Politics and Religion

The scope of Obama’s counter-terrorism successes.
bigguy30 74 reads

Well in that same article, it says this below.

"So previous reports indicate that skipping the briefing is not necessarily unusual for the president, and that he only attends roughly 40% of his intelligence briefings. The White House has responded to critics by saying that Obama does receive intelligence even when he skips the in-person briefings. “This president is absolutely responsible and voracious consumer of the presidential daily briefing and of the information provided to him by his national security team,” Carney said in 2012."

I think you forget, about the history of this President too.
We know why, you do that FM. Lol

Posted By: followme
Give a fuck about the brave Americans Killed/murdered in benghazi. We all knew it but this is more proof.  
 Yeah add that to obama's legacy  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 7:53:34 AM

followme535 reads

Give a fuck about the brave Americans Killed/murdered in benghazi. We all knew it but this is more proof.

Yeah add that to obama's legacy

2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

bigguy3075 reads

Well in that same article, it says this below.

"So previous reports indicate that skipping the briefing is not necessarily unusual for the president, and that he only attends roughly 40% of his intelligence briefings. The White House has responded to critics by saying that Obama does receive intelligence even when he skips the in-person briefings. “This president is absolutely responsible and voracious consumer of the presidential daily briefing and of the information provided to him by his national security team,” Carney said in 2012."

I think you forget, about the history of this President too.
We know why, you do that FM. Lol


Posted By: followme
Give a fuck about the brave Americans Killed/murdered in benghazi. We all knew it but this is more proof.  
 Yeah add that to obama's legacy  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 7:53:34 AM

And that was a quote of what j. carney said.  

As I trust you remember that j. carney, at the time, was the WH press secretary aka obama’s boy, his lackey, his mouth piece, his defender. In other words carney will and did say anything, without regard to truth or fact,  to make his boss (obama)  look good.

You’re Welcome
In Plagiarist We Distrust

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 11:11:14 AM

bigguy3069 reads

You are in a nursing home bitter.
So I will go with J. carney, over your post. Lol


Posted By: followme
 And that was a quote of what j. carney said.  
 As I trust you remember that j. carney, at the time, was the WH press secretary aka obama’s boy, his lackey, his mouth piece, his defender. In other words carney will and did say anything, without regard to truth or fact,  to make his boss (obama)  look good.  
 You’re Welcome  

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 8:49:40 AM

e sure does know how to lie, deceive, mislead and in a very arrogant, condescending and snotty way too, just like obama.

Not surprised you believe him. I have no doubt that if he told you the sun rose in the north and set in the south yesterday you would believe that too.

You're Welcome
In Plagiarists We Distrus

bigguy3065 reads

She said Stevens also had a high opinion of then-secretary of state Clinton, saying "I know he had a lot of respect for Secretary Clinton. He admired her ability to intensely read the issues and understand the whole picture."

Asked if she thought it was fair to make Benghazi an issue in the 2016 presidential election, Stevens said "to use Chris's death as a political point -- is not appropriate."

Well FM, Jack and the other GOP supporters, really sound like clowns now.

Posted By: followme
 he sure does know how to lie, deceive, mislead and in a very arrogant, condescending and snotty way too, just like obama.  
 Not surprised you believe him. I have no doubt that if he told you the sun rose in the north and set in the south yesterday you would believe that too.  
 You're Welcome  
 In Plagiarists We Distrust  
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 1:12:33 PM

Post, link and other posts in this thread are about obama NOT clinton.

So who is the fucking clown.  

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

bigguy3071 reads

I guess when you been exposed, so much on here.
You begin to sound like a bitch, in your response comments. Lol

Posted By: followme
Post, link and other posts in this thread are about obama NOT clinton.  
 So who is the fucking clown.  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP All The Way
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 3:27:42 PM

do however find it so pathetic that just like the other thread you do not address this issue.
You constantly duck and divert. You are clearly afraid of something.  

again I'll allow you, in fact I order you, to reply and  have the last word so go ahead and put your dishonest ,distorted misguided spin on it and entertain us with your comedic nonsense.  Just try not  plagiarize anyone.  

You're Welcome

bigguy3056 reads

So I will say it again.
Why are you upset FM?
You are a bigger joke on here than Trump.

Posted By: followme
 I do however find it so pathetic that just like the other thread you do not address this issue.  
 You constantly duck and divert. You are clearly afraid of something.  
 again I'll allow you, in fact I order you, to reply and  have the last word so go ahead and put your dishonest ,distorted misguided spin on it and entertain us with your comedic nonsense.  Just try not  plagiarize anyone.  
 You're Welcome  
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 8:32:31 PM

...She blamed the REPUBLICAN-controlled Congress for under-budgeting the State Department.  But righties are despicable and trying to capitalize politically on Amb. Stevens' Death.  Well, I guess when you're living in an old age home like FM, you have nothing better to do.

Posted By: followme
Give a fuck about the brave Americans Killed/murdered in benghazi. We all knew it but this is more proof.  
 Yeah add that to obama's legacy  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

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