl

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