Politics and Religion

The party of "just plain folks" and the little guy.
sappybullfighter 1649 reads

The Democratic party was started by Aaron Burr-not by Thomas Jefferson.  Burr went on to later infamy by murdering Alexander Hamilton. At every juncture of the history of black people living in America, Democrats have fought tooth and nail to keep black people enslaved.  They voted as a bloc against women's suffrage 3 times.

Woodrow Wilson got us into WW1 via an underhanded deal with the Brits.  Wilson also acted as a sleazy agent in collusion with international bankers to stealthily create the privately-owned Federal Reserve.  He started the practice of segregation in Washington, D.C., and joked privately with his cronies about how he had tricked black people into voting for him.

FDR led us into WW2 via another backroom deal with the Brits.  He willfully goaded Japan into attcaking Pearl Harbor through his foreign policy against them, and kept the information relative to the impending attack from reaching the Naval commanders at Pearl.  When Eleanor Roosevelt's sexual affair with a Communist was on the brink of becoming public knowledge, he ordered that every intelligence agent working within the government that knew about it be sent to Japan to "fight until they are killed." In addition to being a Stalinist, Roosevelt was also anti-semitic, a racist and a traitor.  He gave the USSR at least 1,465 pounds of uranium (about 4 times as much fissionable U-235 as the US kept for itself), 417 tons of cadmium, 437 tons of cobalt, 12 tons of thorium, and 1100 ounces of heavy water as well as all the designs for the atom bomb and reactor to create plutonium.

Harry Truman was a KKK member that started the practice of having American troops take their battle orders from Soviet Communist generals working at the UN.  The Russians would pass along the American battle plans to the North Koreans ahead of time. Truman ignored several Japanese offers of a peace
settlement, starting 7 months before the eventual end of the war, wherein the terms the Japanese agreed to were essentially the same terms that they had suggested in the beginning.  Thanks to this, the war went on 7 months past the time it could have been ended thus establishing Truman's complicity in the deaths which subsequently occured on Okinawa (over 39,000 U.S. dead and wounded, 109,000 Japanese dead), Iwo Jima (over 26,033 Americans killed or wounded, approximately 21,000 Japanese killed), during the fire bombing of Jappanese cities (the dropping of 1,700 tons of incendiary explosives on Japanese cities during March 9th-10th alone killed over 80,000 civilians and destroyed 260,000 buildings), and the 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ((200,000 killed).

"JFK was a lout, a cad, a boor, an oaf, a schemer, a liar, a blackmailer and a reckless gambler with the nation's security, its integrity and its institutions. Kennedy was a man thoroughly out of control, and thoroughly out of his depth. --Seymour Hersh  In a display of clumsy incompetance, JFK managed to get his PT boat run over by a Japanese destroyer and then made up a bullshit story about the event, self-described as "heroic."  "Profiles in Courage" was ghostwritten by Ted Sorenson, although Kennedy always insisted the HE (not Sorenson) wrote it.  Kennedy bought enough copies to make it a "best seller," and his father, the bootlegger Joseph Kennedy later bribed the right people to get the book awarded the Pullitzer Prize.  He took the virginity of a 19 year-old White House intern in Jackie's White House bedroom and later coerced her into giving one of his aides oral sex during an amyl-nirate party at Bing Crosby's house. He sat nearby and watched.  In 1956 after the stillbirth of his child, JFK was with a boatload of females in the Mediterranean and said "Why should I go back? What good would it do?"  His first priority as President was the CIA's assassination of Prime Minister Lumumba of the Congo,Trujillo of the Dominican Republic  and South Vietnam's Premiere Diem.

LBJ blackmailed JFK to be his running mate in the 1960 election.  As President, he fabricated the entire story about the Vietnamese attack against US naval ships in the Gulf of Tonkin and had Robert McNamara lie about it during his testimony before Congress.  The toll of the war was 58,000 needless American deaths and 2 million needless Vietnamese deaths (military and civilian, combined).  LBJ also conspired with Israel to attack the  USS Liberty American naval ship, sailing in international waters with unmarked aircraft, and blame it on Egypt so that America could get involved in another war, fighting on Israel's side.  Probably would have worked had it not been for the unexpected arrival of a Russian naval vessel before the final coup de grace.  LBJ almost singlehandedly destroyed the Black Family by his Great Society programs.

