Politics and Religion

The second ammendment was written
GaGambler 902 reads

with the full intent of keeping the government afraid of the people instead of vice versa. Of course that battle was lost decades ago.

anon11122454381 reads

A recent government policy change has taken a bite out of the nation's already stressed ammunition supply, leaving arms dealers scrambling to find ammo for private gun owners.

Georgia Arms is a company that for the last 15 years has been purchasing fired brass shell casings from the Department of Defense and private government surplus liquidators. The military collects the discarded casings from fired rounds, then sells them through liquidators to companies like Georgia Arms that remanufacture the casings into ammunition for the law enforcement and civilian gun owner communities.

But earlier this month, Georgia Arms received a canceled order, informed by its supplier that the government now requires fired brass casings be mutilated, in other words, destroyed to a scrap metal state.

The policy change, handed down from the Department of Defense through the Defense Logistics Agency, cuts a supply leg out from underneath ammunition manufacturers.

The policy has compelled Georgia Arms, for example, to cancel all sales of .223 and ..308 ammunition, rounds  used, respectively, in semi-automatic and deer hunting rifles, until further notice. Sharch Manufacturing, Inc. has announced the same cancellation of its .223 and .308 brass reloading components.

"They just reclassified brass to allow destruction of it, based on what?" Georgia Arms owner Larry Haynie asked WND. "We've been 'going green' for the last dozen years, and brass is one of the most recyclable materials out there. A cartridge case can be used over and over again. And now we're going to destroy it based on what? We don't want the civilian public to have it? It's a government injustice."

"This policy didn't come out of the blue," writes Owen. "The Commander in Chief is clearly sending a message to gun owners that they should be paying more for ammunition. If he can't do it through regulatory action, he'll do it by forcing ammunition manufacturers to spend more on production."

Hutchinson reports Georgia Arms was manufacturing over 1 million rounds of .223 ammunition every month, but without the ability to purchase expended military ammunition, the company may be forced to lay off up to half its workforce.

With the road he's heading down, it probably isn't a good idea to have an armed public.

GaGambler903 reads

with the full intent of keeping the government afraid of the people instead of vice versa. Of course that battle was lost decades ago.

GG, we agree again!!!!
We're on a roll!!!!

with the full intent of keeping the government afraid of the people instead of vice versa. Of course that battle was lost decades ago.
remimber when I said a more functioning governemnt would be scared of its people, not the people scared of the government ;0- lol-

But source, IMHO, They're trying to dis-arm us

kerrakles1299 reads

I do not understand why anyone needs a Automatic Weapon. Can I get Battle Tank, a guided missile, fighter aircraft, couple of drones, etc. You don't need any] of these to shoot a bambi.

Don't think anyone dreamt of these weapons 200 odd years ago.

anon11122451760 reads

I need assault weapons, but you wouldn't understand so there is no reason to educate you.

Me too source-0
And I think anyone who needs an arm

To ensure you have bullets when you need them
Feel me?

anon11122451039 reads

I have the ammo stockpiled with the weapons.  I feel ya...whatever that means, lol.

But I dont know what it means either ;)
If I did, I might go on that watch list..

whatever that means-aka-5th amen!

RightwingUnderground1591 reads

Nothing in the post referred to automatic weapons. Automatic weapons are generally illegal to own as a private citizen unless you possess a federal firearms dealer’s license.

.223 caliber (5.56mm) and .308 caliber (7.62mm) ammo purchased by private citizens is used in SEMI-automatic weapons. There is no automatic fire. For your benefit that means you have to pull the trigger for every round fired.
p.s. round means bullet.

kerrakles770 reads

You know how easy easy it is to make a semi-automatic to an automatic weapon?

Yep, every criminal is law abiding citizen. Every citizen who goes on a shooting spree in a high school is law abiding citizen. Every citizen who goes into McDonalds and starts shooting is law abiding citizen.

I would say wake up and smell the coffee but in your case that would be useless since you are living in some la la land.

RightwingUnderground2164 reads

You never do. If you ever want to be taken seriously by anyone you need to own up to your errors. I do. Most everyone here besides you also does. But not you. It is YOU that trys to split hairs, now and then.

BTW, virtually every shooting spree you can cite has been done with semi-automatic weapons. If you want to make a case for no semi-automatic weapons then do it. Just be friggin intellectualy honest.

Criminals will do those things, anyway. What is your point?

Nobody dreamed of the internet 200 yrs ago either. That doesn't mean free speech doesn't apply to the internet.
Automatic weapons are not tanks or bombs, so the analogy is kinda, well...stupid.

Tusayan1953 reads

Should be pretty easy to pry it from him since his hands are pretty cold and really dead these days.

RightwingUnderground1040 reads

The military is buying more.
Police are buying more.
The BHO effect is causing citizens to buy more.

I think it is the responsibility of all gun owners to secure adequate supplies of ammunition while it is still available. I manufacture ammunition from components which are also limited in availability.
brass and powder are generally  available but primers and bullets are backordered at many suppliers for 1-2 weeks. There seems to be plenty of  imported ammo for semi-auto pistols available at about $0 .45 per round, all FMJ though. Rimmed ammo is in really short supply, even the imported stuff.

Or can you ''write'' off the fact
that ammo is becoming hard to get as coincidence?
and not that their is a bigger picture and that is to dis-arm us?

I just burnt some spring rolls, might could shove them in a riffle, if you really needed to shoot someone, BUY BULLETS, or shoot blanks ;)

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