Politics and Religion

The only thing fake is your comment voyager-43.
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 267 reads
3 / 7

If this much is made public, think of the 99% of the iceberg still underwater.

Wonder if the boys from Moscow are thinking it's time Flynn had his mouth stapled shut.

voyager-43 11 Reviews 199 reads
4 / 7
bigguy30 203 reads
5 / 7

The Liar-and-Chief cult supporters are desperate.

Posted By: voyager-43

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 275 reads
6 / 7

i love how all these douches, instead of dealing with reality that they make a sit decision to elect this orange fuck, label anything they don't like as "fake news". Sorry brat, facts and reality matter and if you close your eyes, it'll still be there tomorrow.

voyager-43 11 Reviews 224 reads
7 / 7

Now facts and reality matter????  ROTFLMAO ! You Lib Retards sat and absorbed lies from the first muslim President for 8 years. Let's take a look at reality.  Shovel Ready Jobs.  Fast and Furious, nothing to see here folks.  Bengahzi, "it was a youtube video".  And the creme de la creme. If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor, If You Like Your Insurance, You Can Keep Your Insurance.  Those were only the big lies I could think of right away. The entire Obama Administration lied to the American people for 8 long years. And you bought it , hook, line and sinker.

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