Politics and Religion

That's a great idea, I'll research that
The Moose 26 Reviews 1921 reads

LOL...Actually, I won't..

But, for your electoral pleasure, here's all kind of data from the 2008 presidential election..

who said:

"a target to your back and asking the firing squad if you're close enough. In an article on former President George W. Bush moving to Dallas in D Magazine, he wrote: "If you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with (U.S. House speaker) Nancy Pelosi, (U.S. Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."

Any U.S. soldier? What's amazing: Having grown up in Northern Ireland, you'd think Feherty would be especially unlikely see political-motivated murders as comedic fodder.


I know some liberals say mean things, but whenever someone on the right gets angry, he (or she) often goes with the physical threat rhetorical blasts....

It's baffling as to why this SOB hasn't been arrested yet by the Secret Service or FBI....

Wanda Sykes too?  After all, she made threatening remarks about a popular name in Republican circles.

This is all nonsense.  Why must every comment by every person be so scrutinized?

Feherty has a big mouth and loves to hear himself talk.  So why does the media oblige him by giving such coverage to his stupid remarks?

RightwingUnderground2424 reads

I know it’s difficult for you to believe that.I don’t know everything, LOL.

I believe that you totally understood my previous post and complaint. So therefore I can only conclude that you are being disingenuous here. My complaint was not about Wanda Sykes and her “joke”. I wasn’t critical of her at all. So there’s no double standard on my part.

My complaint was about how Obama embraced the line and clearly thought it was funny. Even if he thought it was funny, it’s part of the job of the President of the United States to control himself in public, especially when the lights are on and the cameras are running. Regardless that it’s at a roast. When some lines are crossed, there are some people that are expected to not follow. The POTUS is at the top of that list. Are you suggesting that I’m also one of those people? LOL.

I agree that Feherty's joke was over the top for publication. What is “D Magazine” anyway? Dallas, I’m guessing? Anyway, that’s a bar room joke and belongs there. It’s actually funny, because there’s a strong element of truth in it. Take a poll of the military and see for yourself.

And for the record, if Obama or any person in a leadership role laughed at this joke in public, I’d be just as outraged. Nice try though.

I don't know the break-down of the actual military vote from election day, but if you look at the (military) contributions from last year, it probably wasn't as lopsided as you might think...

"The Center for Responsive Politics, which analyzes campaign finance data, reports that a surge of donations for Mr. McCain in the final months he was able to accept campaign contributions moved him into the lead. By the end of August, Mr. McCain received $461,350 from military donors to $450,950 for Mr. Obama.

One of the interesting trends of the election was that anti-war candidates, not only Mr. Obama but also Ron Paul, were getting more support from the uniformed military than hawkish Mr. McCain. That remains the case. Mr. Obama received $340,400 from members of the uniformed service branches compared to $321,500 for Mr. McCain. Mr. Paul had taken in $213,000 from uniformed service members".

RightwingUnderground1633 reads

Certainly BHO's campaign garnered plenty of support for hope and change among many in the military. The desire for hope and change doesn't translate directly into love and affection for Pelosi and Reid.

That said that right wing threat will come out the military and you agree with them.  How do you square that with your christian values?  But being retired miltary, I will take issue with your view of the military.  I'll take a poll and career soilders would never same anything like you suggest.

RightwingUnderground2444 reads

You need to quit believing in your stereotypes. You have nothing in our history to lead you to believe that I'm a Christian.

I'll see you my poll of the military and raise you one resounding resentment of Nancy Pelosi. You're saying there's no resentment of Pelosi in the military? When did you get out?

You don't seem to be too incensed yourself over his comment that Bush would be "besieged by herds of North Dallas McMansion-dwellers, more brown-nosed and full of BS than any longhorn." which appeared in the same article you cite.

Practice hypocrisy much?

You might also try to think before you blindly copy and paste. The first line makes no sense as it is only a partial sentence and refers to Feherity himself. You also start off with quotation market implying Feherity said the whole thing when you are initially quoting from someone else. And by not including the second paragraph within the same quotation, you make it appear as if those are your words, when they are not. That's called plagarism, by the way.

