Politics and Religion

The American people have a direct remedy.
ed2000 31 Reviews 466 reads

It's called voting. Just 4 short months ago The American people spoke and a majority of Congressional Districts and States disagreed with you (by majority numbers not seen for several decades). Indeed the majority want immigration reform, just not your version.

nuguy462229 reads

tried working with Repubs instead of ignoring them and going directly to using Exec orders? Didn't all previous Pres work together to pass laws? Do we really want all future presidents to ignore the other side and try to be the 'best King' ever in the US?

GaGambler477 reads

and I hope that trend continues so we don't ever start "getting things done" I am a huge fan of gridlock as whenever government starts "getting things done" we end up with fucked up laws like The Patriot Act, and ObamaCare.

doing NOTHING would have been a huge improvement over either of these "accomplishments" by our last two POTUS

nuguy46471 reads

the biggest exception is the current occupier of the WH...he thinks he was elected King...and is determined to prove it. Needs to be 'check-mated' before he does real damage.

bigguy30465 reads

Posted By: nuguy46
the biggest exception is the current occupier of the WH...he thinks he was elected King...and is determined to prove it. Needs to be 'check-mated' before he does real damage.

pot/kettle608 reads

but Obamacare did not come about because of "working with the other side." That was a straight partisan piece of poor legislation that got rammed through by the Democrats.

It is true, though, that all Presidents -- not just the current ineffective one -- have often tried their best to circumvent Congress whenever they could.  The current President just has taken it to an extreme because he would much rather do that and be able to "blame" Congress for doing nothing.

GaGambler692 reads

It was however a very good example of Government "getting things done" and a VERY good example why I vote for gridlock.

I know I am labeled a righty because of my stances on taxes and other fiscal issues, but the truth of the matter is, I don't want the GOP totally in charge of everything any more than I want the Dems. Because of this, unless an extraordinary candidate comes from the GOP, or the Dems nominate someone even more distasteful to me than the Hildabeast, I am most likely going to vote for a Dem come November 2016.

bigguy30498 reads

Wow you are a true GOP supporter.

Thanks for the laughs!

Posted By: nuguy46
tried working with Repubs instead of ignoring them and going directly to using Exec orders? Didn't all previous Pres work together to pass laws? Do we really want all future presidents to ignore the other side and try to be the 'best King' ever in the US?

bigguy30538 reads

The bottom line they are full of shit and are really fighting each other with in their own party.

So guess who they will keep blaming to take the heat off themselves?

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 12:51:56 PM

followme469 reads

Now go back in the corner and pout

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and house

BTW Kit and Lisa Ann are two different people.

bigguy30364 reads

So followdumbass me you are sending a story from a Conservative Media hack?

Thanks again for the laughs and also last year story!

Posted By: followme
Now go back in the corner and pout  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and house  
 BTW Kit and Lisa Ann are two different people.

followme471 reads

Awwwwww I made little girlieboy30 cry again.

yes numb-nuts the article was last year (8 months old) the point is that the fuckup-in-chief has been not been working with congress for a long time.

 The last time he worked with congress was his first two years in office, when his side had the majority (you know the two year long threesome with obama, harry and nancy), and all he did was fuck-up the health care system much worse than it already was. Well OK that was not his only fuck-up but it was one of the biggest.


Now go back in the corner and cry and pout  

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, House and Senate

BTW That sure was a great comment by January

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 7:09:08 PM

bigguy30630 reads

The more you talk two things are really clear!

You are really crazy and you don't know anything! LOL

So I will let you get back to taking your medication clown!

Posted By: followme
Awwwwww I made little girlieboy30 cry again.  
 yes numb-nuts the article was last year (8 months old) the point is that the fuckup-in-chief has been not been working with congress for a long time.  
  The last time he worked with congress was his first two years in office, when his side had the majority (you know the two year long threesome with obama, harry and nancy), and all he did was fuck-up the health care system much worse than it already was. Well OK that was not his only fuck-up but it was one of the biggest.  
 Now go back in the corner and cry and pout  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH, House and Senate  
 BTW That sure was a great comment by January

-- Modified on 3/2/2015 10:49:51 AM

...since Grover Cleveland.  Compared to the previous "Kings," Obama is a lady in waiting.

