Politics and Religion

Romney denouced by Republicans and every major news outlet
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 1739 reads

The comments by Romney and Reince Preibus  were colossally stupid shots in the foot today that the Romney puppet was pushed into by brain surgeons John Bolton and Dan Senor acting in characteristic fashion while Americans at the embassies were still under attack and in harm's way the major news media from all of the political spectrum have denounced Romney's comments as terrible judgement due to their content, shooting off his mouth before he knew the facts on the ground, and terrifically poor timing trying to exploit ridiculous events.

McCain was conspicuously absent in condoning his candidate Romney's  comments. The Palin moron was of course front and center as time morphs Palin and Romney's campaign runners in repeated displays of identically egregious judgement.

Steve Schmidt, Conservative  (remember him) who ran McCain's campaign:

"[Romney's]...comments were a big mistake, and the decision to double down on them was an even bigger mistake...the American people, when the country is attacked...want to see leaders who have measured responses, not leaders whose first instinct is to try to score political points."

Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary of State in Bush Administration:

"I was frankly very disappointed and dismayed to see Governor Romney inject politics into this very difficult situation. Governor Romney, in a very unwise way, injected himself into a situation where he clearly doesn't have all the facts."

Rush (it doesn't get any dumber) Limbaugh " Today Romney is the only guy looking presidential" after bashing Romney for being an idiot every other day on his show.

No Republican Congressional leaders said a word to back Romney's pathetically stupid statement--not one.

Timbow178 reads

Posted By: JeffEng16
The comments by Romney and Reince Preibus  were colossally stupid shots in the foot today that the Romney puppet was pushed into by brain surgeons John Bolton and Dan Senor acting in characteristic fashion while Americans at the embassies were still under attack and in harm's way the major news media from all of the political spectrum have denounced Romney's comments as terrible judgement due to their content, shooting off his mouth before he knew the facts on the ground, and terrifically poor timing trying to exploit ridiculous events.

McCain was conspicuously absent in condoning his candidate Romney's  comments. The Palin moron was of course front and center as time morphs Palin and Romney's campaign runners in repeated displays of identically egregious judgement.

Steve Schmidt, Conservative  (remember him) who ran McCain's campaign:

"[Romney's]...comments were a big mistake, and the decision to double down on them was an even bigger mistake...the American people, when the country is attacked...want to see leaders who have measured responses, not leaders whose first instinct is to try to score political points."

Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary of State in Bush Administration:

"I was frankly very disappointed and dismayed to see Governor Romney inject politics into this very difficult situation. Governor Romney, in a very unwise way, injected himself into a situation where he clearly doesn't have all the facts."

Rush (it doesn't get any dumber) Limbaugh " Today Romney is the only guy looking presidential" after bashing Romney for being an idiot every other day on his show.

No Republican Congressional leaders said a word to back Romney's pathetically stupid statement--not one.

go for it.  I suspect it will hurt him at the polls, and help get his dumbass out of the news faster on November 7-10 and the days following.

Timbow216 reads

Quote :
The Obama administration is disavowing a statement from its own Cairo embassy that seemed to apologize for anti-Muslim activity in the United States.

"The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government," an administration official told POLITICO.

every statement Obama made, and he didn't disavow a damn thing.  Romney and  Ryan are rushing into Palin territory with every passing day.  Norah O'Donnell took Ryan apart on  CBS Sunday. He looked like the fool he is.

Joe Scarborough:

"Who told Mr. Romney to issue a political broadside against the commander in chief the day after a US ambassador was murdered."

I'll tell you the moron who  told him.  Dan Senor a frequent insipid guest on Morning Joe.

You can tell yourself this helped Romney if you want, but you're going to be told different soon from the polls.  It paints Romney as totally naieve in foreign policy matters and this is not a 48 hour phenomenon. It's going  to stick and it will bite him in the ass in the debates soon.

...Jim Vandehei who run Politico are former Washington Post reporters.  I find Politico's reporting to be fair and balanced, unlike that outfit that constantly screams they are.

It is naive to believe that Politico is enmeshed in the sweetness and light of non-partisan journalism.