But the six question marks for "Well??????" certainly serve to show you to be a man of utmost integrity and intelligence. Hats off to you.

Calling RWU out on something published in D Magazine? Who the hell even knew about this unless you read the USA Today post -- created all of two hours ago. So yes, upon seeing it now, it seems to have been stupid to put in print.

And arrested? For what? He's not advocating murdering Pelosi, but saying (or "joking" whatever) that that is what would happen in that situation. He's not telling anyone to go do it. The only thing baffling about this is your interpretation.

You know, you may have had the upper hand with RWU's over the top feigned outrage regarding the Wanda Sykes comments, but you've lost it now.

practice semantics much?

You spend too much time worrying about dotting i's , crossing t's, & focusing on 6 question marks, etc. that you got the substantive issues all wrong...

I didn't plagarize, Ann Coulter does that...Part of the paragraph was what Feherty said, & part wasn't...There was no attempt to put words into anyone's mouth...

Law is an art & NOT a science, some will say what Feherty said was harmless, some would think it's a big deal...

While Feherty's comments may have originated in D magazine, they were all over the internet, TV, past few days....USA Today was not the first place I saw the story...

BTW, I noticed you didn't respond in a thread below dealing with potential nominee's to replace David Souter....Well, you responded to first post, then ignored my reply to your answer...

The silence is deafening.....

You merely repeated your same meme in that second post as before in the first post - nothing new, so nothing to respond to.

Geez, Xia claims I always have to get the last word in and you whine when a post of yours does not get a reply from me. Maybe you two can just start posting with each other.

BTW, its hard to get "the substantive issues all wrong" when you had nothing of substance to begin with.

Or am I worrying too much about semantics again?

St. Croix1022 reads

David Feherty is going to be booted from the Masters. Now granted, Feherty's comments were a bit more extreme than Gary McCord's description of the Master's greens "cut like a bikini wax", but both of them bring a bit more color to the game. Now it's going to be even more boring listening to the likes Nantz, Lundquist, and Kostis' of the world.

Personally I wouldn't use a gun on Pelosi, Reid or Osama. I prefer the Taylor Made R9 420CC driver.

Timbow1371 reads

No I think Kethie O would like to see that happen but since he apolgized they will keep him .
Hell, David Shuster, a real idiot said Hillary  was pimping Chelesa and keep his job :)

Why should we give a rat's ass what some stupid golf idiot says?  He makes his living hitting a little white ball.  What next?  Should we ask Charles Barkley's opinion about the conflicts in the middle east?  Come on Moose, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for this.

DoctorZGonzo1501 reads

... if only for the simple reason nobody gives a shit about what a golfer says unless their names are Arnie, Jack, or Tiger. And THOSE three magnificent icons of the swinging sport of clubbing your balls had the good sense to stay out of the political bunkers and aim for the fairways instead.

Feherty is a one line trivia answer waiting to happen. Assigning him ANY credibility whatsoever makes you look silly.

And FWIW, I tend to side with you more often than not... but this time, you kinda blew it small time.

Really. Sorry Moose.

Timbow2008 reads

It's baffling as to why this SOB hasn't been arrested yet by the Secret Service or FBI....

UH because they know it is a dumb joke and will not bother wasting their time :)

GaGambler1320 reads

When even Doc Gonzo disagrees with you, you know you are barking up the wrong tree.

RightwingUnderground1561 reads

demonstrating how members of both agencies gave more to BHO than JMcC, LOL.

LOL...Actually, I won't..

But, for your electoral pleasure, here's all kind of data from the 2008 presidential election..

Stempy1938 reads

His comments are just as stupid and bad as those voiced by our Veep Joe Biden were on traveling during the recent flu outbreak: insipid, moronic and detrimental.

Both of them have a bad case of "foot in mouth" disease and would do well to keep their mouths shut.

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