Politics and Religion

The military part is what I like a lot about Webb. E
Timbow 172 reads

Posted By: mattradd
think he could give Hillary a good run for her money. Not, certain what baggage his Rep. counterparts can lay at his feet other than, like most military men, a long way from home, can't keep their dick in their pants for long. They may find some sexual scandal.

Presidential campaign with Jim Webb in the running. He has quite a list of accomplishments in a variety of areas. One problem though. He's older than Hillary.  ;)

-- Modified on 7/2/2015 12:41:40 PM

GaGambler210 reads

I think the Democratic party needs a viable second choice "just in case" Hillary implodes. and I think most of us, except perhaps the worst of the koolaid drinkers like Hadji and fatgirl will agree that Hillary self destructing is a very real possibility.  

If Hillary has a campaign ending revelation disclosed at the eleventh hour, then what? I think the Dems are wise to have someone more capable of winning the GE than Bernie Sanders who has about as much chance as Rand Paul or Donald Trump of ever being POTUS

I find Webb interesting, and maybe even someone for who I would not have to hold my nose quite so tight to vote for than the Hildabeast.

think he could give Hillary a good run for her money. Not, certain what baggage his Rep. counterparts can lay at his feet other than, like most military men, a long way from home, can't keep their dick in their pants for long. They may find some sexual scandal.

Timbow173 reads

Posted By: mattradd
think he could give Hillary a good run for her money. Not, certain what baggage his Rep. counterparts can lay at his feet other than, like most military men, a long way from home, can't keep their dick in their pants for long. They may find some sexual scandal.

GaGambler199 reads

Do any of the major GOP candidates have any military service? I sort of doubt it.  

and it really is a shame that we have to worry that a presidential campaign could be derailed simply because a candidate fucked some hooker/secretary/intern thirty plus years ago. It is just so not relevant to me in picking someone to lead the country, and yes that includes Bill Clinton.

Timbow196 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Do any of the major GOP candidates have any military service? I sort of doubt it.  
 and it really is a shame that we have to worry that a presidential campaign could be derailed simply because a candidate fucked some hooker/secretary/intern thirty plus years ago. It is just so not relevant to me in picking someone to lead the country, and yes that includes Bill Clinton.
-- Modified on 7/2/2015 10:59:26 AM

.......Didn't Perry at one time own a hunting camp called "niggerhead"? This is the same Perry saying African Americans are better served by the Republican Party. Seriously! Perry while Governor refused to expand Medicaid or create a  State health exchange that would benefit minorities, the poor and middle class. Perry also pushed laws in Texas limiting the ability of minorities, students and the elderly to vote. Perry has also said he does not think the border problem is serious enough to demand an immigration overhaul. Really

GaGambler263 reads

There are a thousand legitimate reasons to detest the man without distorting the truth like you just did.

Paint Creek, Tex. — In the early years of his political career, Rick Perry began hosting fellow lawmakers, friends and supporters at his family’s secluded West Texas hunting camp, a place known by the name painted in block letters across a large, flat rock standing upright at its gated entrance.

“Niggerhead,” it read.


Perry against ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) doubled down Monday in his opposition to expanding Medicaid under President Obama's healthcare law, even though opposing it could cost his state $90 billion.

At a press conference where he was flanked by other conservatives, Perry argued expanding the health insurance program for the poor would make Texas “hostage” to the federal government.  

“It would benefit no one in our state to see their taxes skyrocket and our economy crushed as our budget crumbled under the weight of oppressive Medicaid costs,” Perry said at the state capitol.

Allowing the expansion, in the case of Texas, would insure 1.5 million low-income Texans and bring $90 billion in federal funding to the state over the first decade, according to estimates.  

Texas has the highest share of uninsured residents in the United States — about 29 percent of its adult population — and confronts billions of dollars worth of uncompensated hospital care every year.


Voter ID

In 2011, Perry signed a voter ID law that counts handgun permits as an acceptable form of identification, but not student IDs. Courts later found the law “was imposed with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose” and “has an impermissible discriminatory effect against Hispanics and African-Americans.” This was further proven when the Supreme Court allowed Texas to implement the policy for last November’s midterm elections, and it disenfranchised hundreds of eligible voters and more than doubled the number of people forced to cast a provisional ballot — the majority of which are never counted.

Border Security

Under Perry’s leadership, Texas further beefed up it’s already growing border militarization — famously sending the National Guard down to the border in 2014 where the armed officers found themselves “fighting boredom” as border crossings dropped to the lowest level they have been in years.  

He also advocated for deporting the thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America who crossed the border in 2014, despite the fact that many of them had valid asylum claims.  

Perry has said he’ll oppose any comprehensive immigration reform — which would enable hundreds of thousands of Texans to come out of the shadows — until the border is deemed “secure.”

Posted By: GaGambler
There are a thousand legitimate reasons to detest the man without distorting the truth like you just did.

GaGambler192 reads

Except for Niggerhead that is. That one is totally a fact, and beyond dispute

Doing what he was elected to do by fighting ObamaCare with every weapon at his disposal, protecting the border as he campaigned to do, and requiring ID's to vote like millons of voters support are hardly things I would criticize him for.

Now there are a thousand other reasons I wouldn't vote for him and the very sound of his voice makes me a bit angry, but most of your FACTS are democratic talking points, not facts.

Even the language in your quotes are misleading or outright lies There aren't "hundreds of thousands of TEXANs" hiding in the shadows, there are hundreds of thousands of criminals, not just under Texas laws, but under federal law as well.

What you call "reform" I call amnesty, just like ObamaCare was labeled "reform" but didn't reform a damn thing, it just shifted the burden of payment to the taxpayers and created a huge and unnecessary Government bureaucracy to administer it. Shifting the burden to the states in an effort to hide all the red ink doesn't change that FACT.

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