Politics and Religion

Thats not what the science says.
followme 2784 reads
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ell I should not be surprised, the fuckup-in-chief is as usual blaming others for his fuckups.  


1/20/17 cannot get here soon enough

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 598 reads
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...after 6 years, Obama has had plenty of time to make his mark and change the downward spiraling course set by the Bush administration. But instead of reversing the trend towards an Imperial Presidency, he's pretty much completed the process, and  cost us much of the respect the world still had for the USA.

So who do we blame for this?
The answer is, We the People, are responsible for allowing the caliber of our elected officials to drop so far down into the gutter.
With voter turnouts as low as 8% in major elections, We the People, are responsible for not caring enough.
We the People, have turned our sight away from the rampant corruption that bleeds our country dry.
We the People, have to own up to OUR responsibility to insure we put the best most qualified people in office.

Of course, I don't expect anyone to do a fucking thing to change the course of our country. We'll point  fingers and wring our hands, the Left will blame the Right, the Right will blame the Left, and of course, most everyone will blame the Jew.
Those who truly DO have the ability and are in a position to do something, are far too self-serving to sacrifice anything, and those who WOULD do something, are powerless to act.

 What Hath the People Wrought?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 574 reads
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Dubya bought the neo-con position, hook, line, and sinker, that the best solution for the Middle East was to overthrow all the dictators there. He ignored the region's history, and the clumsy cobbling together of nations there by the British after WW1, and said we would be welcomed as heroes. Iraq descended into a civil war during our occupation, and that civil war continues to this day. None of this would be happening in Iraq right now if George W. Bush hadn't LIED the country into a war of choice. Blaming Obama for not being good enough to clean up the shit storm that fucking idiot left doesn't fly. What the fuck was he supposed to do? Continue the occupy that piece of shit country? He asked for authorization from Congress to go after ISIL in Syria. Congress punted. What the fuck did you expect him to do? Wave a magic wand and make it all better? Should we have occupied three countries instead of two while going through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression? What the fuck do you expect him to do?

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 488 reads
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that we can drop food and water on a mountain top, on the other side of the world.  And people were left on their roof tops begging in the USA during Katrina

JackDunphy 463 reads
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where 12 year olds erase his "line in the sand" and kick sand in his face just before Barry runs away to find "safer" sand...on the golf course.

He is completely out of answers on the home front and abroad. The deterioration in American power, leadership and influence are both stunning and frightening at the same time.

JackDunphy 554 reads
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They defied that order and were "begging" due to their own negligence, not due to any local or federal govt lack of response.  

And as far as I know, every damn one of them was rescued, were they not?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 562 reads
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Obama asks Congress to delay Syria vote, give diplomacy a chance to work
By Stephen Dinan and Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 10, 2013

President Obama and his Western allies faced off against Russia on the international stage Tuesday, battling over how exactly to force Syria to turn over its chemical weapons, even as the president pleaded with Congress to give him time to see the diplomatic efforts through.

In an address to the nation Tuesday night, Mr. Obama said he still favors a missile strike against Syria as punishment for a chemical weapons attack. But he said he wants to wait to for the international community to work its will.

Obama wasn't airdropped from another planet in the White House. HE RAN for POTUS claiming he knew what needed to be done. The FACT that he's failing is his own fucking fault

salonpas 496 reads
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..........It started under Bush and has proceeded under Obama. G..W Bush's invasion of Iraq has set off events in the Middle East that will have very negative consequences for the World for a very long time.

Posted By: JackDunphy
where 12 year olds erase his "line in the sand" and kick sand in his face just before Barry runs away to find "safer" sand...on the golf course.  
 He is completely out of answers on the home front and abroad. The deterioration in American power, leadership and influence are both stunning and frightening at the same time.

mattradd 40 Reviews 441 reads
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I've not heard any of the neocons who are criticizing Obama, now, answering them. Who about those here?   ;)

-- Modified on 8/12/2014 2:40:41 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 372 reads
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Why? We should stay put, and let whomever is fighting fight it out. Overtime, fighting will stop one way or another. Is there an immediate direct threat against us? Thnk not.

