Politics and Religion

The post by Olivia, had me thinking...What is success?
no_email 3 Reviews 2585 reads

...and how do you measure success, Family? Career? Education

success is to still be alive.
success is to not be in jail or prison
...to be able to partake in the hobby

Posted By: bigvern
...and how do you measure success, Family? Career? Education?  

it's having enough time, energy and money to play #1.  It's being happy by minding my own business on things that don't concern me.  It's making sure there is a balance of making sure those that I love, have their human needs met without compromising time for myself.  It's eliminating, or at least minimizing energy vampires from my life.  It's being a great forgiver and getting up, and moving on when someone knocks the breathe out of me.  It's having the courage to repeat the same opportunities that I have previously failed.  It's being who I am, with my head held high, mistakes and all; and giving others the permission to be who they are.  I don't have to be around those I find intolerable, unkind, and not peaceful. and dangerous to me physically, emotionally or spiritually.

You should make a poster -  great stuff Madison!!

GaGambler822 reads

This world and this country certainly aren't perfect, but a person can still have a very happy and productive life if they don't wallow in self pity.

Has anyone else noticed that the lefties seem to be the unhappiest people here?

I have been divorced for almost twenty years and fuck prostitutes as a hobby, but I am as happy as a pig in shit with my life. I guess that makes me successful. When I have problems in my life I do my best to fix them, I don't spend all my time carping about how unfair the system is. The system is what it is, it's a game like any other, claiming the game is rigged while others succeed at it is just a cop out IMO.

I however have been an iconoclast since childhood. Any form of lock-step, homogenized, institutionalized, blind obedience to any religious theology or political construct goes against my grain. THAT is why I consider "success" as non-subjugation to any ruling entity.

GaGambler705 reads

if it only brings you misery, you might want to rethink things.

I've made my peace with the "corporatist plutocracy" by being my own boss, and not having to play political games to "climb the ladder" at a traditional corporation. This allows me to achieve a bit of financial success, which in turn allows me to lead the lifestyle that I love without being a slave to any one master. I don't delude myself that I don't still have many masters, but it's enough to get me out of bed every morning. This works for me, and I am quite happy with my life, which is my definition of success, I don't claim to speak for anybody else.

I do agree with you about.

"Any form of lock-step, homogenized, institutionalized, blind obedience to any religious theology or political construct"

I abhor organized religion, political partisanship and all the rest probably just as much as you, we just have different approaches to dealing with them.

mrnogood963 reads

they both grow for the sake of growth! While BOTH the cancer cells and economy suck all the life out of its victims.

Their is another way Viva la punk, just one life anarchy


Memorize and recognize these flags robert esp the black/red and yellow and red one...  so you can recognize them at the protests you see

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_society  this is the biggest movement smoking globally, and if you recognize the flags the protestors are holding you would quickly see this

a voluntary society and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-capitalism are the same

This is not to say I do not see a SHIT LOAD of anarcho-communism flags at these protests too

I told you well over a year ago their would be MAJOR moves globally to a aracho system, and it IS underway now..

and we MUST DO IT, or we get their banker funded NEW WORLD ORDER

-- Modified on 7/1/2013 12:45:10 AM

mrnogood814 reads

It's a podcast about American Idol Worship http://schoolsucksproject.com/026-american-idol-worship/

it's part of a series of podcasts http://schoolsucksproject.com/category/podcast/american-history-fed/  That take a look at how schools shove american history down our throats when were young to make us blind nationalist sheep, and how these state run schools have had a profound effect on us, esp Americans ..

I think you will like them. If you can find the time.. The guy is very entertaining, promise.. He's funny.

Posted By: mrnogood
It's a podcast about American Idol Worship http://schoolsucksproject.com/026-american-idol-worship/  
 it's part of a series of podcasts http://schoolsucksproject.com/category/podcast/american-history-fed/  That take a look at how schools shove american history down our throats when were young to make us blind nationalist sheep, and how these state run schools have had a profound effect on us, esp Americans ..  
 I think you will like them. If you can find the time.. The guy is very entertaining, promise.. He's funny..  

Snowman39722 reads

for me, it is a matter of how truly happy you are.

I don't think that there's very many people who seriously sit down and decide at age 18 that what they want to do with their life is be filthy rich. When you ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up, they say stuff like, "I wanna be a doctor" or a "fireman" or "President" or "a policeman".

No one ever says, "I want to work in a factory". They never say, "I want to mine coal". They never say, "I want to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company".

A little proverb I once heard: "It's rational for a butterfly to walk, but only if it don't have wings".

Suppose you're a research assistant working in some lab and you just came up with a cure for dengue fever. Are you successful? Somehow I don't think you'll be on Bloomberg TV getting professionally rim jobbed by Bloomberg's paid sycophants.

Maybe we ought to ask if success is a good thing. If your job is owning an aluminum manufacturing plant that pumps out millions of pounds of mercury into the atmosphere, and you're getting rich doing it, should you be called "successful" or a serial killer?

It's too bad that capitalists never have to do what doctors do and take the hippocratic oath. The moment capitalists have to promise not to do any harm, the entire system falls flat on it's face.

So remember what "success" really means. Or rather, how the meaning of that word has changed due to capitalist propaganda. Success means being really good at stealing other people's labor, wealth, and money and claiming you earned it. It means you're a really efficient high-tech purse snatcher. We might as well call half the US prison population "successful" by that metric.

When someone can figure out a way for them to not have to spend nearly every waking hour working and still survive, then that is success. When someone can do well for him or herself, while making the world a better place for others, then that is success. If you can leave this world a better place for your children then what you were born into, then that is success. If you can figure out a way to cure a disease, or eliminate a painful and costly problem, without harming others, then that is success. Rich people bragging about the size of their bank accounts is not success. No more than a heroin addict bragging about all the car stereos he's pawned.

followme781 reads

It is fun watching you squirm  trying to wiggle you way out of it.

You're Welcom

C'mon, hippie, you know you're as much an artist as I am. Remember that time when we were hanging out, and you got this bright idea to munch a handful of "mystery" mushrooms and try your hand at watercolor painting? Did I give you any shit when you kept trying to paint dildos on that Statue of Liberty poster? I kept asking you why you kept using browns, and you said because the Statue of Liberty should have a big black cock. Remember what I said? I said the dildo you're painting looks like a turd.

I knew at the time that hurt your feelings, and man, I'm sorry. But dude, you gotta let this go. I mean, Christ. Who in the hell can paint for shit when you're freaking tripping?

-- Modified on 7/1/2013 7:56:32 PM

For me any ways.  

To be happy in one's life, it takes,  

Self Worth
Confidence in one self
Make mistakes and learn from it
Gaining Knowledge all through life

We are all born with varying degrees of intelligence, attractiveness, mental and emotional stamina and resiliency. If a person uses each to it's full potential, to me, that is success, except if s/he use it for illegal means.

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