Politics and Religion

The Feds also convicted 5 men for attempting to kill soldiers
9-man 2809 reads
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To compare it, it looks like our homegrown frauds and greedy buffoons in finance are replacing terrorists as the worst threat to the country. As an FBI official says: “We have to work those cases which we think pose the greatest threat. In this case, it’s a threat to the financial system and Wall Street.”

Maybe Osama bin Laden should have started a Ponzi scheme.

BreakerMorant 2338 reads
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at Ft Dix. The feds my friend are doing a great job of keeping us safe from terrorism. Would I like for the Feds to really hammer the Wall Street crooks, hell yes.

I also realize Law enforcement have limited resources and with the way the law works in favor of crooks, it is amazing they have any conviction rate. The problem with these Wall Street crooks is that they have money and can buy the best lawyers. These lawyers will issue motion to dismiss, demurr etc and other procedures until they can hide their money in the Cayman Islands.

If the US Congress had balls, I would suspend the writ of habeas corpus and put the Bernard Madoffs behind bars. I said this back in October before the $700 billion bailout was approved, these thiefs at Goldman Sachs, AIG are endangering the economic well being of the United States.

Alas I do not see Gov. Napitalano not being nearly as tough as Chertoff in fighting terrorism.

charlie445 3 Reviews 2281 reads
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The us spends about $39k. For every person killed in a terrorist attack, the terrorist spends $5.00.

Who's winning?

dncphil 16 Reviews 2393 reads
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Gosh, you didn't mention capitalist lackeys being dead as only worth half as much as a dead comrade.

In any event, to say that for every person killed in a terrorist attack the U.S. spends $5 is insanely inaccurate.  Do you think the cost of 9/11 was $15,000, which is 3,000 people at $5 each?

If you add in all money spend preventing another 9/11, you can't just use the 3,000 killed as a cost effective test.  It has to add in the potential damage avoided.  

For example, the U.S. participated in the intellegence that led to the plot to blow up the airplanes.  That saved another 3,000 lives.

If one terrorist plot was disrupted because of the manner in which the U.S. has impounded terrorist funds or traced the flow of money, you must calculate the potential damage avoided by that.  

-- Modified on 12/23/2008 4:19:07 AM

jazz32 24 Reviews 2754 reads
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Put up, or shut up time Breaker!!!  

Why question Gov. Napolitano even before she takes her new office???

Too Democrat?!?  Too Liberal???  Too Female???

Janet Napolitano may be a Democrat, and a Liberal,and a female,  but she doesn't love her country any less than you!!!  BTW, she is a really tough cookie.  A 2nd term Democratic female governor from AZ has to be!!!

Prior to running for governor in AZ, she had an exemplary career in the as a US District prosecutor, Including cases against internal terrorists!!!

bong_water 1602 reads
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