Politics and Religion

The GOP Openly admits that they shut down the gov't to use as an extortion tactic.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1738 reads

I've noticed a few more things since I've had to take my forced vacation. The traffic is better around here too. Lockheed Martin just announced that they are about to furlough people too, so I suspect all that will do is make the lines longer at the unemployment office.

But I gotta wonder how much longer could the GOP keep this up. Congressman Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) admitted that, "We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is."

Rand Paul got caught discussing strategy with Mitch McConnell, even after McConnell warmed him that he was mic'ed, and the ACA seemed to be the least of their worries.


And now the GOP's donors are beginning to get pissed over how things are panning out.


It seems the GOP has grown frustrated that their extortion tactics just don't seem to be panning out the way they want. Perhaps they could have seen this coming if they had ever read the children's fable "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf".

Oh well. It's at least fun to watch the GOP go the hell in a handbasket. I've figured out how to pay my mortgage, at least this month, so things are as well as can be expected.

One other thing I've noticed. Did you know you don't actually have to pay for your car bill? Yes, it's true. All you have to do is park your car a few blocks from your house, hoof it home, and the repo guy will never find it.

There is one thing I can't figure out for the life of me. No matter how hard I try, I simply can't find a wine to go with mustard sandwiches.  

-- Modified on 10/4/2013 11:42:41 PM

"We're not going to be disrespected.  We have to get something out of this and I don't know what that even is."

"We're not going to be disrespected."  LOL!  He sounds like Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction"  --  "I'm not going to be ignored!"

Stultsman can now join the Three Stooges of the Republican Party - Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann and Steve King.

salonpas428 reads

If Obama had shown some balls in dealing with Republicans over prior Budget/debt ceiling discussions we wouldn't be in this mess. Obama is perceived as weak by Republicans which is why they had no back up plan and believed he would cave in to their demands.

You blame the President for not caving in.  

It looks like the REPUGNANT strategy backfired.  

There is absolutely now way in hell Obama was going to gut ACA. Those who thought he would cave in were IDIOTS

salonpas323 reads

We did not have to get this far, if Obama had shown some balls right from the beginning of his term in 2008. He has always sought the middle ground in his dealings with his Republican opponents and tried to seek common ground. This works only if your opponents are willing to meet you at least half-way.

My biggest fault with Obama is when Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, in December 2008 stands up and says our goal is to make Obama a one term president, that Obama didn't take him at his word

salonpas423 reads

..........by making some kind of concession. Going forward it might be in Obama's interest to deal with the devil you know than the one you don't know. God help us all if any one of the Tea Party crazies becomes speaker

Timbow299 reads

Quote :
"The Senate has plans to take up this bill," he said. "Stop the presses: the Senate's going to take up a bill, even if they won't consider most of our other bills."

For the time being, I'm up shit's creek. I would prefer to still get paid and be forced to use the vacation time I already have. As it is, it's mustard sandwiches for dinner and the unemployment office for me.

I'm gonna be out of the pussy game for a while, Tim. I bought a new car and had to max out my credit card getting emergency surgery for my cat. As it is, I've got less than a half a tank of gas and no money to fill it up again until Congress gets their shit together.

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