Politics and Religion

The most useless, worthless, clueless fucking clown on earth.
followme 1682 reads

........the newly elected Republican leadership in Congress, who have passed another ACA repeal bill for the 54th time. Also funding for Homeland Security is at a standstill because Republicans have attached amendments repealing Obama's Executive action on Immigration. The country awaits action on a jobs bill, a tax reform bill and an infrastructure rebuilding bill.

Posted By: HONDA
........the newly elected Republican leadership in Congress, who have passed another ACA repeal bill for the 54th time. Also funding for Homeland Security is at a standstill because Republicans have attached amendments repealing Obama's Executive action on Immigration. The country awaits action on a jobs bill, a tax reform bill and an infrastructure rebuilding bill.
Jobs bill? Why do we need that? I thought the economy was roaring.

Tax reform? You mean we should raise taxes again? Obama signed that one back in 2013.

Infrastructure? Now there's an idea! Do you think it will create shovel-ready jobs

RaymondDonovan305 reads

You poor sap, you probably never had it so good...god, lighten up and get a grip.

followme295 reads


The video was made just a few hours after obama learned that Kayler Mueller was murdered by isis.

just like obama went out and played golf after an American was beheaded.

and went to a fund raiser after the 4 dead Americans bodies came home from Benghazi.    

miserable? more like sick of the clueless, classless, arrogant, condescending elitist in the WH.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

bigguy30355 reads

Posted By: followme
 The fuck-up in chief.  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

followme380 reads

Watching the obama butt lickers get upset and pee-pee in their panties.

They can be entertaining when they do that.

2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

bigguy30280 reads

Posted By: followme
Watching the obama butt lickers get upset and pee-pee in their panties.  
 They can be entertaining when they do that.  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

RaymondDonovan312 reads

I don't see the regulars of the right jump in on this ro support you.It's just you and why is that??? Nobody got your back. Is it because like one poster said, "You throw shit on the wall an hope it sticks"...I'm not seeing any love for you...and you can thank me later.

bigguy30286 reads

Posted By: RaymondDonovan
I don't see the regulars of the right jump in on this ro support you.It's just you and why is that??? Nobody got your back. Is it because like one poster said, "You throw shit on the wall an hope it sticks"...I'm not seeing any love for you...and you can thank me later.

Oh, that's right! Because you always say that!

What was that about original ideas?!?  ;)

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