Politics and Religion

The gays is in the GOP are called Log Cabin Republicans
blugold 2 Reviews 3289 reads
1 / 22

The U.S. catholic church should watchout. Our elected officials are giving them a run for their money for all the wrong reasons.


-- Modified on 8/27/2007 5:23:59 PM

Jack Daniels 1421 reads
3 / 22

I don’t have a problem with a public official being gay unless they pretend to be straight and publicly condemn homosexuality as part of their official position on the subject.

Tusyan 1447 reads
4 / 22

Here's Craig's record on the issue:

Voted for a constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.

Voted against adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes twice

Voted to prohibit same-sex marriage
Voted against prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation

zinaval 7 Reviews 1679 reads
5 / 22

This guy has been putting out one strange excuse after another.

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1736 reads
7 / 22

I think it has something to do w/rumors of Lincoln being gay or something.  Anyway, gays are in the GOP.

followme 1644 reads
8 / 22
jack0116533 14 Reviews 1038 reads
9 / 22

it's not so much that they're twisted about the subject, as that they want one set of rules for them, another for everybody else, and that they cheerfully lie thru their teeth when it's the only way they can make their point.

It's not just sexual practices, but military service and free competition.  Where the hell would the Republican Party be if they had to live up to their standards?

Hahafuckin ha 1375 reads
10 / 22

no wonder they dont want em in the military.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1632 reads
11 / 22

there is nothing "hateful" about any of those positions.

talk about cynically dividing people

zinaval 7 Reviews 1601 reads
12 / 22

Denying them hate crime protection is either saying "problem, I don't see a problem" or "maybe it will discourage people from gay behavior."

A constitutional amendment against gay marriage?  Well, if it weren't sold as a "defense of marriage" amendment, I would say it isn't hate. Otherwise is it saying that gays are attacking marriage, or that it's their fault the divorce rate is about 50 percent?  That's propaganda.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1349 reads
13 / 22

you still have'nt convinced me he held these positions out of hate.

nor that anyone that holds these positions do so out of hate

to ascribe them as GOP "values" is bigoted though

-- Modified on 8/29/2007 9:18:59 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2222 reads
14 / 22

of making Glory Holes mandatory in all Federal facilities.


-- Modified on 8/29/2007 9:22:06 PM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 1971 reads
15 / 22
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2209 reads
17 / 22

don't forget, it's MY chip in YOUR noggin

be careful driving...


Puck 20 Reviews 1502 reads
18 / 22

Republicans don't hate gays - they fear them. They fear everything about them, and so they attempt to legislate them out of sight.
One possible exception might be those Republicans who ARE gay - it is entirely feasible that they hate themselves for it.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1513 reads
19 / 22

there are people who identify as Republican that don't fear gays.

Your statements are bigoted.

Not  very "Proggy" of you now!!!!

Clean them up of the DailyScuz bigotry if you want to discuss.

-- Modified on 8/30/2007 4:27:00 PM

Al. Gore 1201 reads
20 / 22

... but, at the least, they're backwards and uninformed.  How does gay marriage threaten our straight marriages?  I mean I don't even think about gay marriage when Tipper and I are jamming our tongues down each others throats.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1418 reads
21 / 22

inside-joke reference.

Logs are made of wood.

Wood is one of thousands of euphemisms for penis. And it alse serves double duty as a reference to an erection, as in "I woke up with wood" [ZZ Topp, appx 1985, "Afterburner" album i think].

Get it?  And when i ask "get it" are you aware of the potential double entendre I've put into play? Not that you're A Log Cabin Republican yourself.  Not, of course, that there would be anything wrong with that if you were.

ZYNICAL 2000 reads
22 / 22

You're guaranteed to find other men there.

The privacy aspect does require some work, admittedly.

Ar Har Har !!!!

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