Politics and Religion

the future is bright for young women
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 407 reads

that want more than spitting out babies.  yeah I really, really love puppies but I fix my doggies because I am not in business to be a dog breeder!

Capitalism is the only thing that has ever worked for me to do better than my parents.  My mind creates ideas that will thrive toward this economy.   People are too damn afraid to take chances so they put down others that are successful because they need to blame someone for irresponsible choices (instead of making a change) of having children out of wedlock then want the rest of the country to feel sorry for them, as they hold up their baby to get that same emotion from me when I see a little puppy or small child.

The future is bright for my daughter.

Capitalism gives you two choices. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The worse the economy is, the more people are impoverished and suffer. The more the economy grows, the more harm is done to the environment, which will ultimately lead to more people suffering.  

This is why I say capitalism is the worst thing ever invented by man. It could result in the death of us all.  

Of course, a lot of these worries wouldn't be a big deal if we could reduce population growth significantly. We should give women thousands of dollars in tax rebates for not having children. We should raise people's taxes by 10% for each child they have. And we should give women who have abortions tax breaks. We could pollute the world all day long, and it wouldn't matter, if 8 out of 9 assholes on this planet didn't exist.

JackDunphy298 reads

Except for all the others. So comrade, what exactly do you want it replaced with? :D

Merchantilism was better than capitalism. At least with that, people sank or rose to the top on their own merits.  

Politically, mankind has evolved over time. We've gone from monarchs and dictators (rule by a single individual), to oligarchy (rule by a class of people), to democracy (rule by the people).  

Yes, the USA is a democracy. Don't give me that horse shit that we're a Republic. A republic is a kind of democracy.  

Throughout, you see a progression. Ruled by 1 ---> Ruled by a small group or class ----> The People rule themselves.  

But we're farther behind when it comes to economics.  

In dictatorships, the economy is ruled by 1. Capitalism is a system by which the people are ruled over by an economic oligarchy. Our economy is run by the top 1%. By Wall Street. By the wealthy elite. This is a system no different then a political oligarchy, this is just an economic one.  

What we should replace capitalism with is a system of economic democracy. The People rule and govern their own economic affairs. No, that's not socialism, nor is it communism. It's economic democracy.  

There are several proposed models for achieving this. One such model is Michael Albert's and Robin Hahnel's Participatory Economics, or PARECON for short. Another such model is David Schweickart's model, which he simply calls Economic Democracy. There are various worker cooperative structures, like the Mondragon movement in Spain, which consists of nearly 300 companies and employs 82,000 people. There are several examples of this in South America, and even in the USA too. FaSinPat is the largest ceramics producer south of the Rio Grande, and is entirely run by it's workers, democratically. The Publix grocery store chain in the USA is a worker coop too.  

There are a lot more alternatives to capitalism than just communism. Both capitalism and communism is deplorable. We need to move to an economic system that is truly democratic. Only then can we use group decision making to weigh the costs and benefits of economic activities. After all, no coal mine executive would blatantly disregard the risks of black lung and mines collapsing if he had to work in the mines too. No CEO would be okay with dumping toxic waste into the environment, if it was first pumped into his own house. When everyone has a seat at the economic table in this country, then nobody can shit on others to make a few extra bucks.

GaGambler361 reads

You may recall, Willy was the original inspiration for the SPOTY's. I guess we have come full circle.

I don't even know where to start in rebutting Willy ridiculous ideas, so I don't even think I will bother. Anyone with even half a brain already knows he's loony tunes, while Pimpy, Fungy and the other SPOTY candidates are too stupid to explain anything to in the first place.

JackDunphy415 reads

This "economic democracy" is just communism in a nice, new package with glossy PR. This is the "job is a right" crowd, isn't it? This is the "Occupy" nuts with a gooey title.  

When you have an entity where there are all Indians and no chiefs, you have absolute chaos.  

We can't even get people to agree today is Thursday and you want them to all agree on wages, benefits, product line, R&D, PR/advertising, sales approach, budgets, etc?

Yeah good luck with all that. Typical far left utopia bullshit.  


Try to define it, Jack. I think it would be quite amusing.  

There is nothing democratic about communism. Communism is an economic dictatorship. The Mutualists made this very point at the First Internationale, which incidentally are two things you've never heard of.  

There are already plenty of worker cooperatives all over the country. One example, Isthmus Engineering. Here is their website.  


They are a worker coop. There have no bosses. No one is a chief. No one is an Indian. All business decisions are made democratically. By popular vote. They don't seem to have any trouble agreeing on wages, benefits, product line, R&D, advertising, etc.  

Another example right here in the USA. The Alvarado Street Bakery. Here is their website.  


