Politics and Religion

The real tragedy happens when the comments stop.
Guarddog111 238 Reviews 613 reads

You're already starting to see and hear it.  You may call me names, think you know me, which is quite funny coming from all the Oreos on this board who feel injustice.  +$300 a shot hobby?   LOL, you're not the inner city poor black people.  In fact, they hate you, too.  "Wannabes".

When people stop commenting, talking, and listening.  

Keep calling people racists, ignorant, 5th graders, and telling them what they are saying is dumb.  That doesn't help the cause.  Just makes them think you're idiots.

Thank you for smoking is a good movie.  Great line in it when the lobbyist tells his son, "I don't need to convince you of my arguments and I don't care...I need to convince everybody else.".

I'll tell you, while there are discussions behind the "barber shop and beauty shop doors", there are conversations occurring that you'll never hear about, either

While the process is just beginning, I was proud of what I saw from Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby this morning.  She was deliberative and strong and reflected leadership...attributes sorely needed from officials in our society today.  
Such cases are very complex and the ultimate outcome will depend on the facts presented during the trial.  Those charged deserve their day in court.  Let's hope the "system" continues to pursue JUSTICE for everyone involved.

Posted By: MyFriendTony$$$
While the process is just beginning, I was proud of what I saw from Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby this morning.  She was deliberative and strong and reflected leadership...attributes sorely needed from officials in our society today.  
 Such cases are very complex and the ultimate outcome will depend on the facts presented during the trial.  Those charged deserve their day in court.  Let's hope the "system" continues to pursue JUSTICE for everyone involved.

This post is purely a personal political opinion and really has no place on this board. I hope moderators remove it.

A. I read the discussion board rules and saw nothing prohibiting topics such as the one referenced within the subject thread.

B. I would hope our community is in favor of free speech and enlightening discussion and lively debate rather than censorship.

C. The boards are easy to navigate.  Most people just skip over the posts containing subjects they aren't interested in.

D. The topic has EVERYTHING to do with "hobbying".  Watch how the criminal justice system is managed in the case of Mr. Grey and in the cases of the officers being charged in his death.  Now, imagine yourself caught within that system.  What would you do?  How would you be treated?  How would you be portrayed by the prosecutor, the media, the public?

With respect...

Knulla-du-rövhål613 reads

ass! This piece of crap belongs on the political board. Post it there and get your ass pegged like a bitch you are!

Mr. Gray is a thug and his rap sheet reads like War and Peace...A real dirtbag..IMHO.

Freddie Gray is dead, your mental illness is alive and thriving in your dirt brain head.

You win the Hole in your brain award .  

 There was no war or violence in Freddie Grays arrest record.  
 He was a victim of mental  issues, possibly due to lead  poisoning as a child.

 I suspect you've been hit with a golf club one too many times, to score the  hole in your brain award with your Freddie Gray analysis.
 1. He had no violent crime arrests  
 2. There was no valid reason for his arrest.  
 3. There was no reason he should have been killed while under arrest, accidental or not.  

    I wonder how many of his arrests were trumped up charges with planted evidence ?  

   List of arrests, not convictions.

•March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance  
•March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault  
•January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing  
•January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute  
•December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute  
•December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance  
•August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing  
•January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana  
•September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape  
•April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation  
•July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute  
•March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance  
•March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute  
•February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance  
•August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation  
•August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana  
•August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance  
•July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)  


Posted By: golf1953
Mr. Gray is a thug and his rap sheet reads like War and Peace...A real dirtbag..IMHO.

GaGambler527 reads

He doesn't sound like someone I want to live next door to, but he hardly sounds like a hardened, violent criminal. I've used drugs too, if I had been arrested every time I used drugs, I too would have a rap sheet longer than my arm.

It sounds to me that the true villain behind his long rap sheet is the draconian laws against the personal use of drugs where the only "victim" is the so called criminal.

GaGambler591 reads

Selling drugs can be a major crime if it involves gangs and violence, or it can just be "I buy three, and sell my two friends one each" In that case it's no worse than passing the hat for a beer run.