But don't let the facts get in your way, nuguy.  Nice to have you back though.  Stick around through the 2016 election and then you can run away and hide again like you did after 2012.  I loved seeing you and the other cowardly Republican rats desert the sinking GOP ship.  LOL!

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 1:46:42 PM

I would like to hear NuGuy's response to this. When you combine all the Executive orders issued by U.S. presidents, Republican Presidents lead Democrat Presidents overall by a 3 to 1 or more count.

Using BP's own data. . . I just added them up. I'm probably off by a couple of years and several months due to deaths in office but I came up with total Executive Orders of 8167 for Democrats in 80 years vs. 8052 for Republicans in 94 years.

MVB - 2.5 X 5yrs = 12.5 EOs
JKP  - 4.5 X 4yrs = 18 EOs
FP    - 8.8 X 5yrs = 44 EOs
JB    - 4 X 4yrs = 16 EOs
GC   - 28.3 X 4yrs = 113.2 EOs
GC   - 35 X 4yrs = 140 EOs
WW  - 225.4 X 8yrs = 1803.2 EOs
FDR  - 290.6 X 13yrs = 3777.8 EOs
HST  - 116.6 X 7yrs = 816.2 EOs
JFK   - 75.4 X 3yrs = 226.2 EOs
LBJ   - 62.9 X 5yrs = 314.5 EOs
JC     - 80 X 4yrs = 320 EOs
BC    - 45.5 X 8yrs = 364 EOs
BHO  - 33.6 X 6yrs = 201.6 EOs
Total Democrat EOs = 8167.2 in 80 years

AL      - 11.7 X 5yrs = 58.5 EOs
USG   - 27.1 X 8yrs = 216.8 EOs
RBH   - 23 X 4yrs = 92 EOs
JG      - 10.9 X 1yrs = 10.9 EOs
CAA   - 27.8 X 4yrs = 111.2 EOs
BH     - 35.8 X 4yrs = 143.2 EOs
WM    - 40.8 X 4yrs = 163.2 EOs
TR     - 144.7 X 8yrs = 1157.6 EOs
WHT  - 181 X 5yrs = 905 EOs
WGH  - 216.6 X 3yrs = 649.8 EOs
CC     - 215.2 X 7yrs = 1506.4 EOs
HH     - 242 X 5yrs = 1210 EOs
DE     - 60.5 X 8yrs = 484 EOs
RN     - 62.3 X 7yrs = 436.1 EOs
GF      - 69 X 1yrs = 69 EOs
RR      - 47.6 X 8yrs = 380.8 EOs
GHWB - 41.5 X 4yrs = 166 EOs
GWB   - 36.4 X 8yrs = 291.2 EOs
Total Republican EOs = 8051.7 in 94 year

RaymondDonovan532 reads

What a useless piece of crap post. don't mean shit. And I like my list better...oh and you can still thank me later

He claimed Republican Presidents issued THREE TIMES as many Executive Orders as did Republican Presidents. It clearly was about equal (according to BP's source.)  

But I do understand that posts proving you guys wrong would not have any respected place in your world as it reflects directly on your honesty and character.

BTW, if you like your list better then why do you quite mine when yours contradicts mine (well, not mine. it's actually BP's list?

According to your list, FDR did not have over 3700 but instead had only 3522. I would tend to believe your numbers more since I had to calculate my totals and I chose not to take the time to figure out the exact fractional years. Still, according to your data the totals are: Republicans = 7122  vs Democrats = 7981, showing an even greater disparity than my calculations.

Thanks, for the data. But as pointed out earlier by FM and others, it's not the numbers that are most important. It is the content and the net effective positives and negatives brought about.

-- Modified on 3/2/2015 12:31:00 AM

comparing Obama's numbers against Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon's I imagine Nuguy doesn't want to see that. GW still has Obama beat, though he might get close by the end of his term, but definitely not worthy of someone saying he's acting like a king.

GaGambler505 reads

I mean if we are going to be completely honest here, BOTH nuguy and bigguy are blithering idiots who should be nothing but comic relief here.

I don't take anything that either of them say seriously, nor should anyone else, from EITHER side of the aisle.

