Politics and Religion

The only ones squawking about a "Fairness doctrine" is the 'Right'
RRO2610 51 Reviews 2115 reads

None of the Left or progressive media sources are saying thing one about it. What IS being said is that with media mogles like Rupert Murdock monopolizing the political cant of media it is difficult to get converse views heard because in some regions of the country he or others of his ilk own & control ALL the media.

 This is not "Free Market" this is a bullying control of information by those wealthy enough to purchase immunity from Antitrust legislation.

The Fairness Doctrine is great in a communist country ..Fortunately in America we are the rulers of supply and demand..

None of the Left or progressive media sources are saying thing one about it. What IS being said is that with media mogles like Rupert Murdock monopolizing the political cant of media it is difficult to get converse views heard because in some regions of the country he or others of his ilk own & control ALL the media.

 This is not "Free Market" this is a bullying control of information by those wealthy enough to purchase immunity from Antitrust legislation.

I consider myself progressive... I also spent ten years working in radio. IMHO, the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine and Equal Time has done far more damage than can be calculated.

-- Modified on 12/6/2007 1:56:40 PM

Tusayan1791 reads

You're absolutely correct about the impact of the Fairness Doctrine that has turned radio into a vast wasteland, to borrow a phrase from Newton Minow. The Equal Time provisions of the FCC are still in effect but even those are being perverted.  Legitimate news organizations are exempt for the Equal Time rules (as they have to be, otherwise the government would be dictating news content) but during the election for governor in California last year Schwarzenegger was allowed to appear multiple times on the Tonight Show with no equal time given to his opponent as the law requires after the FCC accepted NBC's argument that the Tonight Show was a news program.

centralized feeds of stories on radio and TV and a general lack of real "roll up your sleves" journalism have all contributed to the decline of fair and honest reporting.  

Not that it exists anywhere else...  You are correct in your assumption of bullying... it does in fact occur.  The "free market" of ideas is one thing, but reporting opinion as opposed to supportable and verifiable fact - well - that is another.  

We are being "controlled"!  by what we are fed... and how it is fed to us.  I really do not like that I know most reporters' political leanings by the way they report or write about the news....   I  should not know their political views... I should only know that they are very through, and have checked multiple sources for the facts in the story.

-- Modified on 12/7/2007 8:15:10 AM

Its easy to sift through the mess if I simply read all news sources..Far left and Far right included.. People that tell me they don't ever watch far right news or far left news don't have any credibility with their viewpoints ..but then again many are easily hypnotized..

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