The Mayor and Marilyn Mosby are stunning. Mosby’s voice alone almost gave me a chubby. I tell you, if she wasn’t married… I’d still have no shot.

Ok, is that enough to satisfy the “ ‘hobby’/sex related content” requirement or do I need to say some more crude things? We’re good? Let’s proceed.

I’m proud, too. Proud of the diversity of the protesters, proud of the way the protesters and the community leaders squelched the violence, proud of Mosby’s little speech and proud of Mosby’s performance so far. (Madame Mayor's been a little shaky, but she's in a tough spot.

You're already starting to see and hear it.  You may call me names, think you know me, which is quite funny coming from all the Oreos on this board who feel injustice.  +$300 a shot hobby?   LOL, you're not the inner city poor black people.  In fact, they hate you, too.  "Wannabes".

When people stop commenting, talking, and listening.  

Keep calling people racists, ignorant, 5th graders, and telling them what they are saying is dumb.  That doesn't help the cause.  Just makes them think you're idiots.

Thank you for smoking is a good movie.  Great line in it when the lobbyist tells his son, "I don't need to convince you of my arguments and I don't care...I need to convince everybody else.".

I'll tell you, while there are discussions behind the "barber shop and beauty shop doors", there are conversations occurring that you'll never hear about, either

So, it was obvious in the Trayvon/ Zimmerman trial that the prosecutor was acting politically to appease the mob, and so pressed absurd charges of second degree murder which were unsupported by the evidence and eventually found unsubstantiated by the Jury.   If they had pursued some lesser charge, involving negligence/manslaughter rather than murder, they might have succeeded.

So, the driver of the Paddy Wagon has been charged with Second Degree Murder as well as Manslaughter.  I wonder if this is to preserve a second line of charges if the less tenable charge of murder won't stick?  Also, any lawyers here know how one can be charged for two things for the identical act?  Not assault and murder, those could be actually separate acts within the same event... but murder and manslaughter both involve the wrongful killing.   Seems that either you deliberately killed the guy, so its murder, or you did it negligently but by accident, so its manslaughter, but it cannot be both at the same time.  But I'm not a lawyer.

Being Irish, I take offense to the Paddy comment, unless you are Irish as well - like saying Nigga...

Knulla-du-rövhål550 reads

bitch who is only doing it for political reasons. There is no way they can review ALL of the evidence including the autopsy in such a short period of time. She and the idiot mayor will destroy Baltimore like other liberal politicians. Look at Detroit.

It’s kind of hard to be racist if you’re supposedly picking on a mixed crowd. So that means the cops couldn’t have been racist, either, right? It’s not that simple. There’s the tricky matter of internal racism. The way minorities see themselves and their own race can be very complex and I’m not sure even a million dollars could get me to try to explain that here.

Suffice it to say some Black cops can look at poor Black people and see life that’s not worth preserving or protecting.

For the record, people on the outside might have made the death a racial issue, but the people of Baltimore I’ve heard have been saying the cops are out of control. Not White cops, not Black cops, not blue cops, just cops

from most.  

As FZ said " the mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

There are some people’s posts I stopped reading a while ago. But judging from the titles, I have been pleasantly reassured that the correlation between racism and insanity remains constant. The problem comes when the deluded start convincing sane people that they actually have half a clue.  

The only reason to post in these insane threads is to give sane people other voices to hear

the benefits of a revival (of sorts) after bankruptcy will be limited to a few.

that she's a racist! A politician yes, racist no! If you're going to make that claim, it behooves you to back it up, otherwise it makes you sound like the racist!  ;)

csu24544 reads

Posted By: Knulla-du-rövhål
bitch who is only doing it for political reasons. There is no way they can review ALL of the evidence including the autopsy in such a short period of time. She and the idiot mayor will destroy Baltimore like other liberal politicians. Look at Detroit.
/ Typical statment from another hateloveing mad at anything not like " them" crac#er!

