Politics and Religion

The problem seems to have been that the revolt included only a small part of the military.
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 647 reads
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I was wondering when this would happen.  

" Erdogan, speaking from an undisclosed location, surfaced via FaceTime on CNN Turk calling on the Turkish people to take to the public squares and go to the airport.  "I've never seen anything more powerful than the people," he said."

   I suspect Thug Erdogan will discover the Military is much stronger than he imagines.  


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 312 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 346 reads
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I hope you realize I wasn't serious with my comment Erdogan would be a "guest worker" In Germany.  
    The  Thug Erdogan will always have slaves doing his work no matter where he goes.  

  I had read where Erdogan has landed in Istanbul.  
  You know by now  RT is my go to for up to date news in the region.  
   RT even posted crooked, lying, evil, war mongering HRC's comments on the coup.
  To summarize if you would rather not click on the propaganda driven  RT link,
  HRC is following the rapid developments and she's  calling for "calm and respect"
                 I heard she's calm when soused with Vodka.  
  I'd be surprised if the coup is over this soon.
  If so, the Emperor Erdogan will have some expedited Muslim Justice.  

  Normally I'd stay tuned for a major news event like this but I  have another big day
   tomorrow  campaigning for MR. Trump. I'll have to catch the updates in the morning.  
                             Have a nice night.  :-D

JakeFromStateFarm 295 reads
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I wonder what "Mr. Trump" has to say about this?  Your answer: he has no clue.  Just who we don't need at this time.

borabora 15 Reviews 304 reads
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I hate to see Turkey lose its Kemalist modern principles and be transformed into another extremist Islamic State. In a way, I like its military's historic efforts to uphold secularism. Yet, it's hard to agree with actions that betray the choices made by its people.

WildJimmy! 310 reads
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I see a little bit of mob rule at work in the mix. Do I just not get it or is the military coup something other than a defensive action?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 262 reads
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I understand why sheeple  Hitlery supporters would find offense with opposing views on RT news.  
    The most ignorant will always live in denial of their own slanted  sources of propaganda, while living their dullard uninformed life, preferring to see no evil and hear no evil from those they support.
  You fit well with fools like stalker Jake glued to CNN, and Huff and Puff.  

   I prefer viewing many different news sources across the Globe.
   When Turkey is concerned I always look at  RT first.  
  I prefer  reading a different opinion, other than Main stream media, when analyzing  the Muslim thug, ISIS collaborator, Erdogan.
   I'd suggest you open your mind but like most ignorant HRC ass lickers, I have no doubt you are comfortable with your blissful ignorance.  
   Continue cheering  Erdogan on, he fits your style and mind set.  


JakeFromStateFarm 263 reads
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JakeFromStateFarm 300 reads
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Also, they violated Rule 1 of Throwing a Coup: grab the ruler first.  They didn't get Erdogan and once he got on social media and called his followers to the streets, it was the end for the plotters.  They played into his hands and now he's poised to complete his cleansing of the military of its "Kemalist modern principles."
Too bad.

borabora 15 Reviews 294 reads
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Jimmy, Turkey top military officers have historically demonstrated a culture of secularism and opposed efforts by elected governments to transform the country into one whose lifestyle would be based on religion. For example, the military officers have opposed public display of religious symbolism. They have a culture of favouring equal rights for women. In short, they want Turkey to be more like Europe than like the Middle East. Erdogan portrays himself as a moderate Muslim, but asserts that Turkey is a Muslim nation. He has skillfully controlled the military for over a decade. The top military officials wait for an opportunity to assert their power, but they are smart enough to not make half baked coup attempts. What I hear from the media is that this unsuccessful attempt was planned by the middle level officers and not supported by its top brass.

JakeFromStateFarm 293 reads
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Here's what Daphne Galicia has written out the proper military role under their constitution.
"It is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s constitutional legacy that the Turkey military is empowered to step in and take over temporarily, to protect democracy and human rights – which is exactly the statement made by the coup leaders last night – when the government is working against both. The military then holds power for a short while until a transition is made to a properly democratic – AS DISTINCT FROM DEMOCRATICALLY-ELECTED – government.

Under Turkey’s Constitution, when faced with a request from the military command to step down and cede power to the military, the president must do so. Far from being undemocratic, as it is currently being presented in the news and obviously by Erdogan himself, Ataturk designed this system as a constitutional safeguard FOR democracy.

borabora 15 Reviews 293 reads
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I did not know about this requirement in the constitution. Now, these actions make better sense.

WildJimmy! 270 reads
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