On the August 18, 1999, Foxnews' Hannity and Colmes program, Gennifer Flowers stated that Clinton had told her that he "used so much cocaine that it made his head itch."  "Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002.  He knowingly approved the sale of secret missile technology to China who now has missiles that can sink a 5000 crew aircraft carrier with one shot.  Bill Clinton sexually assaulted and\or raped hundreds of women.

Which brings us nearly up-to-date with the current Marxist Democrat occupying the oval office.  After a mere one term in office, he has managed to racially polarize America even further than it previously was, in addition to presiding over the transformation of America into a place having many of the same trappings of a police state.  He has claimed for himself the right to detain, kidnap, torture and murder any American citizen which he sees fit to murder.  In short, another typical bigoted Democratic thug.

Next up?  I'll be writing about the party of the rich oppressors of just plain folks and the little guy.  Stay tuned.

Sarcasm versus sincerity doesn't always come across very well in this forum.  If your post heading was actually what you believe to be a sincere statement of fact, that's one thing.  If, however you said "Reps are the ones that got the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed" in an ironic or cynical way, that's a horse with an entirely different paintjob.

Forgive me if I construe your statement in error falsely toward either account.

It's difficult to assign either credit or blame for the passage and enactment of this particular piece of legislation-both the heros and villians within the body politic had a large influence on this law.  The act began life during the latter days of the Kennedy Administration.  Kennedy submitted his version of the bill in June 1963.  With slight changes and re-writing the bill made it's way through the House Judiciary committee.  It was then sent to the House Rules committee, which was chaired by Howard W. Smith, a Democrat and strong segregationist from Virginia.  Smith fully intended to use his position to create a choke-point that the bill would never pass through.

Shortly thereafter Kennedy was assassinated and LBJ became president.  LBJ supported the bill and was a former majority leader from the Senate as well. LBJ was quite familiar with the sort of coersion and arm-twisting needed to pass such a bill through a hesitant Congress. The bill was popular in the Northern states and a petition had circulated and gathered enough signatures to motivate Howard Smith to allow the bill forward to avoid the public humiliation should the petition succeed. The bill was passed in the House on February 10, 1964.  The roll call of that vote shows that a higher percentage of Democratic congressmen  voted against the bill than Republicans.  It was then sent to the Senate for a vote.

In the Senate, the first order of business related to the bill was the necessity of creating a parlimentary sleight-of-hand trick that allowed the bill to avoid being sent to the usual first legislative gatekeeper, the Senate Judiciary committee.  This committee was chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, a Mississippi Democrat strongly opposed to the bill. After a few blowjobs were given in the Senate cloakroom, the  bill managed to avoid Eastland's committee and was presented on the Senate floor for a vote on March 30, 1964.

On the floor of the Senate, the bill was immediately in trouble due to the attack coming from the "Southern Bloc" of 18 Democratic Senators, led by Richard Russell (D-GA).  Senator Russell said, ""We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."  A filibuster beagan almost immediately to stop the bill's passage.  Among those participating in this filbuster were Sen. Robert Byrd (D-VA) and Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC).  The filibuster had a long history as the favorite instrument wielded by Democrats in their efforts to defeat prior civil right's legislation.  The filibuster eventually was brought to cloture, and the bill passed in the Senate.  Again, the roll call showed the degree of opposition of the democrats in the Senate, compared to Republicans.  31% of the Democrats voted against the bill, compared to 18% of Republicans voting against it.  It was signed into law by LBJ on July 2, 1964.

The story of this bill's passage through the Congress and Senate confirms half of the adage that one should never watch either hot dogs or laws being made.  Since the passage of the law, Democrats have changed their tune considerably to claim bragging rights associated with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  If one looks past the fullisade of hot air, however the lie is quickly given to that claim.  Democrats worked harder to defeat the bill at every fork in the road than they worked to ensure it's passage.

