Politics and Religion

The 2010 Census - Observations
St. Croix 3943 reads
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I should say observations from my 24 year old son. My son decided to earn a little extra spending money during his college break doing the 2010 Census. Last night he comes home and says, "Dad, I have done this for 3 weeks, knocked on over a 100 doors, and have come to the following conclusion."

He proceeded to tell me that he has a new found respect for immigrants. He said, "every Indian, Iranian, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hispanic were absolutely thrilled to see me. Considering most were not citizens, but here legally, they really appreciated the fact that they could participate in the 2010 Census. Some even wanted to invite me into their home and offer a drink or food." I said, that's great son. "Not so fast Dad, he said. There is one group that is obnoxious, annoying, full of anger, and wouldn't give me the time of day. Dad, I really can't stand white woman in the 40 - 60 age range. They would snap at me from the door or window. They would yell that they just mailed in the census, or that I was bothering them, or they didn't have the time, or they would just flat out refuse to provide the information. Why are they so pissed off?"

There was a part of me that wanted to tell him of this group of guys on TER that are probably married to these women, and why we meet in secret. Instead I just kept my mouth shut.

OSP 26 Reviews 1174 reads
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Just another ploy by an over-invasive government to see what will be needed to provide for the 'skaters' amungst us.

BreakerMorant 815 reads
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lots, the good ones are taken, and the open spots

St. Croix 1264 reads
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"No Shit Sherlock". But that would have been bad parenting. I just had to turn around and laugh. My son didn't tell me the percentage of these white woman that were divorced, but it has to be over 75%. I wonder why. But in a small way, it does reaffirm what our country is all about, and here you have immigrants that are absolutely thrilled to be here, and will do whatever to be part of the process.

BreakerMorant 1002 reads
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immigrant to this country is grateful to bask under the light of freedom our country provides. For this opportunity for freedom, many immigrants turned Americans are willing to sacrifice themselves on the field of battle or found a company that will continue our nation's economic prominence. Here in Silicon Valley, are scores of companies whose owners have surnames such as Singh, Wang, Vishu, Garcia, Kim, Marquez et al. Stanford has a new $350 million Engineering building and will be named "Wang", because he paid for the whole damned project.

741512th 34 Reviews 1459 reads
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Apparently not a big believer in the Constitution.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

mattradd 40 Reviews 1255 reads
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of us trust our government, because they know really repression, oppression, and limited legal and civil rights.

ed2000 31 Reviews 826 reads
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The government is to perform an actual count of the population. The Census Bureau now goes well beyond the simple counting of people, asking all sorts of questions that are not mandated by the Constitution.

St. Croix 1396 reads
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All they ask is name, gender, DOB, race, and whether you own or rent. They used to ask a helluva lot more questions in previous census. You give a lot more info for your drivers license, passport, or bank.

ed2000 31 Reviews 1054 reads
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The most objectionable question on it is asking about one's race.

There is also a longer form that a subset of households receive. It used to be called the long form which now it is claimed is no longer used but instead only the name was changed to the American Community Survey.


It is also mandatory.

In 1990 I received the older long form and complied. Afterward, I was selected to participate in a third subset of households. Census workers called on me quarterly and then monthly for three years. The questions delved into areas mostly relating to finances, how I saved money and how I spent money.

Eventually I refused to continue. At that point they offered to pay me to continue. I agreed out of curiosity. After I later notified them of my intentions to quit they pleaded with me and at one point threatened me. They then increased my payment as an incentive to continue. Toward the end I was receiving $50 per question session.

St. Croix 666 reads
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I do remember in earlier censuses they asked for data like income levels. Although responding to the census is a federally mandated law, I am sure you can refuse to answer a specific question, or just refuse to participate in the whole process. What is the worse that can happen? I guess they could overwhelm you with more visits from census takers. Just continue to say no if you find it objectionable, and no doubt there will a segment of society that will find it objectionable.

ed2000 31 Reviews 1569 reads
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And my original point was that we are only constitutionally required to stand still long enough to be counted.