They've released the pictures of the officers, and its 3 black, 3 white.
Who worked for a black Police Chief and black second in command
who worked for a black City Council and a black Mayor

zorrf590 reads

Institutions can and do discriminate;  the race of the individual perpetrators of that discrimination is immaterial.  Racism is a complex problem, which is why people with a 5th grader's take on it shouldn't be taken seriously.  Go play with blocks or something and let the grownups talk.

If I heard stories about the institution of law enforcement per se, and focusing on the color blue, I'd say your response had merit.  Since the story line, since the debacle of BS that was the Trayvon and Ferguson cases, has been Black Victims of Whites.   The news about this has repeatedly focused on the race of the victim, and ignored the race of the officers, to allow that implication to stand.

Do black cops mistreat black citizens and perps? yup.  In fact, they do so more than white cops, statistically.  Is this internalized racism?  maybe.  Or, maybe its that in a city like Baltimore, with 68% blacks, you'd expect over 95% of violent crime to be committed by blacks (following national per capita rates).  So all cops, red, yellow, black, white, have their day in, day out view of who the dirt bags are, the bad guys, the problems they are expected to clean up on behalf of everyone else, shaped by that.  So do black cops in the ghetto see black guys in street clothes and ebonic accents and think "trouble"?  It would be odd if they didn't.  Do they take out the stress and frustration with the job on who they view as no good punks?  It takes lots of training to overcome that human instinct.  

So yes, the police will naturally become prejudiced about who the bad guys are, when the bad guys are almost all black day to day (95% plus in a city like Bmore).   If that's what you mean by Racism, fine, but that's not the BS storyline being played out on the media.

zorrf577 reads

Posted By: digdirkler
Since the story line, since the debacle of BS that was the Trayvon and Ferguson cases, has been Black Victims of Whites.
You mean that's the straw man you've been relying on.  The discussion is and always has been about institutions treating black people differently.  That's always been the problem.
Do black cops mistreat black citizens and perps? yup.  In fact, they do so more than white cops, statistically.
Great, now you're pulling statistics out of your ass.  I would tell you to cite this bullshit, but again, it'd be a non-sequitur even if it were proven fact.  
Or, maybe its that in a city like Baltimore, with 68% blacks, you'd expect over 95% of violent crime to be committed by blacks (following national per capita rates).  So all cops, red, yellow, black, white, have their day in, day out view of who the dirt bags are, the bad guys, the problems they are expected to clean up on behalf of everyone else, shaped by that.  So do black cops in the ghetto see black guys in street clothes and ebonic accents and think "trouble"?  It would be odd if they didn't.  Do they take out the stress and frustration with the job on who they view as no good punks?  It takes lots of training to overcome that human instinct.
Oh right.  I mean, these people have been given the power to detain and use deadly force.  It's just really onerous to ask them to not use race as an impetus to arrest, mistreat, and kill, am I right?  I mean, a lot of blacks have committed crimes, so you should kinda expect people to get slaughtered without cause because they share the same characteristics with some criminals.  

--  that's call racism, moron.  Trying to justify it makes you a racist.  Unequivocally racist.  There's no nuance and there sure as shit isn't any logic behind your bullshit arguments here.  

“Ebonic accents?”  Lol...

-- Modified on 5/3/2015 11:22:29 AM

Goodness, if you'd try to take a deep breath and think rather than spewing out your indignation and calling names, it might help you some.
First, YOU may be focused on the discussion being about institutions, but that has not been the extent of the discussion in the media, nor the content of the signs held by the chanting mobs.  

Look at all those stories about Ferguson (where it turns out, there was not problem), they all focused on how many white people were in government and the police, and the race of the officer.  Look at the stories about Trayvon, they all focused on attempting to make the mestizo Zimmerman "White" to fit the story.   When a counter example comes up, you can't suddenly change the subject and say "it doesn't matter if the institution is black controlled and the perpetrators were black!"

