Politics and Religion

The fragile earth vehicle could not withstand the alien tractor beam...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 457 reads

The plane was held by the tractor beam for several hours.  That's why there was no communication.  But eventually the plane just broke apart in little pieces before it could be taken to the alien overlords.

You know what pisses me off the most?  


Couple of hundred lives on the line and it's not the stone age yet they can't cum up with a fucking redundant system that works?  

Fucking Fuckers

Rather than a search or recovery mission. Fourteen nation's Air Force and Naval military units are united to finding this plane at a tremendous cost. Since, when did fourteen nation's military forces ever agree on anything with such intensity. The hurricane, in the Philippines did not even elicit such a well coordinated and financed multinational response. NATO cannot even agree what to do with Putin and Crimea.

As I said originally several weeks ago, this a whodunit not a what happened case.  

Why so much resources devoted to this search effort of MH 370; my guess, only a guess, governments are worried for a worse scenario that the plane has been hijacked and is to be used as a bomb carrying device to be used against them. China, the US, Malaysia et al, are all desperate for the best case scenario and that the plane was ditched in the ocean on a suicide mission.  

In other words, I have no clue, but look at the actions, not the words

The plane was held by the tractor beam for several hours.  That's why there was no communication.  But eventually the plane just broke apart in little pieces before it could be taken to the alien overlords.

...it vindicates my premise that public/commercial transportation fares should only be collected AFTER the passenger(s) are safely delivered to their destination point. It think it is unconscionable that those poor hapless passengers all paid many hundreds of dollars simply to meet whatever gruesome fate that befell them.  

 One pays a taxi driver AFTER delivered to their desired destination; so too it should be with planes, trains and busses. It is only fair, and it would give commercial carriers a huge impetus to get the job done correctly and safely

GaGambler306 reads

I log well over a hundred thousand miles a year and I've never felt that my life was in jeopardy. I feel I am a lot more likely to get killed on my way to the airport than on the plane itself.

Honestly out of the thousands and thousands of flights every single day, how often is someone killed on a commercial airliner.

I used to work in a related field maybe 15 years ago and have to agree that I feel much safer flying than driving cuz some of those companies have thousands of people working full time to keep them plane and engines running with a very very low chance of failure during flight not to mention reduced traffic in the sky along with flight traffic controls which cars don't have.  

As for tracking the location of plane after a shut down or shoot down, seems to me they didn't really put as much effort into designing a better system. One would think that after an event like 911 they'd consider upgrading tracking beacons but I guess not

Pimpathy420 reads

Who would be responsible in creating, and enforcing these new recommendations?

Posted By: Drunken Asian
I used to work in a related field maybe 15 years ago and have to agree that I feel much safer flying than driving cuz some of those companies have thousands of people working full time to keep them plane and engines running with a very very low chance of failure during flight not to mention reduced traffic in the sky along with flight traffic controls which cars don't have.  
 As for tracking the location of plane after a shut down or shoot down, seems to me they didn't really put as much effort into designing a better system. One would think that after an event like 911 they'd consider upgrading tracking beacons but I guess not.  

salonpas333 reads

.............including Russia you fly the local airlines at your own peril

It was hijacked by employees of Disney, which bought the rights to "Lost."  It is in a hanger in Burbank, where they are working on the script for "Lost II."  They only need 22 people, so they are culling out the rest of the cast and crew.  A handfull will be used as participants in the next "Survivor," with the rest being cut up so the pieces can be preserved and used in a new feature that will be opening in all Disney Lands next October 31st, a combo of Halloween and the Mexican Day of the Dead.  

I know this is true becuase my cousin's best friend's sister works in a catering company that services Disney and she has seen the whole thing and reported it down the line to me.

wrps07411 reads

If will take them 500 years to find the plane. Fools did not read the radar data properly and do proper analysis before sending out search teams. The conspiracy theory folks are going to have a field day. Take a look at youtube for good entertainment.




There are limitations to the technology. The entire earth is not covered by radar and satellite coverage is sparse in many parts of the ocean because there is nothing to watch/monitor there.

Of course there are limits to technology but you'd be so dead wrong to assume that entire earth isn't covered by satellites. How do you think they predict the weather?  Also who said we're restricted to using just satellites?  Technology is there, they just haven't used it.  

Sat phone / comm signals may be sparse in tunnels, caves, but hardly in mid air especially when the plane is covering a distance of several hundred miles per hour. You're bound get something. Drop a beacon here and there before, during, after. There are many ways this could have been tracked.  

Get a clue before you post something stupid again

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