Politics and Religion

The Democratic party started KKK
mattradd 40 Reviews 82 reads
2 / 11

the convention is going to get him many new converts. I can imagine that is will put a fire under the democrats ass to get as many people registered to vote, as possible, and get them to the polls.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 73 reads
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a convention that would have made Hitler proud..

pot/kettle 80 reads
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People who like her are going to vote for her no matter who she picks.

People who hate Trump and plan to vote for her will do so regardless of who she picks.

People who hate her won't vote for her even if she picks their mother or father as her running mate.

And people who are on the fence and don't want to vote for either HRC or DJT will not decide to go to the polls just because some no-name cabinet member is her pick.

I can't remember an election when the respective VP picks have been so meaningless.  Both candidates are big celebrities and people have known them for years.  Voters will choose on the merits of the top of the ticket and pay little, if any, attention to the bottom of the ticket

pot/kettle 74 reads
5 / 11

of the people who go to the polls in November either have no fucking clue or couldn't care less about what the VP's policies are.  Sure, some people may be affected enough to change their vote but not nearly enough to make a significant difference.

Hell, most people have no clue who Kaine is.  And since he is a normal looking white middle-aged male, they won't make an effort to learn more about him.  If Dan Quayle could not derail Bush 41, then there is no way Tim Kaine derails Clinton.

borabora 15 Reviews 79 reads
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...some of the moderators here might be fanatic Trump supporters? I had a post that last night rejected 5 times and the text that was offensive to the moderator was: "As always, his speech was full of self-serving nonsense." After I edited 5 times, I found that the offending word was "self-serving". The moderator said I was too negative.

Greenbacks2 25 Reviews 72 reads
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bigguy30 137 reads
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So you are talking about last century and we are talking about right now!

Posted By: Greenbacks2
Look it up.

bigguy30 104 reads
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pot/kettle 61 reads
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Hillary is always capable of fucking up another almost certain election victory but her choice of VP will not be a reason why.

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