Politics and Religion

The answer.
holeydiver 113 Reviews 1490 reads

Religion is what you personally believe, even if you choose to believe in not believing.

Superstition is what somebody else believes, or doesn't believe.

Superstition is primarily a defective view of causality..... often rooted in a logical error: post hoc ergo propter hoc....

I've never encountered a religion that did not contain the same feature.... gussied up and called "Teleology"

I realize that religion provides a more expansive cosmology and a theology, not necessarily present in superstition

but - at its root

what is the difference qualitatively speaking between religion and superstition?

Ben Dover2739 reads

A superstition is an irrational response to a negative life experience, whereas Religion is an irrational response to a positive life experience.

Superstitionists have developed certain behaviors or rituals for the sake of avoiding a negative recurrence which they base on some action they took at the time of the occurrence which for an unexplainable reason seeming to alter the results. Thus a superstition forms around a desired avoidance of "bad fortune"

Religionists are offering irrational appeasement to a Deity which they believe is in control of the outcomes in their life. Thus Religions form around unexplainable "good fortune" and set up a system of worship and appeasement to try and convince the Deity to continue giving them "favor". it usually involves some form of "sacrifice" to show the Deity loyalty.

This is why BOTH superstition and religion are complete crocks of shit! Both are seeking to alter the human experience by practicing a "ritual".

If there is a Deity/Force/super-natural out there, then why would it give a fuck if we sit on a rug and whip ourselves, recite endless "Hail-Marys"/"our Fathers" while frantically fondling a set of beads, twist and contort our bodies into various "animal shapes", or ceremonially swing an incense-burner around a room??

If there was a Deity that wanted to extend 'Grace" to our lives, wouldn't the only REAL motivator for that Deity to do ANYTHING on our behalf simply be out of "Love"? Isn't "Love" the only reason that anyone does anything for anyone for a non-self-gain reason?

If Such a Deity existed, what would be the only way to cultivate "Love" with that deity? By relationship, spending time considering and contemplating eachother is the basis of the love-relationship in the human experience, and if we were "created" by a Deity and in it's image, then it's likely that would be a trait passed down to us and probably the only thing such a Deity would want from us in return. Everything else is PURE SHIT!

-- Modified on 1/11/2009 3:49:59 AM

GaGambler2892 reads

I don't see any real difference between the two, except for the fact that the Catholic Church is older and more successful, and that more of its leaders have gone to jail(or at least should have)

I'd love to discuss this further as it has the makings of an interesting discussion, but I have a football game to go watch. I'd tell you who I was betting on, but I don't want to jinx myself or piss of the gambling gods. lmao

between scientology and catholicism that would make the one a "cult"?  That's just a word used by one religion to scare their adherents from intelligently evaluating other religions......  just as they use scare tactics to prevent their adherents from intelligently evaluating their *own* religion.....

in pratical terms, it is an epithet used by a majority religion against minority religions....

IMO - they *all* suck...... ';-)

GaGambler2018 reads

Whie I do agree that they are equally fucked, both deal with both positive and negative life experiences.

Christianity promises both heaven and hell. Heaven for falling in line with the Church, Hell for disobeying it. Some people believe in a "merciful God" others believe in a "wrathful God" The whole premise is rather silly as it is based on essentially outsmarting God and finding the loopholes that will get the believer into heaven and avoid being damned to hell.

Likewise with superstition, not all superstitions are about "bad luck" many superstitions such as "lucky charms" or repeating "lucky behavior" are about currying good favor from the "fates". Trust me, as a gambler I know all about superstitions. Even though I know it's all bullshit, sometimes even I cannot help myself.

I am not religious and I am often frustrated at how religion keeps those who are ardent followers from acting on the here and now, especially Christians who seem content to let the entire world collapse out of fear that they will anger the god that will come and bail them out when all seems lost. Yeah right.

But the value religion has over simple superstition is the mass value it has in keeping the masses motivated to keep the wheels of society moving. Those independent thinkers who don't see any personal value in religion must recognize that most of the population don't have the ability to think rationally without aid. Surely it would be hard for many to deal with the hard realities of life, especially nowdays, without some sort of force or belief in a better world after this one, this keeps them motivated to simply live. It motivates them to go out and keep society running despite their frustration with many things, again especially valid in the here and now.

One of my favorite philosophers once wrote of an experiance he had as a youngster at camp. He didn't believe in religion and shared his views with another youngster at the camp. He explains all of the inconsistencies and hypocrisy, and hocus pocus of the bible as being something not based in reality. The next day the camper he had discussed these things with came up to him and said that he was right. But this individual was very downtrodden at this news, he seemed to lose all life and energy afterwards.

So you see, religion has as its main value the supplier of fuel to deal with the harder rwalities of life for the majority of the population who just aren't naturally equipt to deal with these realities. I would say that only about 5% of the population can successfully do combat with life without this aid. Not to say that all of this 5% are good or evil, they are simply independent thinkers.

Simple Superstition simply doesn't have the written and time tested history organized religion does, thus doesn't hold as much weight with most, though some might value their own treasured superstitions as a way of dealing with harsh aspects of reality.

and functions both as an incentive to moral behavior and the values that produce achievement, and as a sop to the less fortunate to accept their lot as God given and acknowledge the right of the rich and powerful to have all of the good stuff. Yes, religion has produced liberation theology, but also the "prosperity gospel".  The message that individuals take from their religion seems to have more to do with their psychology and character than with the content of the particular religion (and I note that all Western religions have largely the same content in this respect). And there are many people who are not at all religious who demonstrate the psychology and character, and make moral and effective choices.....

Religion is what you personally believe, even if you choose to believe in not believing.

Superstition is what somebody else believes, or doesn't believe.

kerrakles2326 reads

Religion without philosophy is ritualism which is where superstition arise.

Philosophy without religion is mental speculation. Another place from which superstition arises.

When you blend philosophy and religion you get spirituality and self awareness.

Some believe thy need to go to church, synagogue, mosque, temple and build bigger and bigger of these things. They also believe God needs all the money God can get but God doesn't need any of it.

We have plenty of religious leaders teaching people ritualism and few teaching spirituality and self awareness, why? It is not in their best interest.

that western religion is based on a logic system and symbol set that does not easily lend itself to spirituality and the achievement of god-consciousness. While there have been Christian, Jewish and Muslim mystics over the years, Natural Paganism and the Eastern religious approach are more conducive to spiritual development

kerrakles1814 reads

Never thought of it that way. Being from the East and growing up there, always thought, the objective is spirituality rather than blindly following ritualism, Thanks

Certainly one of the differences is theology, which is an exploration of the imperative that many feel to act in a moral way and an idea, common to many peoples, that this imperative would not exist without a greater moral agent than themselves.

I think your statement about causality and teleology doesn't hold water. Yes, it is true that many ancient texts, certainly the Bible endorse a causal relationship between actions and God's grace, but no one with any intelligence at all who is religious adheres to that sort of thing. That's a caricature of thoughtful religious people. You may disagree with their thinking, but in some cases it is pretty nuanced.

Do I get the scotch now?

there are ethical systems which are not wedded to theology.

Being an eclectic / natural Pagan, I believe in the  law of threefold return - a very strict form of karma, or, as Jesus put it - the measure you give is the measure you get, shaken down, pressed together, overflowing.....

However, Pagans and those of the eastern religions believe in karma as a law of reality, intrinsic to the very fiber of existence, not a series of interventional acts on the part of a supreme being....

If you're going to have a Scotch, drink a good one....  and I'll toast your health.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 6:20:44 PM

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