BTW, I'm sure there are still ongoing voluntary or paid programs as in the past.

ps. I sent in my short form this decade sans one answer.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2281 reads
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I had both forms. On the short form, where they asked for race, and there was a list of about 12 categories that were listed as 'race', I made a comment in the margin that there were only 3 races, Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. All the others were ethnic groups, and Hispanic, native American, and Italian were definitely not races. Received a reply from the regional director that basically said to mind my own fucking business, and do not mark up any future government forms.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 962 reads
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Every American will argue that they have the best country, best democracy, and best of everything but when it comes to trusting the government they have elected democratically, they don't. Why?

Immigrants should have more mistrust. Look at it this way, Singh's, Wang's, Lee, Ngyuens are a lot less than Smith's, Carter's, Jones, etc., so, it is lot easier to cull information from census data.

It is against Federal Law to freely share information between agencies. They don't. The exception if one is under investigation for criminal offense, even then they have to show probable cause.

As a democracy, which holds regular elections, we as citizens have the ability to elect a government we can trust. Ahha, for that, we will have to use few brain cells to critical thinking, refuse to be led around by nose rings, set aside selfishness and start thinking about the country holistically.

Chances of that happening in today's greedy, selfish,victimizing, crucifying, me first culture = Zero

I did fill out and mail. I bet if, there was question about ones religion, all those claiming to be pseudo christians would have sent it in. I said pseudo christians because, the Christianity practiced today has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and his teachings and has everything to do with Paul who created christianity in the name of Jesus for his own benefit and the Paul's teachings continue in every denomination today.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1045 reads
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Paul's teachings are infected with Platonistic thought, and hence are not from a world view Jesus would have had. But, if it wasn't for him the only Christians their would be would be Jewish Christians. Who knows? Perhaps that's the way it should be. I guess we'll just have to wait for the answer to that mystery, amongst many others.

BreakerMorant 1379 reads
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you said, it appears the only benefit Paul received was a beatin'. Could call, buddy. I believe in the beginning of Acts, "Christianity" is known as the "Way". Which is the term I perfer. The word "Christian" had not been invented.

I myself don't believe in Churchanity.

BreakerMorant 732 reads
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to learn from Jewish scholars. Who at that time around 1200 BC had such a high degree of status that to be considered a Hebrew was a stature of the highest honor.

mattradd 40 Reviews 954 reads
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What I was talking about was the Christian Theology that idealizes the spirit, and denigrates the flesh or body, has it's roots in Plato. And, it's not something the Jesus would have considered. Probably why his was so high on reemphasizing the Hebrew laws regarding social justice. Oops!!! I hope Glenn Beck didn't hear me say that. lol

Makwa 18 Reviews 551 reads
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Then you have committed a federal crime!

Makwa 18 Reviews 1414 reads
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Their is NO long form!

ed2000 31 Reviews 759 reads
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you might have recognized this. They changed the name to "American Community Survey".


It is also mandatory.

-- Modified on 5/22/2010 9:22:59 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 596 reads
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What you are talking about is what Pual wrote. You have to go beyond that and some research.

Self learning and research is the best solution instead of engaging in he said, she said, you are wrong, I am right or I am going to heaven and you are going to hell juvenile argument.

mookie58 18 Reviews 776 reads
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A Census guy came by house the other day and we visited for a couple of minutes. He told me that the Government came up with these hand-held scanners, kind of like what Fedex uses, to upload all the required information at a cost of about half a billion dollars.
They don't work.......

741512th 34 Reviews 781 reads
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. . . in such Manner as they (Congress) shall by Law direct."

This means that it was not set by the Constitution as a rigid, defined, simplistic counting of heads.  The manner of gathering information and the type of information to be gathered is left up to each Congress.

741512th 34 Reviews 878 reads
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There are no contemporary references to this "Jesus" person.  The only such reference by Flavius Josephus is an obvious forgery added centuries later.  

Isn't it odd that, besides the supposed rising from the dead, raising the dead, creating matter from nothing (loaves and fishes), etc., that someone condemned to death for disorderly conduct is offered a pardon by the military governor - and turns it down - and there is not one contemporary reference to this event?  There are contemporary references to the winner of the village farting contest!

[the gospels are not contemporary references.  They were written a minimum of one century after the deaths of their illiterate supposed authors.]

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