Timbow141 reads

Quote :
The Civil Rights Act -- which is best known for barring discrimination in public accommodations -- passed the House on Feb. 10, 1964 by a margin of 290-130. When broken down by party, 61 percent of Democratic lawmakers voted for the bill (152 yeas and 96 nays), and a full 80 percent of the Republican caucus supported it (138 yeas and 34 nays).

When the Senate passed the measure on June 19, 1964, -- nine days after supporters mustered enough votes to end the longest filibuster in Senate history -- the margin was 73-27. Better than two-thirds of Senate Democrats supported the measure on final passage (46 yeas, 21 nays), but an even stronger 82 percent of Republicans supported it (27 yeas, 6 nays).


-- Modified on 8/17/2012 3:18:16 AM

GaGambler80 reads

This post is full of so many half truths, and outright falsehoods to not even be worthy of discussion.

I am sure some "left wing nut job" could write a summary of all the evils committed by Republican Presidents that makes this one look flattering.

If this is a contest about who can lie the most and the loudest about the other party, than sorry Mein, you might as well give it up right now. The lefties are far more gifted liars than you, not too mention posters like Daffy seem to have no problems throwing up dozens of posts a day. In a "battle of the liars" you will lose hands down.

You wrote, "This post is full of so many half truths, and outright falsehoods to not even be worthy of discussion."  I went to some effort and endured a moderate amount of discomfort to my two pratnates to ensure my post was factually correct.  And you jauntily dismiss it as "not even worthy of discussion."  

Would you care to prove me wrong as to any of my assertions of fact?

This was not an exercise on my part to tell as many tall tales as possible about "the other party."  I'm simply exhausted from listening to the hot air coming from both parties masquerading in the form of high-minded nonsense having no basis in reality.  I merely wanted to make it real, for a change.

GaGambler144 reads

but the line about Bill Clinton having raped and/or assaulted "Hundreds" of women jumps into my memory.

It's never been "proven' that he every raped or assaulted even a single woman, much less hundreds.

Hey, If I am going to take the left wing liars to task for their exaggerations and outright lies, giving you a pass would be downright hypocritical, and we can't have that now, can we? lmao

So, you are admitting that you really have no idea as to the truth or falseness of what I wrote and that you were simply breaking my balls in a misguided and lazy effort to present a "fair and balanced" viewpoint on a fuckboard?  Do I understand you, correctly?

Clinton was a sex-crazed hillbilly who sought the company of women with big, dark hair and DSL's, AKA, "Trailer Park Trash".  

                                              SO MANY INTERNS - SO LITTLE TIME!

From Paula Jones's Deposition:
"A. I was – he come over by the wingback chair close to where I was at. Then it's like he wasn't even paying attention to what I was saying to him. Then he goes, "Oh, I love the way your hair flows down your back. And I was watching you," and stuff like that. Downstairs. And then he did it again. Then he started – he pulled me over to him while he was leaning up against the wingback chair and he took his hands and was running them up my culottes. And they were long. They were down to my knees. They were long, dressy culottes. And he had his hand up, going up to my middle pelvic area, and he was kissing me on the neck, you know, and trying to kiss me on the lips and I wouldn't let him. And then I backed back. I said, "Stop it. You know. I'm not this kind of girl." I mean. And it still – and then I ran right over to where the couch was. I thought what am I going to do? I was trying to collect my thoughts. I did not know what to do. After the second time – after the first time, I had rebuffed him. And then when I got over there and I kind of sat right there by the end of the couch on the – seemed like on the armchair part. And the next thing you know it, I turn around because he was kind of back over here, and he come over there, pulled his pants down, sat down and asked me to perform oral sex.

Q. What did he say exactly?

A. He asked me would I kiss it. He goes – you know, I can see the look on his face right now. He asked me, "Would you kiss it for me?" I mean it was disgusting."

Sally Miller Perdue, a former Arkansas beauty queen who had a series of sexual encounters with Clinton said:  "I still have this picture of him, wearing my black nightgown, playing the sax badly, this guy, tiptoeing across the park and getting caught on the fence."  Only the London Sunday Telegraph reported Ms. Perdue's story and the physical threats made against her by Clinton associates. One of them was that they would break her "pretty little legs."

