Politics and Religion

the debate - fairness element
nuguy46 2833 reads

curious as to a main host's fairness.....

When questioning former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Stephanopoulos, a former senior advisor in the administration of Democratic President Bill Clinton, premised some inquiries on the assertion — offered without supporting facts — that Romney’s job-creation statistics were inaccurate.

ridiculous question below. got a chorus of boos.
In another line of questioning, Stephanopoulos asked Romney if he believes “that states have the right to ban contraception, or is that trumped by a constitutional right to privacy?”

the idea of you putting forward things that states might want to do that no state wants to do, and asking me whether they could do it or not, is kind of a silly thing I think.  

Stephanopoulos also made a point of hammering Texas congressman Ron Paul about decades-old newsletters, published under Paul’s name, which contained racially sensitive statements

a double standard. Stephanopoulos asking Paul about newsletters 20 years ago — again,. How often does he hit Obama with Jeremiah Wright?

Bozo_T_Clown1814 reads

A teeny amount of research would have shown you that Rick Perry crtiicized job creation during Romney's term in Mass in a debate last Sept .  The facts are well known.  To everyone but you.
And Ron Paul's newsletter's racially insensitve remarks were brought up by a TV reporter recently and he walked away.  Since you can't walk away from a debate podium, it was an opportunity to get him to answer the question, finally.
You are officially too dumb to post.  In fact, you are the real Bozo.

nuguy461551 reads

are u a member of the Rev Wright church of 'GD America' TOO?

Bozo_T_Clown1495 reads

Keep it up, adding further evidence that you are too stupid to post.  Not to mention a partisan hack. Now go away.

nuguy46832 reads

speaking of bozo, you really like this guy called obama? he's making things happen..for you?
you didn't answer, what pew do u sit in?

Bozo_T_Clown1348 reads

to produce your latest snappy comeback.  In a battle of wits, you are clearly unarmed.  Please go away before you harm yourself.

nuguy461328 reads

does the rev wright tell you what to do?

dodge the question...the obama apologist's claim to fame?

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