They just bake bread. But they're run democratically. Because of this, they have no stock holders. Instead, every workers is a stake holder in the company. In other words, the better the business does, the more every worker gets paid. How much do you think these bread bakers gets paid? I mean, after all, they're just baking bread. In a capitalist company you can expect bread bakers to get what? 20k? These bakers get 50k a year.  

In fact, there are many, many, many worker cooperatives in the USA. It's isn't some utopia bullshit that can't happen. It happens all over the country.  

Here is the website for the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives.  


Just because you've never heard of this, Jack, doesn't mean it isn't possible, and doesn't already exist.

Even more would exist if more individuals would show the initiative and start them up and make them happen. But don't kid yourself, a co-op has a Board of Directors who make decisions, albiet according to the mission statement, or governing principles established upon formation.

BTW, I'd love to sit in on a BOD meeting and listen to the board discuss how government regulations affect their businesses. I guarantee the conversation would be verbatim the same as any privately owned business.

With Isthmus Engineering, they really don't have a board of directors. No bosses at all. When they need to make decisions, every worker sits down and they vote on different decisions.  

Worker co-ops vary in how they're run. Some have boards of directors, some don't. The Mondragon coops in Spain vary wildly in how they're structured.

I wish we did live in a democracy. Last I discovered Lobby Groups and minorities had greater power than the Masses. I could site many cases of legislature trampling decisions of voters but I've no interest in rehashing that silliness. And NO, legislators aren't representing their constituents

I really wish the governing system grasped our need for "Govnt of the people, Bye the people and for the people".

I like the idea of stopping women from having children to just collect a check.  I believe our society would drastically improve from crime and poverty.  

People use to have a lot of children to work the farm and they could feed them.  But in today's society, there is a real issue with women manufacturing children for a check for child support and government support.  There is no pride in these women and they need to stop breeding!  They raise children to be desperate to beg, borrow and steal their whole lives they can never pull up.  It's not just a one or two time bad luck deal, but a whole life of being needy and a burden,.

I like that idea Willy

JackDunphy359 reads

It's liberals that started handing out money to irresponsible women to have kids, creating a never ending cycle of reliance on the government.  

The same government currently 18 trillion bucks in debt, the same government where Medicare/caid will go insolvent by 2026 and social security 7 years later, the very same government that has Amtrak and the USPS bleeding red ink from the engine to the caboose.

that want more than spitting out babies.  yeah I really, really love puppies but I fix my doggies because I am not in business to be a dog breeder!

Capitalism is the only thing that has ever worked for me to do better than my parents.  My mind creates ideas that will thrive toward this economy.   People are too damn afraid to take chances so they put down others that are successful because they need to blame someone for irresponsible choices (instead of making a change) of having children out of wedlock then want the rest of the country to feel sorry for them, as they hold up their baby to get that same emotion from me when I see a little puppy or small child.

The future is bright for my daughter.

If giving money to irresponsible women created a never ending cycle of reliance on the gov't, then explain to me why Condi Rice isn't on food stamps and welfare. She certainly was when she was a kid.  

And I certainly don't see you pissing and moaning too much about giving irresponsible corporations money, like the defense industry, the continually loses taxes payer dollars given to it. Yet, I don't see you bitching about the "never ending cycle of reliance on the government" of a corporation like Northrop Grumman.

Oh, but that's different, eh? Yeh, the difference is that "irresponsible women" didn't run the debt up by 17 trillion, but giving the rich tax cuts and spending an obnoxious amount of money on defense did.  

You piss and moan about Medicare going insolvent, yet by that same standard, the Defense Dept. has been insolvent for the last 45 years. You say Social Security will be insolvent, when you're clearly getting confused with the Social Security Trust Fund, a fund separate from Social Security, and was fucking DESIGNED to go insolvent. It's only purpose was to save a little extra money to pay for the Boomers. Guess what? Eventually the Boomers will die.  

The USPS would be just fine if the GOP didn't force it to have every dollar ready for each new hire's retirement from the first day they start work. Let's see any private business in the country work around that kind of accounting bullshit.  

When was the last time anyone even fucking SAW an Amtrak train? You know, some countries actually put money into their public transportation system. The Japanese, Europe, and even fucking China has bullet trains. We can't even get Republicans to spend enough money to keep fucking bridges from collapsing.

When was the last time you introduced a bill into law or voted on a proposed federal law? Never, unless you are in Congress or the Senate. The founders did not want a democracy because it is mob rule. The majority can impose power the minority. It's 2 wolves and a sheep voting to decide what's for dinner. They adopted a system of limited federal govt with checks and balances.

JackDunphy430 reads

Saying we have a republic and not a democracy is like saying New York is in the U.S. but not in North America. A republic is a type of democracy, a subset if you wish. The two are not mutually exclusive.

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