Stewardess Christy Zercher told STAR tabloid April 1998 and the Washington Post that Clinton fondled her breasts for 40 minutes (in the presence of a sleeping Hillary) and exposed himself to her. Clinton also bear-hugged her from behind, grabbed her breast and asked: 'How's that?' He stood in the plane's bathroom with his pants unzipped and invited her to 'come on in and shut the door.' He simulated oral sex every time he was brought tea with honey for a sore throat -- by stirring it with his little finger, then moving his finger suggestively in and out of his mouth and saying: 'Um, um, good.' Clinton barraged her with graphic sex talk including tales of a 'really close' friend who liked sex with barnyard animals and was being divorced by his wife. She said he asked her: 'How are you going to compete with that?'

The Washington Post reported that Bruce Lindsey threatened Zercher and her apartment was broken into and artifacts related to Clinton removed. There is a video that Rush Limbaugh used to show of Clinton putting his hands on a stewardess' legs and then abruptly withdrawing them when he noticed the camera. In an 1995 article by the National Enquirer entitled "Clinton's Mile-High Club" by Michael Hanrahan, several of the 6 hand-picked stewardesses of Clinton's 1992 campaign plane complained that he groped them and constantly made sexual remarks and suggestions to them.

Kathleen Willey had her cat killed, tires punctured, and threats made on her children by Clinton associates when she was preparing to testify in the Jones case that Clinton had groped her in the most sordid way in the Oval Office. Clinton put his hands on her breasts and middle pelvic area and placed her hand on his deformed penis.  Willey testified at the Steele trial that Clinton had "forcefully attacked" her, that "his hands were all over me. His hands were up my dress."  When discussing this with Monica, Clinton was outraged, not that he was accused of sexually assaulting a woman or that it was out of character, but that people would believe he would assault such a "small-breasted woman."

On July 6, 1997, young Mary Mahoney, a former White House intern, who was about to go public with sexual assault/rape charges against Bill Clinton, was shot to death in a professional hit at the Georgetown Starbucks coffee shop. She took 5 shots including a shot to the back of the head, execution style. Later as a message to Monica, Bill Clinton gave Lewinsky a Starbucks coffee mug.

On April 25, 1978, Clinton invited himself to Juanita Broaddrick's Little Rock hotel room, allegedly to discuss her nursing home business. After very brief small talk, Mr. Clinton … got her onto the bed, held her down forcibly and bit her lips. The sexual entry itself was not without some pain, she recalls, because of her stiffness and resistance.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

When it was over, she says, he looked down at her and said not to worry, he was sterile -- he had had mumps when he was a child. Broaddrick told the paper: "As though that was the thing on my mind - I wasn't thinking about the pregnancy, or about anything, I felt paralysed and started to cry."

Broaddrick said that as Clinton started to leave he told her to put ice on her swollen lips.

She went on: "This is the part that always stays in my mind - the way he put on his sunglasses.

"Then he looked at me and said 'You better put some ice on that' and then he left."

There was another woman at that hotel that day, a nurse and friend; Norma Rogers-Kelsay, who says she iced her friend's face immediately after Clinton raped and beat her. In a telephone interview with NBC News aired March 28, 1998, Kelsay said Juanita was 'distraught' and in 'quite bad shape,' her 'lips were swollen, at least double in size.' She told me they had 'intercourse against her will.'" Kelsay told Foxnews on 2/2/99 - "(Broaddrick) was hysterical - her lip was blue and bleeding and her hose were severely torn in the crotch area..."

About now you might be preparing to utter the shopworn, "Who cares about all this?  Clinton did a good job while he was president!  If we forego the debate over whether dead American soldiers being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, gays in the military, and sales of nuclear weapons technology to China and North Korea constitutes "doing a good job," your argument is reminiscent of the partisans of the Italian Fascists who remind us that "Il Duce" was not all bad because "he kept the trains running on time."

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