Second, speaking of straw men, I did not say it was onerous to expect police to exercise restraint.  In fact, I only noted that it takes lots of training.
Your catalogue of why police are inherently liable to issues of excessive force is a good one, and it applies to all police and to all citizens whom they encounter.   Hundreds of cases occur daily of police acting in a way the public would find excessive to non-blacks, from serving warrants for unpaid traffic tickets with a swat team to Tazering soccer moms in front of her kids in the mini-van.

Racism is a sloppy and imprecise word.  But, its original meaning had to do with an ideology.  My point is that given the different behavior of blacks, they are inherently the vast majority of criminals that police must confront in places like Baltimore.  So firstly, even with inhuman perfection of equal treatment, they would also be the vast majority of cases of police abuse.  Secondly, it is human to notice patterns and to 'prejudge' people based on them somewhat.  Attempting to battle that by shouting about Institutional Racism will not be successful, because its not driven by the institution, its driven by the daily experience of cops.

That doesn't mean you need to accept differential treatment.  It means that you need to not see it everywhere, because in a place like Baltimore it would be hard to differentiate from totally equal treatment, given a hyper majority of criminals are black there.  It means that you need to recognize its cause, the daily experience of officers, which is also the cause of their becoming brutal and mistreating anyone, and deal with it through training and procedures and cross checks.  Its a bottom up problem, not a top down one

zorrf389 reads

Look at all those stories about Ferguson (where it turns out, there was not problem), they all focused on how many white people were in government and the police, and the race of the officer.
Well the lack of black representation in other cities' institutions happens to be problematic, and it's been correctly mentioned in the coverage of Ferguson.  You're trying to manufacture some sort of scandal, and thus far, you've done a pretty miserable job of it.  It's hard to be logical AND racist, isn't it?  
Second, speaking of straw men, I did not say it was onerous to expect police to exercise restraint.  In fact, I only noted that it takes lots of training.
Third, speaking of a(nother) straw man, what I said wasn't about restraint.  I pointed out (using sarcasm) that it's blatantly wrong to use race “as an impetus to arrest, mistreat, and kill...”  Doing so would be the very definition of racist.  This was in response to you denying racism is a problem here and trotting out cherry-picked UCR data to support your puerile reasoning.
Your catalogue of why police are inherently liable to issues of excessive force is a good one, and it applies to all police and to all citizens whom they encounter.   Hundreds of cases occur daily of police acting in a way the public would find excessive to non-blacks, from serving warrants for unpaid traffic tickets with a swat team to Tazering soccer moms in front of her kids in the mini-van.
At the receiving end of excessive force is a disproportionate number of black people.  If thing X is happening to both group A and B it's a problem.  If it's happening disproportionately and excessively to group B, then it's indicative of a different, more specific problem.  Trying to lump the two problems together only serves to appease people who would like to ignore one of them – like a racist denying that racism is an issue, for instance.
Racism is a sloppy and imprecise word.  But, its original meaning had to do with an ideology
Racism is a complex* word.  Arbitrarily limiting it to ideology may serve your goofy arguments here, but it's not correct in the context of reality - or say, several decades of sociology.  
Attempting to battle that by shouting about Institutional Racism will not be successful, because its not driven by the institution, its driven by the daily experience of cops.
Institutional racism is by the very definition driven and exacted by an institution.  I mean...what the fuck?  This doesn't make sense at all.  But again, it's hard to be logical AND racist.  
My point is that given the different behavior of blacks, they are inherently the vast majority of criminals that police must confront in places like Baltimore.
Black people are inherently criminal.  Right.  So I want you to remember you said this before you take umbrage at being called a racist next time.

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 8:25:55 AM

Fuck All This Shit..let's go loot some liquor stores..

Posted By: MyFriendTony$$$
While the process is just beginning, I was proud of what I saw from Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby this morning.  She was deliberative and strong and reflected leadership...attributes sorely needed from officials in our society today.  
 Such cases are very complex and the ultimate outcome will depend on the facts presented during the trial.  Those charged deserve their day in court.  Let's hope the "system" continues to pursue JUSTICE for everyone involved.

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