613spades 5 Reviews 441 reads
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we believe that we can fix a broken country that is historically unstable and wont change without genocide. Its stupid to think that any amount of money or a large peace keeping force will change it.  

Posted By: mattradd
I've not heard any of the neocons who are criticizing Obama, now, answering them. Who about those here?   ;)

-- Modified on 8/12/2014 2:40:41 PM

GaGambler 575 reads
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and I had enough sense to get out of the path of a fucking hurricane.

BTW getting out of town when you are homeless is easy. Less to pack. lol

For the record, it wasn't the poor or homeless who had a problem getting out of town when Katrina hit. It was the stupid and the stubborn that were the bulk of the casualties. Try living in the bayou for a while, then you MIGHT have an idea what I am talking about. Anyone who has never lived south of I 10, doesn't have a clue as to the mentality of a "Coonass"

salonpas 551 reads
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........with a Cat 5 Hurricane bearing down on it. The Super Dome, the shelter of last resort, had a maximum capacity of 9,000 sleeping cots, but later swelled to a population of 20,000 and we all know how that ended up

mattradd 40 Reviews 349 reads
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"It's stupid," and arrogant!

JackDunphy 418 reads
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The CAT 5 bearing down on them with almost a weeks notice makes my case for me. Even the local authorities said those people CHOSE to stay.  

Stop rewriting history salon. Makes you look silly and you are making excuses for those people. They put NUMEROUS other peoples lives at risk with their asinine bravado and greatly hampered the relief getting to the other needy people.

Now I am NOT saying that the feds, state and city officials acted properly. They didnt. Not by a long shot. But the residents were also a MAJOR part of the problem.

613spades 5 Reviews 563 reads
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They both want to tell EVERY ONE how to live and can't understand why it doesn't work. They just try again.  
     That said I do feel sorry for the common people in countries like Iraq, who mostly just want their children to grow up and have a chance to raise families. After decades of suppression and being treated as disposable objects I can understand why they don't fight for their country, fight these militant groups that are by and large such a tiny part of the population.  
      I can tell you right now some of the early images of Iraqi army soldiers laying down their weapons when ISIS rebels first appeared and them being rounded up and executed was heart breaking but not surprising. I couldn't imagine it happening to a US military group, I would bet almost every last one would die shooting. But they are a beaten people. Fixing it can't happen from the outside, they need a leader who can fight for their freedom, earn it and give them back their self respect. And then rule with compassion and fairness, something I am not certain any Sunni or Shia can do in consideration of the other religious sect. We can't fix it for them but our presidents have been saying they can for 20+ years. The idea that their is an answer short of genocide of one of the competing religious groups will be almost impossible.  

Posted By: mattradd
"It's stupid," and arrogant!

salonpas 474 reads
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Typical response from someone completely clueless about the plight of poor people. Yes, they do have some blame for not planning an exit strategy but when you have very little or no money where do you go?

I doubt you have lived, much less been to a black neighborhood in New Orleans or anywhere else. Have you lived or been to a black neighborhood in New Orleans and know for a fact that ALL the houses have cable and A/C? Or are you spewing the typical BS from FoxNews.  

Most of the homes you speak of are section 8 Housing and rented by people supported by various Government assistance programs. FYI, most people who are dirt poor rarely have more than a few dollars at a given time

followme 442 reads
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I use to go out to LOOP often.  (pre Katrina) I've not been there for a while but I'm sure the people are the same. They are Good, decent hard working people.  

Thank You  
2014 = 28  

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 8:19:59 AM

JackDunphy 480 reads
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They actually did a study and spoke to people who stayed. It wasn't b/c as you say, they were powerless to leave.  

The main reasons they give were communitarian reasons and their belief in God. No mention at all about lack of money, transportation, place to stay, etc

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 428 reads
22 / 22

The mayor of Chocolate City did'nt do shit to help his own people

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