Politics and Religion

Kaiser Poll Sounds Death Knell for Ryan Mitt-Bott and
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 2313 reads

I will pronounce them dead on election night, after I see an isoelectric EKG, a 0 GCS (Glascow Coma Scale), 4 eyes fixed and dilated.  No doubt the GOP here can scout up the embalming fluid, and I'll guide you to getting it into the femoral artery. The mnemonic is NAVEL from lateral to medial. Fetch some embalming fluid (mix up 60% methanol, 30% formaldehyde and 10% H2O and you'll be just fine.

I also just watched Mitt-Bott in Carolina at the direction of his pupeteers bold face lie on the "$750 billion Medicare Reduction Obama myth", when Romney and his handler Eric Ferhrnstrom or Fehrnie as the Romnoids like to call him.  I carefully explained this had nothing to do with Obama whatsoever, and has to do with Congress engineering SGR 2012 which started as SGR 1997 15 years ago when Obama was in the Illinois Senate far from the oval office.

That ax that hangs over health care providers every year and is always taken away by Congress at the  last possible second as it WAS last year and will be at the end of this year, cuts Medicare provider fees not Medicare coverage for the patient and this year it would have been 31.2% if not for the "doc fix" which will loom it's head on 12/31/12.  Not to mention that the same cut to providers is in Paul Ryan's budget without doing a thing to reduce the debt (and tax breaks to the rich raise the debt 4 trillion or so) as now even the dimmest GOP bulbs here have seen because even Fox is pointing it out--well Brit Hume is, but not the shitferbrains asshololes on "Fox and Friends."

The Republican ticket’s big Medicare myth

And I have a cartoon for GG because I know he's a fan of AJC's Mike Lucovitch the political cartoonist. :D
Five Takeaways from the Kaiser Tracking Poll

Want to know how seniors feel about President Obama’s health policies? Have a question about whether Obamacare will ever get more popular? You, Wonkblog reader, are in luck: the Kaiser Family Foundation is out with its monthly health care tracking poll. It’s full of data on how voters are feeling about health care issues heading into November. Here are the five key takeaways:

1. Medicare is the key health care issue for the election – not the Affordable Care Act. Seventy-three percent of those Kaiser surveyed said Medicare would be “extremely” or “very” important issue in their vote. The Affordable Care Act, that number stands at 59 percent.

All this polling, it’s worth noting, happened before Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential pick launched us into a week of heated Medicare debate. It’s actually been true for months now: When Kaiser asked the same question back in February, the answers looked nearly identical.

2. When it comes to the health care law, seniors are – just barely – on Obama’s sign.
A plurality of those over 65 thought Obama was more likely to make the right decisions on the health law’s future than his opponent. That’s a bit surprising, given that they tend to have less favorable ratings of the Affordable Care Act than other demographics. This was, however, lower than other demographics: those under 65 tended to have slightly more trust in the president’s direction.

This actually aligns pretty nicely with other polling we have on seniors and the health care law. They tend to be just a bit more skeptical of the health law, but not by much. Thirty-seven percent of seniors had a favorable opinion of the law in a July poll from Kaiser, compared to 39 percent of younger voters.

Forty-nine percent of seniors surveyed by Kaiser in July had an unfavorable opinion of the law, compared to 43 percent of younger Americans.

3. That could have something to do with this graph: Most voters have a better sense of where Obama is headed on health care. One of the biggest gaps that shows up in all of Kaiser’s polling is on this question, about whether voters have a good sense of what policies each candidate is proposing.

3. People are learning more about the parts of the Affordable Care Act that have gotten a lot of attention. Kaiser polls regularly ask about the favorability of various provisions in the health care law – and whether people know they’re actually in the law. Reliably, they find a gap:

That gap appears, however, to be shrinking on certain provisions. It’s especially dramatic when you look at the percent who know about the health care law eliminating cost-sharing for preventive health services. The number has spiked in the past year:

4. The flip side: People are forgetting about the parts of the law that haven’t started yet. Eliminating co-pays for preventive care is pretty small potatoes compared to the law’s insurance expansion. That’s pretty much the whole thrust of the law. It does not start until 2014 though, and some people seem to be forgetting that’s what will happen:

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 1:20:19 PM

GaGambler234 reads

Just in it's first few years after it's enacted. That is a FACT and reason enough for me to vote for Romney,  a candidate that I can't muster up a lot of enthusiasm for. but IMO Obama is bad for the economy, bad for business and most importantly bad for ME.