This is from a WAPO portrait of Joe Albritton, daddy of current owner Robert who gave the empire that includes Politico to his son.  Last time I checked, Raegan and Ford were Republican  presidents.  There was no relationship of any of the Albrittons to the democratic party but many strong ones to powerful Republicans:

“President Gerald Ford invited Joe and Barbara to watch the bicentennial July 4 fireworks from the Truman balcony of the White House,” Montgomery wrote. “Soon afterword, Allbritton ordered space reserved on the front page for an editorial endorsing Ford in the primary campaign against Ronald Reagan. He supplied the editorial himself.”

Joe came to terms with Reagan, however, eventually donating the presidential portrait of him that hangs in the White House today. He has maintained close ties to Republican royalty, approving Riggs 1997 purchase of J. Bush & Co, the banking company of George W. Bush’s uncle, Jonathan, who now sits on the Riggs board.

Robert has maintained close ties to the Republican establishment as well. Frederick J. Ryan, the current president of Politico, served in the Reagan White House for all eight years, ascending to the title of Assistant to the President in 1987. From 1989 to 1995, Ryan was Reagan’s post-chief of staff, and was responsible for designing, planning and funding the construction of the Reagan Presidential Library. Besides his job as the president of Politico, Ryan is also currently on the Board of Riggs as well as the Board of the Reagan Library, whose mission is “preserving Ronald Reagan’s legacy.”

Politico articles are frequently infused with editorial content that is pro-Republican and pro extreme right.  Start looking at them more and more closely and you'll find that out. Politico hired former NYTimes reporter Dave Cloud, who quickly resigned because he couldn't stand the partisan Republican atmosphere that rules at Politico.  

Politico is strongly linked to Allbritton's conservative bank and media company, and it has strong connections with key Republicans and no democrats, often publishing stories they suggest.

Politico's CEO and President is former assistant to President Ronnie the Reagan and he is definitely Republican.  The owners, Allbritton Communications is a Conservative leaning organization for sure, and Politico was built by the Washington Star a conservative newspaper and multi-TV station conglomerate which evolved into Allbritton.

Let's look into Albritton since you didn't PS.   Robert Allbritton is the major owner. He's chairman and CEO of Albritton and a VERY VERY CONSERVATIVE banker.  He owns one of the most powerful  conservative banks on the planet.

The employees of Politico and the Albritton family jump when Albritton says jump and always ask how high.  The  commentary and blogs of Vanderhei and Harris definitely lean to  the right and support Romney and the other idiot running with him and now running from reporters and being eaten alive when he stops to answer a question about past votes, past $20 million in stimulus money that he took from the government he professes to want to limit.

Albritton has frequently used his millions  to go to war with liberal columnists and he micromanages this war.

As a good Republican, Albritton was named CEO by daddy Joe a convicted crook.  Republicans like to make their fortunes by having daddy shove it in their asses as Romney and both Ryans have done.

Albritton's daddy ran the huge bank  Riggs, which was  was indicted of money laundering for Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet who had 28 separate money laundering account with Riggs.
Riggs employees smuggled out million in brown paper bags for the Pinochet regime, and the  senior Albritton made many visits to Chile to help money launder for his friend Pinochet.
A bipartisan Senate investigation by Carl Levin and Norm Coleman outlined this. A week before the report was released, daddy Albritton resigned from Riggs.

In order to get charges against them dismissed in a Spanish court both  Albrittons paid $8 million in an outright bribe to a foundation of victims of the totalitarian Pinochet regime.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Jim Vandehei who run Politico are former Washington Post reporters.  I find Politico's reporting to be fair and balanced, unlike that outfit that constantly screams they are.
-- Modified on 9/13/2012 8:16:23 AM

nuguy46165 reads

sad to see politics going down this garbage drain. long for the day of watching the news being presented vice making the news.  all these guys trying to get a job w/ the O-man?

nuguy46175 reads

a recording of the reporters caught on open microphone before the morning Romney press conference caught all the reporters stating we will all ask the same question a different way to see if they could get him to slip up on his answer.

Once again the media trying to control what people hear and see.

To bad Obama wouldn't stick around to even answer a questtion. ddin't hear or see any emotion as he read his statement following the death of US personnel in Libya.  thought he "cared"?  shows it in a strange manner.

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