Come on Matt, admit it. Don't you feel it weakens any argument you might make when fatgirl chimes in agreeing with you? I know I hate it when a right wing troll like Nugay takes my side in debating an issue. I feel like if an idiot like him actually agrees with me, maybe I  need to reconsider my position. lol

followme557 reads

Whether it is executive orders, actions, memorandum or what ever it is called the amount is not the important issue,  it is the content and it is an indisputable fact that the ones issued by obama are by far more destructive, damaging, harmful to the country and the poeple than all the other presidents together.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

simply calling a Secretary or Director into his office and tells them to write a memo.

Kings used to hand down edicts by verbal decree. You can attempt to "decree" that Obama's verbal orders aren't part of the problem. Just remember, the worst lies people tell are ones they tell themselves.

nuguy46590 reads

lagrantly ignoring laws is something few Presidents did...their EO had to do with establishing commissions, etc...just fluff...the "King" on the other hand is stocking it in the face of ALL citizens by his proclamations that are not only costing States money, but also leaving the country in a lawlessness position in many respects.  A country without laws soon ceases to be a country.  
Why turn this place into little Mexico where drug cartels and criminals rule the roost?  The legacy od Obama will not be good.

Timbow453 reads

Posted By: mattradd
Ever regarding Republican Presidents!  ;)
-- Modified on 3/2/2015 12:26:44 PM

Reagan's EO was merely a change to the timing and enforcement of amnesty that Congress had already passed.

In today's case, the majority of Congress saw the mistakes of 1980's amnesty without proper enforcement and has refused to pass another amnesty. Unlike Reagan, Obama is going against the wishes of a majority in Congress.

bigguy30540 reads

The problem is congress is a joke!

Posted By: ed2000
Reagan's EO was merely a change to the timing and enforcement of amnesty that Congress had already passed.  
 In today's case, the majority of Congress saw the mistakes of 1980's amnesty without proper enforcement and has refused to pass another amnesty. Unlike Reagan, Obama is going against the wishes of a majority in Congress.
-- Modified on 3/2/2015 8:45:38 PM

It's called voting. Just 4 short months ago The American people spoke and a majority of Congressional Districts and States disagreed with you (by majority numbers not seen for several decades). Indeed the majority want immigration reform, just not your version.

bigguy30546 reads

Posted By: nuguy46
 flagrantly ignoring laws is something few Presidents did...their EO had to do with establishing commissions, etc...just fluff...the "King" on the other hand is stocking it in the face of ALL citizens by his proclamations that are not only costing States money, but also leaving the country in a lawlessness position in many respects.  A country without laws soon ceases to be a country.  
 Why turn this place into little Mexico where drug cartels and criminals rule the roost?  The legacy od Obama will not be good..  

Is it the size of the rocks that matter? Does it make a difference if it's 1 boulder and 10 pebbles?

I won't hold my breath waiting for you to make the connection.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...since Grover Cleveland.  Compared to the previous "Kings," Obama is a lady in waiting.

But don't let the facts get in your way, nuguy.  Nice to have you back though.  Stick around through the 2016 election and then you can run away and hide again like you did after 2012.  I loved seeing you and the other cowardly Republican rats desert the sinking GOP ship.  LOL!

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 1:46:42 PM

But if people insist on counting the numbers then they should do it correctly.

You mean like he tried to do endlessly for the first 6 years of his presidency, only to have Republican filibuster EVERYFUCKINGTHING, even proposals they agreed with? What other President has had to put up with the endless disrespect that Obama has? What other President had to put up with the other side screaming "YOU LIE!" during the fucking State of the Union?

How can you work with the other side when they're so busy being obstructionist shitheads that they can't even fund fucking Homeland Security, a department of government that was created by Dubya?

What would be good enough for these shitheads? Obama signing an executive order that gives the powers of the Presidency to some ignorant buck-toothed shithead who lives in a fly over state?

nuguy46562 reads

it's called LEADERSHIP. Apparently a word the Dems and Obama do not understand. He's an Amateur and demonstrates it every day. Unfortunately he also understands there are enough people in the country to vote for him if he gives away enough stuff......a sad commentary when it pays to be illegal and get taxes back--- even tho you didn't live in the country and were never a citizen......wow...what logic!

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