The only color I care about here is green, I hated socialized medicine when Hillary tried it, I don't like it at the state level, and I certainly don't like it shoved down my throat.

And I as tried to explain to AF, it WILL cost jobs. I have shelved indefinitely, plans that I had to hire a couple of dozen employees, mainly due to Obamacare and the impact it has to me as an employer.

I don't care about all the shrill histrionics that will certainly come from the left about how Obama care won't cost me anything, I have run the numbers for me and my company and have determined that hiring new employees is not in the best interest of my company, due in large to the costs of Obamacare.

I can only speak for myself, but I am willing to bet that there are thousands of other business owners that are doing the same math as I have done, and come up with the same conclusions. They will vote with their wallets as well, both at the ballot box and by the business decisions they make.

Priapus53207 reads

I find my subject heading ironic, because, politically speaking, I have much more in commom with you than GaG ( who I frequently disagree with ) but, you are SO fucking SHRILL & PROLIFIC that you are driving me ( & 99 %of the board ) UP
THE FUCKING WALL ! Give it a rest already !

As for "Obamacare", it seems obvious that U.S. healthcare system was in desperate need of revamping, but, in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the depression, it was disastrously timed.

I've tried and tried to show him how to play nice around here. But it just isn't working.

I think I've finally figured out his problem.

1) Laffy isn't the brightest bult in the pack.
2) Laffy has the emotional maturity of a newt.

I think one more idiotic and childish post like that, and I'm gonna call it quits and block him.

...was linking health care to people's jobs. It's an idea whose time has long ago passed. Had we gotten the public option or single payer, businesses wouldn't have to worry about it.

It seems utterly absurd that any business should have to concern themselves with it. And why in the hell should workers have to go to their boss to get fucking health care? It doesn't make any sense at all.

The only time a business and their employee should deal with health care is if their health is directly related, such as worker's comp or something like that. Otherwise, it's just stupid.

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 11:32:07 AM

Posted By: GaGambler
Just in it's first few years after it's enacted. That is a FACT and reason enough for me to vote for Romney,  a candidate that I can't muster up a lot of enthusiasm for. but IMO Obama is bad for the economy, bad for business and most importantly bad for ME.

The only color I care about here is green, I hated socialized medicine when Hillary tried it, I don't like it at the state level, and I certainly don't like it shoved down my throat.

And I as tried to explain to AF, it WILL cost jobs. I have shelved indefinitely, plans that I had to hire a couple of dozen employees, mainly due to Obamacare and the impact it has to me as an employer.

I don't care about all the shrill histrionics that will certainly come from the left about how Obama care won't cost me anything, I have run the numbers for me and my company and have determined that hiring new employees is not in the best interest of my company, due in large to the costs of Obamacare.

I can only speak for myself, but I am willing to bet that there are thousands of other business owners that are doing the same math as I have done, and come up with the same conclusions. They will vote with their wallets as well, both at the ballot box and by the business decisions they make.

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 5:12:07 PM

You shd save money as SB per ACA up to 50 employees...


5. Small businesses that have fewer than 10 employees, average wages beneath $25,000, and that provide insurance for their workers will get a 50 percent tax credit on their contribution. The tax credit reaches up to small businesses with up to 50 employees and average wages of $50,000, though it gets smaller as the business get bigger and richer. The credit lasts for two years, though many think Congress will be pressured to extend it, which would raise the long-term cost of the legislation.

You should save money up to 50 employees for your company.

I'm going to try to hone in on that Fran a couple sites that analyze ACA and its impact on your business.
Some might depend still on what states where your employees are & HHS thrash out in next year.

Congress approves more tax credits and balloons the budget.

smoke meet mirror.

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